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Thursday 6 augusT 2020
For Liam Neeson and son, 'Made in Italy' was a family affair
By LINDSEY BAHR Named Desire," or his father
AP Film Writer on the set of "The Phantom
When Liam Neeson sits Menace." Neeson likes to
down with a script, he usu- tell a story about how the
ally knows within five pages then-2-year-old Richard-
whether he wants to do it. son, who had never seen a
He calls it his "cup of tea" "Star Wars" film, ran up and
test. If he finds himself ea- gave R2-D2 a bear hug.
ger to get one, it's not a But acting wasn't an in-
good sign. evitability, even if it was al-
But he found himself un- ways part of his life. It's only
able to break away from been in the past couple of
James D'Arcy's "Made in years that he's gotten seri-
Italy," about an artist and ous about it. Neeson is sup-
his estranged son who re- portive, too, but also had a
unite to sell the family's Ital- ground rule for set.
ian home. It's been nearly "I said to him, 'Look, Mi-
deserted since the death cheál, there's only room on
of the family matriarch and a set for one director. And
the once memory-filled that's James D'Arcy," Nee-
home has fallen into dis- son said. "If you want to talk
repair. The grief aspect hit about anything to do with
close to home for Neeson, the process of acting or
who lost his wife, actor Na- This image released by IFC Films shows Michaél Richardson, left, and his father Liam Neeson in a whatever, let's talk about
tasha Richardson, after a scene from "Made In Italy." when we wrap each day's
skiing accident in 2009. Associated Press work. On set you're just an-
"It made me a little scared, other actor to me and I'll
but I certainly knew I had to where Richardson is one of ing back to the 1700s. But comedy, which comes treat you the same as any-
do it," Neeson said from his Neeson's History Channel he didn't want to simply rely out Friday on video on de- body else." Still, he couldn't
home in upstate New York. crew. And it wouldn't be on the family name. mand. help but eavesdrop on a
He had another thought, the first time they'd played After "Cold Pursuit" he told Richardson, who was born few of D'Arcy's note ses-
too: What if their son, Mi- family either. Richardson himself to do things on his in Ireland and grew up in sions with Richardson. He
cheál Richardson, could played the son in the 2019 own, separately from his New York, wasn't what you was proud of his son for tak-
also play his son in the film? film "Cold Pursuit" (which he father. Then "Made in Italy" might call a "set kid," but ing them in stride.
D'Arcy, who wrote and insisted on auditioning for). came along and the par- he would occasionally visit Plus, Neeson said, "They
would be directing, met But this would be different, allels were too uncanny to his parents' rehearsals and were notes I agreed with."
with him and a few hours and more personal. ignore. shoots for plays and mov- Natasha Richardson was
later phoned Neeson say- Richardson, who changed "It seemed like my mom ies. Not knowing the words, on their minds during film-
ing, "I think this is going to his name a few years ago to had a hand in it," Richard- he would ask if they were ing, but in different ways.
work." honor his late mother, had son said. going to "an in or an out." Sometimes it would be in a
They'd worked together decided in the past few Again, he insisted on audi- He remembers bits and butterfly that flew through
before. Technically their years to pursue the family tioning. And soon enough pieces of things, like visiting set. Sometimes it would be
first appearance was in profession. On his mother's the two were in Tuscany his mother's rehearsals for in mining difficult emotions
the "Anchorman" sequel, side, it's a dynasty extend- shooting the dramatic "Cabaret" and "A Streetcar for a challenging scene. q
Ex-Trump adviser plans book on future
of polarized America
WASHINGTON (AP) — Fiona that Trump used his lever- ment is the result of long his-
Hill, a key witness in Presi- age over Ukraine, a young torical trends — from impe-
dent Donald Trump's im- Eastern European democ- rial overreach to postindus-
peachment inquiry, is go- racy facing Russian ag- trial decline — that have
ing to be sharing her views gression, to pursue political long afflicted Russia and
about the future of a polar- gain. the United Kingdom, and
ized America. Senior editor Alex Littlefield which now are beginning
In this Nov. 21, 2019 file photo, former White House national The New York-based acquired North American to affect the United States,"
security aide Fiona Hill testifies before the House Intelligence Houghton Mifflin Harcourt rights to the book from the publisher said in a state-
Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington. Books & Media announced Andrew Nurnberg Associ- ment. "Hill will describe the
Associated Press on Wednesday that it has ates, based in London. Hill's origins and growth of deep,
acquired a book by Hill, book, titled "There Is Noth- geographically concen-
former deputy assistant to ing for You Here: Opportu- trated opportunity gaps,
the president and senior nity in an Age of Decline," is and show how they have
director for European and to be released in the fall of fueled the rise of populism
Russian affairs on the Na- 2021. "The book will draw at home and abroad."
tional Security Council at on Dr. Hill's deep expertise Hill, a British-born coal
the White House. in the United States and miner's daughter who be-
Hill's testimony last year on Europe, as well as her per- came a U.S. citizen in 2002,
Capitol Hill reinforced the sonal experience on both worked for Republican and
central complaint of the continents, to explain how Democratic administra-
impeachment inquiry — our current, polarized mo- tions. q