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                                                                  business/technology Monday 30 March 2020
            Detroit auto show canceled, center to be used as hospital

            NEW YORK (AP) — The out-                                                                                            disappointed, there is noth-
            break  of  the  coronavirus                                                                                         ing  more  important  to  us
            has  dealt  a  shock  to  the                                                                                       than the health, safety and
            global  economy  with  un-                                                                                          well-being of the citizens of
            precedented  speed.  Fol-                                                                                           Detroit and Michigan, and
            lowing  are  developments                                                                                           we will do what we can to
            this weekend related to the                                                                                         support  our  community's
            global economy, the work                                                                                            fight  against  the  corona-
            place  and  the  spread  of                                                                                         virus  outbreak,"  said  NA-
            the virus.                                                                                                          IAS  Executive  Director  Rod
            ______                                                                                                              Alberts  in  a  statement  re-
            AUTO SHOW SCRAPPED:                                                                                                 leased late Saturday.
            The  North  American  Inter-                                                                                        The  Federal  Emergency
            national  Auto  Show  said                                                                                          Management        Agency
            that it will cancel its Detroit                                                                                     plans  to  repurpose  TCF
            show because of the coro-                                                                                           Center  into  a  temporary
            navirus pandemic and the                                                                                            field hospital, according to
            center  where  it  is  held  will                                                                                   NAIAS.  A  number  of  con-
            likely be repurposed into a                                                                                         vention  centers  and  other
            hospital.  The  Detroit  Auto                                                                                       large  facilities  are  being
            Show,  as  it  is  more  com-                                                                                       considered  as  potential
            monly known, is one of the   In a Jan. 15, 2019 file photo, signage for automakers Volkswagen, Acura, Chevrolet and Ford, at   sites  for  care  as  the  virus
            largest auto shows in North   the North American International Auto Show in Detroit.                                spreads.  NAIAS  will  hold  its
            America. It was scheduled                                                                         Associated Press.  next  annual  show  in  June
            to be held in June. Prior to  this  year,  the  auto  show  was  traditionally  held  in  January.  "Although we are  2021.q

              Meet Eric Yuan, the man who made your Zoom meetings possible

              By MICHAEL LIEDTKE                                                                                               dle this crisis. Anything else,
              AP Business Writer                                                                                               I told our team, that's just a
              If you hadn't already heard                                                                                      distraction.
              have of Zoom Video Com-                                                                                          Q: Zoom's stock has been
              munications, there is a de-                                                                                      soaring  while  most  of  the
              cent chance you've made                                                                                          market has been plunging.
              its acquaintance over the                                                                                        How  are  you  managing
              past few weeks.                                                                                                  that?
              Millions of people are now                                                                                       A:  It's  good  that  I  am  50
              working from home as part                                                                                        now. If you had asked me
              of  the  intensifying  fight                                                                                     this  question  when  I  was
              against  the  coronavirus                                                                                        25,  I  would  tell  you,  "Yes,
              outbreak. In addition to us-                                                                                     we are very excited about
              ing  the  video  conference                                                                                      the stock price!" But, now,
              for  work,  many  are  also                                                                                      seriously, I can tell you the
              tapping  it  to  hold  virtual                                                                                   truth, it don't matter. So the
              playdates for their kids and                                                                                     stock is up, it's good for our
              virtual  happy  hours  with                                                                                      investors.  If  it's  down,  we
              friends and family banned                                                                                        keep working hard. I really
              from  gathering  in  public                                                                                      do not focus on the stock
              places. The crisis has cast a                                                                                    price.
              spotlight on Zoom, a com-   In this April 18, 2019 file photo, Zoom CEO Eric Yuan attends the opening bell at Nasdaq as his   Q: Do you still see personal,
              pany  founded  nine  years   company holds its IPO in New York.                                                  physical  interaction  as  an
              ago  by  its  CEO  Eric  Yuan                                                                   Associated Press.  important element in soci-
              after  he  defected  from  providing a glimpse at how  Q: Do you think we will find  A: That is not our intention.  ety?
              Cisco  Systems  and  took  we are going to be work-     out  that  people  can  be  But  kids  are  pretty  smart,  A:  I  think  for  the  foresee-
              about  40  engineers  with  ing and living in the future?  more productive at home?  they  always  figure  out  able  future,  that's  abso-
              him. He wanted to refine a  A:  I  hope  this  crisis  can  A:  It's  too  early  to  tell  new  use  cases.  There  are  lutely right. We still haven't
              concept  he  first  dreamed  be  over  very,  very  soon,  whether  it's  more  produc-  some  very  cool  consumer  been  able  to  have  cool
              up  during  the  1990s  as  a  but  one  one  thing  I  know  tive  or  less  productive,  at  use  cases.  For  now,  I  am  features  like  a  virtual  hug
              college  student  in  China,  for  sure  is  that  companies  least for me. I am finding I  just  telling  my  team  and  that you can actually feel.
              when  he  dreaded  the  will learn this is the way to  have even more meetings,  reminding  myself  this  is  a  We talk about that, but we
              10-hour  train  trips  to  see  work.  I  am  pretty  sure  al-  and  every  day  I  miss  the  very critical time because  don't  have  that.  Or  when
              his  then-girlfriend,  now  his  most  every  company  will  launch  time,  so  I  am  also  we are in a crisis. So we are  you  drink  tea  or  coffee,
              wife.                       be  thinking  about  it  and  learning  how  to  adapt  to  focusing on two things: To  with  one  click  you  can
              Yuan, 50, recently spoke to  say,  "Hey,  maybe  working  all this working from home.  serve  our  existing  custom-  digitize a smell. Those fea-
              The  Associated  Press  dur-  from  home  makes  sense,"  Q:  Zoom  primarily  has  ers and make sure our ser-   tures will be available with
              ing  an  interview  conduct-  and maybe let every em-   been  used  by  businesses.  vice is always great quality  AR  (augmented  reality)
              ed  on  Zoom.  The  conver-  ployee  work  from  home,  Are  you  discovering  new  and is always up. The sec-   technology, but for now it's
              sation has been edited for  maybe once a week. Pre-     social  applications  now  ond  thing  is  how  can  we  too  early.  That's  why  you
              clarity and length.         viously,  a  lot  of  businesses  that people are using it to  help the local community,  have to have the personal
              Q: Are these strange times  didn't even want to try.    virtually hang out too?      like  the  K-12  schools,  han-  interactions.q
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