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P. 28

                     Monday 30 March 2020
            In Somalia, coronavirus goes from fairy tale to nightmare

            By ABDI GULED and                                                                      roads in Somalia where the  cial networks that are now
            MOHAMED SHEIKH NOR                                                                     group operates a system of  threatened,  he  said.  The
            Associated Press                                                                       forced taxation.             warm  personal  embraces
            MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP)                                                                While  al-Shabab  leaders  must  end,  even  though
            —  At  first,  the  coronavirus                                                        recently met to discuss the  some  people  mistakenly
            was  just  a  fairy  tale,  a  ru-                                                     coronavirus  as  a  precau-  think Somalia's hot weather
            mor  along  the  dusty  lanes                                                          tion,  the  group  has  been  will defeat the virus.
            of  the  displaced  persons'                                                           hostile   to   humanitarian  And some 6 million Somalis
            camp that Habiba Ali calls                                                             workers  during  past  emer-  live  in  squalid  conditions,
            home.  It  seemed  fantasti-                                                           gencies.  Few  people  ex-   many  of  them  uprooted
            cal: an illness sweeping the                                                           pect  anything  different  by past disasters. Most are
            world far beyond Somalia's                                                             now.  "Lessons  from  previ-  acutely hungry.
            borders, killing thousands of                                                          ous  epidemics,  including  Hundreds     of   thousands
            people and sending some                                                                the  cholera  outbreak  in  cling  to  existence  on  the
            of the richest countries into                                                          2017, tell us that it's unlikely  fringes  of  Mogadishu,  their
            panic.                                                                                 they  will  allow  humanitar-  homes of corrugated met-
            Then  Somalia's  first  virus   In this photo taken Thursday, March 26, 2020, residents live in   ian  partners  access  to  ar-  al,  even  hanging  cloth,
            case  was  announced  on     crowded conditions in the Sayidka camp for internally displaced   eas  that  are  in  need,"  the  jammed  side-by-side.  Ac-
            March  16,  and  one  of  the   people in Mogadishu, Somalia.                          Somalia director for Action  cess  to  water  is  severely
            world's most fragile nations                                         Associated Press.  Against  Hunger,  Ahmed  limited.
            staggered    even    more.  of  intensive  care  that  CO-  in  part  on  another,  more  Khalif, told the AP. But "they  "It's  going  to  be  beyond
            Nearly  three  decades  of  VID-19 patients, sometimes    dangerous  authority,  the  let people seek health care  anyone's      imagination,"
            conflict,  extremist  attacks,  gasping for breath, desper-  al-Qaida-linked  al-Shabab  (elsewhere)   when   they  Khalif  said.  "A  widespread
            drought,  disease  and  a  ately need, Health Minister    extremist  group  that  con-  were overwhelmed by the  outbreak  of  the  disease
            devastating outbreak of lo-  Fawsia  Abikar  told  The  As-  trols  or  holds  sway  in  parts  numbers,  so  we  expect  a  would  be  catastrophic  to
            custs have taken a vast toll.  sociated Press. Less than 20   of the central and southern  similar reaction."       the  people  who  are  al-
            Already vulnerable, millions  beds in intensive care units   regions.    Al-Shabab  often  From  his  office  in  Moga-  ready vulnerable."
            of  Somalis  now  contem-    are available.               strikes  in  the  heart  of  the  dishu  where  desks  have  The  virus  doesn't  discrimi-
            plate a new way to die.      Somalia  also  has  lacked   capital,  with  fighters  deto-  been pushed apart for so-  nate  among  rich  or  poor,
            "We have been overcome  the capability to test for the    nating  suicide  bombs  at  cial  distancing,  Khalif  wor-  he said. Elsewhere in Mog-
            with  an  extraordinary  fear  new  virus,  meaning  sam-  checkpoints  or  infiltrating  ries along several lines.   adishu,  better-off  citizens
            about the disease," Ali said  ples  are  sent  abroad  and   offices  posing  as  employ-  Because of a lack of gov-  have rushed to stock up on
            as she worried about her six  results  delayed  for  more   ees.  Chances  for  infec-  ernance  over  the  years,  face  masks,  sanitizer  and
            children. "And we are even  than  a  week.  Quarantine    tion  also  exist  along  major  Somalis have thrived on so-  gloves.q
            avoiding  shaking  hands  tents  have  been  erect-
            with  people.  Our  fear  is  ed  around  an  old  port  in
            real, and we are helpless."  Mogadishu.  As  of  Sunday,    Uganda’s
            Even    as   mask-wearing  all  international  and  do-
            health workers entered her  mestic  flights,  except  for   Bobi Wine
            Sayidka camp in the capi-    emergency  medical  and
            tal,  Mogadishu,  to  dem-   food  cargo,  have  been       sings
            onstrate  lathering  up  with  suspended.
            soap and water, some au-     "This  is  a  disease  which   against
            thorities  shuddered.  Small  has  overwhelmed  more
            children mimicked the virus  sophisticated  health  care    virus,
            prevention measures, hap-    systems  of  countries  than
            pily  covering  their  mouths  ours,"  President  Mohamed   criticizes                Traders  sell  food  at  a  busy  market,  which  are  no  longer
            with their hands.            Abdullahi       Mohamed                                  permitted to sell any non-food items in an attempt to halt the
            Somalia  ranked  194th  of  warned in a public aware-       leaders                   spread of the new coronavirus, in Kampala, Uganda Thursday,
            195  countries  in  the  Johns  ness campaign.                                        March 26, 2020.
            Hopkins  Global  Health  Se-  A third virus case was con-                                                                    Associated Press.
            curity  Index  for  2019  and  firmed  in  recent  days.  The   By RODNEY MUHUMUZA      reported in at least 46 of  health care systems," said
            scored  zero  in  several  ar-  person  infected  is  a  con-  and PATRICK ONEN         Africa's 54 countries.     Wine. "They have invested
            eas,  including  emergency  tractor  for  the  United  Na-  Associated Press            Speaking to The Associat-  heavily  in  weapons  and
            preparedness,  emergency  tions at the heavily fortified    KAMPALA,  Uganda  (AP)  ed Press about the song,  invested  heavily  in  cur-
            response,  infection  control  compound  at  the  interna-  — Ugandan pop star and  Wine  —  a  popular  musi-     tailing  the  voices  of  the
            practices and health care  tional  airport  where  many     opposition  leader  Bobi  cian,  legislator  and  presi-  people." As the coronavi-
            access.                      diplomats  and  aid  groups    Wine,  who  released  a  dential  aspirant  whose  rus spreads across Africa,
            The  country  lacks  essen-  are based.                     song  urging  Africa's  peo-  real  name  is  Kyagulanyi  he  said,  "this  is  the  time
            tial equipment for the kind  Somalia's  fate  depends       ple  to  wash  their  hands  Ssentamu — said it is time  for  them  (the  continent's
                                                                        to stop the spread of the  for  Africa's  leaders  to  leaders) to remember that
                                                                        new coronavirus, is criticiz-  channel  more  resources  a  functional  health  care
                                                                        ing  African  governments  toward    building   func-  system is not only a bene-
                                                                        for  not  maintaining  bet-  tional health care systems  fit for the poor but also the
                                                                        ter health care systems for  that  serve  both  the  rich  rich,  because  right  now,
                                                                        the  continent's  1.3  billion  and the poor.          as we stand, they cannot
                                                                        people.  In  his  new  song,  "For a long time we have  travel abroad for medical
                                                                        "Corona Virus Alert," Wine  been calling out the gov-  care.  They  have  to  face
                                                                        and  collaborator  Nubian  ernment  of  Uganda,  like  the  same  ailing  medical
                                                                        Li  highlight  prevention  many  governments  on  care  to  deal  with  them.
                                                                        measures  against  the  vi-  the   African   continent  And this should be a mes-
                                                                        rus, which now has been  that  have  neglected  the  sage to them."q
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