Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200330
P. 31

LOCAL           Monday 30 March 2020

            Message from a friend in the Netherlands

            NIJMEGEN,    NETHERLANDS  versity in Nijmegen, Nether-    until further notice, curfews  occupied but I have some
            — The generations are dif-   lands and this has been my  have  been  implemented,  friends that would rather be
            ferent  because  of  their  life  experience concerning the  and  limit  to  items  you  are  at  school  than  stay  home.
            experiences    and    each  Corona Virus so far.          allowed  to  purchase  …  I  At the moment of writing it
            have  their  own  perspec-                                mean I can’t even go out-    hasn’t been made clear as
            tive.  Aruba  Today  is  con-  Going  into  this  I  thought  it  side to play soccer with my  to  how  we  will  be  able  to
            necting  to  the  younger  was going to be chill. Stay-   friends.  Get  up  a  little  too  continue  the  school  year,
            generation  abroad  to  see  ing a couple of days inside  late and you’ll be lucky to  so it’s very troubling for stu-
            how they are experiencing  with  no  school  doesn’t  find anything to eat at the  dents. Public transportation
            the Corona crisis. Today we  sound  bad  for  a  student  store.  Even  though  some  is  advised to only be used
            have a message from Kev-     after all. I thought the virus  classes are provided online  if  completely  necessary  own  way.  I  just  hope  that
            in Iguaran, a student in the  wasn’t  going  to  be  some-  and in some cases you still  in  order  to  avoid  being  in  everyone  follows  the  rules
            Netherlands.                 thing  that  serious  but  all  have assignments to hand  crowded  areas.  And  so  a  and stays safe and healthy
                                         of  a  sudden  it  has  gotten  in, staying at home all day  lot  has  changed  over  the  so that this whole situation
            “My name is Kevin Iguaran,  much worse. Schools have  can get boring really fast.      last  few  weeks  and  it  has  can  blow  over  as  fast  as
            I am a student at HAN Uni-   been forced to close down  I  manage  to  keep  myself  impacted everyone in their  possible.” q
              Positive vibes from our beloved tourists abroad

                                                                     ORANJESTAD  —  In  these  difficult  times  we  would  like
                                                                     to reach out to our friends abroad who were supposed
                                                                     to  spend  their  tropical  vacation  on  Aruba  or  who  had
                                                                     to break up their vacation due to the COVID-19 situa-
                                                                     tion.  Aruba  Today  invited  you  to  send  us  your  picture
                                                                     and words expressing your memory of our island or your
                                                                     dream vacation for the future. Take a look at the wonder-
                                                                     ful pictures and messages we received from our readers
                                                                     these last days. Last but not least: check out our website
                                                                     and Facebook page! Thank you for supporting our free
                                                                     newspaper, we strive to make you a happy reader every
                “Sending our love.”                                  day  again  and  look  forward  to  have  you  here  with  us   “Aruba  to  me...    is  a  little
                Traci Segal                                          soon again!                                               piece of heaven! I am pray-
                                                                                                                               ing for my home away from
                “Hello!                                              Stay healthy and keep safe! q                             home  for  the  last  26  years
                                                                                                                               -  Especially  for  Caribbean
                My  husband  and  I  just  made  our  16th  visit  to  the  Island                                             Palm  Village  and  Manche-
                                                                                                                               bo Beach Resort, but for all
                from March 10- March18th. First, I hope everyone is well                                                       my special friends in Aruba
                and  will  stay  well!  During  our  visit,  the  Corona  situation                                            too. Please stay home, stay
                began to go from bad to worse, with the borders closing
                and businesses beginning to close. I just want to say I am                                                     safe,  and  know  we  will  get
                in awe of the Aruba residents..... everyone we dealt with   “Aruba to me                                       through  this  crisis!  I  can’t
                                                                                                                               wait  to  be  back  and  cel-
                continued to be the friendly, positive, loving people that   is …. the fresh                                   ebrate with you again soon!
                they are, I am honored to know them!                   seafood “DATE                                           I love Aruba.
                                                                       NIGHTS” at
                Just  wanted  to  say  we  are  thinking  of  everyone  down   Redfish.”
                there, and can’t wait to return.... Stay strong!”                                                              Most sincerely,”
                                                                       Joseph Towler                                           Gail Spink
                Bev Flood                                              Evansville,
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