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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 30 March 2020
            Germany's Merkel shines in virus crisis even as power wanes

            By DAVID RISING and GEIR  which  our  acting  togeth-     did  not  speak  of  war,"  the  ter stage over the past two  Germany  is  well-prepared
            MOULSON                      er  in  solidarity  matters  so  influential   Sueddeutsche  weeks.                    to  offer  the  massive  aid
            Associated Press             much."                       Zeitung  newspaper  wrote.  She kept that up after go-    program.  Its  health  care
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  In  her  first                                                                                     system  has  been  in  good
            address  to  the  nation  on                                                                                        enough  shape  to  be  tak-
            the coronavirus pandemic,                                                                                           ing  in  patients  from  over-
            German Chancellor Ange-                                                                                             whelmed Italy and France,
            la Merkel calmly appealed                                                                                           with intensive care beds still
            to citizens' reason and dis-                                                                                        available.
            cipline  to  slow  the  spread                                                                                      Although  Germany  has
            of  the  virus,  acknowledg-                                                                                        registered  the  third-high-
            ing as a woman who grew                                                                                             est  number  of  coronavirus
            up in communist East Ger-                                                                                           infections  in  Europe  with
            many  how  difficult  it  is  to                                                                                    57,695,  it  has  only  seen
            give up freedoms, yet as a                                                                                          433  people  die,  placing
            trained  scientist  emphasiz-                                                                                       it  sixth  in  Europe  behind
            ing that the facts don't lie.                                                                                       Italy,  Spain,  France,  Britain
            Then,  wearing  the  same                                                                                           and even the Netherlands.
            blue pantsuit from the tele-                                                                                        Italy alone has over 10,000
            vised address, the 65-year-                                                                                         dead.
            old  popped  into  her  local                                                                                       Experts  have  attributed
            supermarket  to  pick  up                                                                                           Germany's success partially
            food, wine and toilet paper                                                                                         to  widespread  and  early
            to  take  back  to  her  Berlin                                                                                     testing for the virus, among
            apartment. For her, it was a                                                                                        other things.
            regular  shopping  stop,  but                                                                                       In an  audio message Thurs-
            photos  snapped  by  some-                                                                                          day  night,  Merkel  cau-
            one  at  the  grocery  store                                                                                        tioned, however, that it was
            were  shared  worldwide  as                                                                                         far too early to declare vic-
            a  reassuring  sign  of  calm                                                                                       tory over COVID-19, saying
            leadership  amid  a  global                                                                                         "now is not the time to talk
            crisis.                                                                                                             about easing measures."
            With  the  coronavirus  out-                                                                                        No  matter  what  the  out-
            break,    Merkel  is  reassert-  German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrives for a press conference about coronavirus, in Berlin,   come  of  Germany's  virus-
            ing her traditional strengths   Sunday, March 22, 2020.                                                             fighting  efforts,  it  won't
            and putting her stamp firm-                                                                       Associated Press.  change  the  fact  that  the
            ly on domestic policy after                                                                                         Merkel era is drawing to a
            two years in which her star  With Germany largely shut-   "She  did  not  rely  on  mar-  ing into quarantine on Sun-  close.
            seemed to be fading, with  ting down public life, she al-  tial  words  or  gestures,  but  day  after  a  doctor  who  Merkel  has  never  shown
            attention  focused  on  con-  luded to her youth in com-  on  people's  reason.  ...  No-  gave  her  a  vaccination  any signs of backing off her
            stant  bickering  in  her  gov-  munist  East  Germany  as  body  knows  if  that  will  be  tested positive for the coro-  2018  vow  to  leave  politics
            erning  coalition  and  her  she spelled out the scale of  enough, but her tone will at  navirus. Since then she has  at Germany's next election,
            own party's troubled efforts  the  challenge  and  made  least  not  lead  the  people  twice  tested  negative  for  due next year.
            to find a successor.         clear  how  hard  she  found  to sink into uncertainty and  the virus herself but contin-  But  the  crisis  may  burnish
            Merkel  has  run  Germany  the  prospect  of  clamping  fear."                         ues to work from home.       her  government's  lacklus-
            for more than 14 years and  down  on  people's  move-     Merkel's  response  to  the  On  Monday,  she  led  a  ter  image  and  improve
            has over a decade's expe-    ment.                        coronavirus pandemic is still  Cabinet meeting by phone  its  chances  of  making  it
            rience of managing crises.  "For  someone  like  me,  for  very much a work in prog-   from home and then issued  through to the fall of 2021,
            She  reassured  her  compa-  whom  freedom  of  travel  ress,  but  a  poll  released  an  audio  message  setting  after persistent speculation
            triots  in  the  2008  financial  and  movement  were  a  Friday  by  ZDF  television  out a huge government re-    that it wouldn't last the full
            crisis that their savings were  hard-won  right,  such  re-  showed  89%  of  Germans  lief package to cushion the  legislative term.
            safe, led a hard-nosed but  strictions  can  only  be  justi-  thought  the  government  blow of the crisis to business   And  it  certainly  could  put
            domestically  popular  re-   fied by absolute necessity,"  was  handling  it  well.  The  —  a  format  she  said  was  her  successor  on  a  bet-
            sponse  to  the  eurozone  she said. But they were, she  poll saw Merkel strengthen  "unusual,  but  it  was  impor-  ter  footing  —though  just
            debt  crisis,  and  then  took  said,  "indispensable  at  the  her  lead  as  the  country's  tant to me."         who  that  will  be  is  also  up
            an  initially  welcoming  —  moment to save lives."       most  important  politician,  Her  vice  chancellor,  Olaf  in  the  air.  Merkel  stepped
            but divisive — approach to  The  drama  was  evident  and a strong 7% rise for her  Scholz, who is also finance  down as her party's leader
            an influx of migrants in 2015.  in  Merkel's  words,  but  the  center-right  Union  bloc  af-  minister  and  a  member  of  in 2018 but her own choice
            In the twilight of her chan-  manner  was  familiar:  Mat-  ter  months  in  which  it  was  her coalition partner Social  as  a  successor,  Annegret
            cellorship,  she  faces  her  ter-of-fact  and  calm,  rea-  weighed  down  by  ques-  Democrats, has also had a  Kramp-Karrenbauer, lasted
            biggest  crisis  yet  —  a  fact  soning rather than rousing,  tions over its future leader-  chance to shine in the crisis,  just over a year before de-
            underlined by her decision  creating a message that hit  ship.                         leading  the  way  with  the  claring that she would step
            last week to make her first  home.                        The  poll,  done  by  Forsc-  aid  package  that  will  al-  down after failing to estab-
            television  address  to  the  It is a style that has served  hungsgruppe Wahlen, had  low Germany to offer busi-    lish her authority.
            nation  other  than  her  an-  the  former  physicist  well  in  a margin of error of plus or  nesses  more than 1 trillion  The  decision  on  who  will
            nual New Year's message.     juggling  Germany's  often-  minus 3 percentage points.   euros  ($1.1  trillion)  that  he  take  over  the  leadership
            "This is serious — take it seri-  fractious  coalitions  and  The 65-year-old chancellor  described as a "bazooka."  of  Merkel's  Christian  Dem-
            ously," she told her compa-  maintaining public support  initially  had  Health  Minister  The  jury  is  still  out  on  how  ocratic  Union  party  was
            triots.  "Since  German  uni-  over the years.            Jens  Spahn  be  the  public  the   government's    ap-   supposed  to  be  made  in
            fication  —  no,  since  World  "Merkel  painted  a  picture  face  of  the  government's  proach  will  work,  but  af-  April, but has been put on
            War II — there has been no  of  the  greatest  challenge  response,  drawing  some  ter  having  run  a  budget  hold due to the coronavirus
            challenge to our country in  since World War II, but she  criticism but has taken cen-  surplus  for  a  half-decade,  pandemic. q
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