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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 6 augusT 2020
            U.S. sending highest official to Taiwan since ties cut in 1979

            By JOHNSON LAI                                                                                                      of  transparency  and  co-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    operation  in  global  health
            TAIPEI,  Taiwan  (AP)  —  The                                                                                       during  the  COVID-19  pan-
            U.S. secretary of Health and                                                                                        demic and long before it,"
            Human  Services  is  sched-                                                                                         Azar  said  in  the  AIT  state-
            uled to visit Taiwan in com-                                                                                        ment.  "This  trip  represents
            ing days in the highest-level                                                                                       an opportunity to strength-
            visit by an American Cabi-                                                                                          en our economic and pub-
            net official since the break                                                                                        lic health cooperation with
            in  formal  diplomatic  rela-                                                                                       Taiwan,  especially  as  the
            tions  between  Washington                                                                                          United  States  and  other
            and Taipei in 1979.                                                                                                 countries  work  to  strength-
            The  visit  by  Alex  Azar,  and                                                                                    en and diversify our sources
            especially a planned meet-                                                                                          for  crucial  medical  prod-
            ing with Taiwan's president,                                                                                        ucts."
            will  likely  create  new  fric-                                                                                    Azar's  visit  was  facilitated
            tion  between  the  U.S.  and                                                                                       by the 2018 passage of the
            China, which claims Taiwan                                                                                          Taiwan Travel Act that en-
            as its own territory to be an-                                                                                      couraged  sending  higher-
            nexed  by  force  if  neces-                                                                                        level officials to Taiwan af-
            sary. Taiwan is a key irritant                                                                                      ter  decades  during  which
            in the troubled relationship                                                                                        such  contacts  were  rare
            between  the  world's  two                                                                                          and  freighted  with  safe-
            largest  economies,  which   In this Feb. 7, 2020, file photo, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, who is also chair-  guards to avoid roiling ties
                                         man of the President's Task Force on the Novel Coronavirus, speaks at the Health and Human
            are  also  at  odds  over    Services headquarters in Washington.                                                   with Beijing.
            trade, technology, territori-                                                                      Associated Press  McCarthy's  visit  to  Taiwan
            al claims in the South China                                                                                        in  2014  sparked  a  protest
            Sea  and  China's  response  The U.S. maintains only un-  by  a  U.S.  Cabinet  official  ship & shared values."    from  China's  foreign  minis-
            to  the  coronavirus  pan-   official  ties  with  Taiwan  in  since 1979! Taiwan and the  AIT said Azar will discuss the  try, which accused the U.S.
            demic.                       deference to Beijing, but is  U.S.  are  like  minded  part-  disease, global health and  of  betraying  commitments
            In  Beijing,  foreign  ministry  the island's most important  ners  cooperating  closely  Taiwan's  role  as  a  supplier  made to it about maintain-
            spokesman  Wang  Wenbin  ally  and  provider  of  de-     in  combating  coronavirus  of medical equipment and  ing only unofficial links with
            said China has lodged "sol-  fense equipment.             and  promoting  freedom  technology.                      Taipei.
            emn  complaints"  over  the  The  American  Institute  in  democracy & human rights  The  visit  is  believed  to  be  China objects to all official
            visit with U.S. officials in both  Taiwan,  which  operates  worldwide."               scheduled  for  next  week,  contact  between  Taiwan
            Beijing and Washington.      as  Washington's  de  facto  The  ministry  said  Azar  will  although  AIT  said  details  and the U.S. But its increas-
            "The  Taiwan  issue  is  the  embassy on the island, said  meet  with  independence-   on the timing and agenda  ing diplomatic pressure, in-
            most  important  and  sensi-  Wednesday     that   Azar's  minded  President  Tsai  Ing-  would be announced later.  cluding poaching Taiwan's
            tive issue in China-U.S. rela-  "historic  visit  will  strengthen  wen,  with  whose  govern-  Azar would be the first HHS  few  remaining  diplomatic
            tions," Wang said at a daily  the U.S.-Taiwan partnership  ment Beijing cut off virtually  secretary  to  visit  Taiwan  allies and excluding it from
            briefing.  He  said  Washing-  and  enhance  U.S-Taiwan  all contacts four years ago,  and the first Cabinet mem-   international  gatherings  in-
            ton needs to stop all forms  cooperation  to  combat  and  with  Foreign  Minister  ber  to  visit  in  six  years,  the  cluding  the  World  Health
            of official contact with Tai-  the  global  COVID-19  pan-  Joseph Wu and top health  last  being  then-Environ-    Assembly, have fostered al-
            wan  and  make  good  on  demic."                         officials.                   mental  Protection  Agency  ready  considerable  bipar-
            its  commitment  to  Beijing  In  a  tweet,  Taiwan's  Minis-  Tsai  tweeted  to  Azar  that  Administrator Gina McCar-  tisan sympathy for Taipei in
            to  "avoid  serious  damage  try of Foreign Affairs said it  "Your  timely  visit  is  another  thy.  His  Cabinet  ranking  is  Washington and prompted
            to China-U.S. relations and  looks forward to welcoming  testament to the strong Tai-  higher  than  previous  U.S.  new  measures  to  strength-
            peace  and  stability  across  Azar  and  his  delegation.  wan-US  partnership  based  visitors.                   en governmental and mili-
            the Taiwan Strait."          "This is the highest-level visit  on our longstanding friend-  "Taiwan has been a model  tary ties. q

            Australian leader says U.S.-China war no longer inconceivable

            CANBERRA,  Australia  (AP)  Morrison  said  his  adminis-  edged that what was pre-
            —  Australia's  Prime  Minis-  tration had expressed simi-  viously  inconceivable  and
            ter  Scott  Morrison  said  on  lar views in a defense poli-  not considered even possi-
            Wednesday  his  govern-      cy update last month when  ble or likely in terms of those
            ment  held  a  less  dramatic  he  announced  270  billion  types  of  outcomes  is  not
            view  of  U.S.-China  strate-  Australian  dollars  ($190  bil-  considered  in  those  con-
            gic tensions than a prede-   lion) in new warfare capa-   texts anymore," he added.
            cessor  who  warned  of  a  bility  spending,  including  Morrison  disagreed  with
            potential  "hot  war"  before  longer-range missiles.     many  in  Washington  that
            U.S.  presidential  elections  "Our  defense  update  ex-  the  United  States  was  in  a
            in November. Former prime  presses  it  differently  and  new Cold War with China.
            minister and China scholar  certainly  not  as  dramati-  Morrison  said  the  "circum-
            Kevin  Rudd  wrote  in  the  cally  as  Kevin,"  Morrison  stances are quite different."
            Foreign  Affairs  journal  this  told  the  Aspen  Security  He had no answers for how
            week that the risk of armed  Forum in an online address  China's  push  for  power  in   Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison speaks during a virtual
            conflict  between  the  Unit-  from the Australian capital  the  South  China  Sea,  on   summit meeting with Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister James
            ed States and China in the  Canberra.                     the  Indian  border  and  in   Marape at Parliament House in Canberra, Wednesday, Aug. 5,
            next three months was "es-   "But  in  our  own  defense  Hong Kong should be han-     2020.
            pecially high."              update,  we've  acknowl-     dled. q                                                               Associated Press
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