Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200806
P. 28

                   Thursday 6 augusT 2020
            Minister: Cyprus can help E.U. fill east Med 'power void'

            NICOSIA,  Cyprus  (AP)  —                                                                                           gotiate  a  maritime  border
            The  European  Union  must                                                                                          deal.  Christodoulides  said
            do  more  to  fill  a  power                                                                                        Cyprus  expects  the  EU  to
            vacuum  in  the  eastern                                                                                            urge Turkey to sit down for
            Mediterranean brought on                                                                                            talks.
            by  a  perceived  U.S.  disen-                                                                                      "Some in Brussels are under
            gagement from the region,                                                                                           the  impression  that  the  EU
            and Cyprus is ready to host                                                                                         needs  Turkey  more  than
            an EU task force to achieve                                                                                         Turkey needs the EU. That's
            that  goal,  the  island  na-                                                                                       a   mistaken   impression,"
            tion's  foreign  minister  said                                                                                     Christodoulides said.
            Wednesday.                                                                                                          The minister said there can
            Nikos  Christodoulides  said                                                                                        be  no  military  solution  to
            the  EU  has  so  far  failed  to                                                                                   heightened  regional  ten-
            use  its  ample  "soft  pow-                                                                                        sions.  But  Cyprus  "should
            er"  to  position  itself  as  the                                                                                  look seriously" at the possi-
            leading  player  in  a  region                                                                                      bility of building up a naval
            fraught with problems such                                                                                          deterrent  force  as  a  way
            as  terrorism  and  illegal  im-                                                                                    of rallying the international
            migration.                                                                                                          community to pressure Tur-
            The  Cypriot  official  said                                                                                        key  to  cease  its  provoca-
            the  EU  should  pursue  a                                                                                          tions.
            more  muscular  policy  with                                                                                        Christoulides  said  Turkey
            a  larger  military  footprint   Cyprus' foreign minister Nikos Christodoulides speaks with the Associated Press during an inter-  has  an  open  invitation  to
            in  the  region,  and  lauded   view at his office in Nicosia, Cyprus, Wednesday, Aug. 5, 2020.                     join  a  web  of  evolving,
            France  for  supporting  this                                                                      Associated Press  energy-based  partnerships
            line.  French  President  Em-                                                                                       Cyprus has forged with East
            manuel  Macron  is  orga-    from  Lebanon  and  could  ties, but not as a launching  Cyprus — which is ethnical-   Med countries including Is-
            nizing a summit of the EU's  serve  as  the  EU's  hub  for  pad  for  any  offensive  mili-  ly  divided  between  Greek  rael,  Egypt  and  Jordan  —
            seven  Mediterranean  na-    delivering assistance in the  tary action.                and Turkish Cypriots — as a  as long as Ankara respects
            tions Sept 10 to discuss de-  wake  of  Tuesday's  deadly  The  Cypriot  official  said  state and claims 44% of its  international law.
            velopments  in  the  eastern  blast in Beirut.            Turkey  is  taking  full  advan-  exclusive  economic  zone  He  hailed  strengthened
            Mediterranean.               "The EU says that it's interest-  tage of the power void to  at its own. Since 1974, Tur-  ties with the U.S. enshrined
            "The  EU  should  have  in  its  ed in the region. But to show  fulfill  its  ambition  of  attain-  key  has  occupied  a  third  in   Congress-approved
            toolbox of available means  that interest it must show it  ing regional supremacy, in  of the island after an inva-  legislation,  but  noted  this
            more hard power," Christo-   in  actions,  not  just  words,"  combination with a parallel  sion  triggered  by  an  abor-  doesn't  necessarily  mean
            doulides  told  the  Associat-  said  Christodoulides.  "We  goal of assuming the lead-  tive coup by Greek Cypriot  the two countries see eye-
            ed Press in an interview.    would welcome an EU task  ership of the Islamic world.    supporters  of  union  with  to-eye on all issues.
            Because  of  its  close  prox-  force  in  Cyprus  for  the  re-  He  cited  as  an  example  Greece.               The Eastern Mediterranean
            imity  to  the  Middle  East,  gion."                     Turkey's ongoing hydrocar-   The EU has repeatedly con-   Security  and  Energy  Part-
            Christodoulides  said  EU-   Christodoulides  said  the  bons  search  inside  waters  demned Turkey's drilling ac-  nership  Act  foresees  a  lift-
            member Cyprus can act as  Cypriot  government  is  in  where Cyprus claims exclu-      tivities in Cypriot waters and  ing  of  a  decades-old  U.S.
            a base of operations for the  negotiations  with  "several  sive economic rights. Turkey  imposed some sanctions on  arms  embargo  on  Cyprus,
            bloc's  humanitarian  and  countries" with a "special in-  is also militarily engaged in  the  country  while  backing  on condition that the coun-
            other missions. Cyprus is 180  terest" in the eastern Medi-  Libya, Syria and Iraq.    the  Cypriot  government's  try  no  longer  accepts  Rus-
            kilometers (120 miles) away  terranean to offer its facili-  Turkey  doesn't  recognize  invitation  to  Ankara  to  ne-  sian warships in its ports. q

            Another cruise ship in Norway stalled over virus case

                                                                      harbor  Wednesday  and  SeaDream Yacht Club, said  to the south.
                                                                      ordered to keep everyone  the  former  passenger  had  "We  sincerely  hope  that
                                                                      on board after a passenger  no  symptoms  of  COVID-19  there  is  no  COVID-19  on
                                                                      from  a  previous  trip  tested  during  the  earlier  voyage  board,  and  we  are  not
                                                                      positive  for  the  coronavi-  and  had  traveled  home  aware of any other guests
                                                                      rus  upon  returning  home  from  Tromsoe  on  Aug.  2.  or  crew  who  are  infected
                                                                      to Denmark. Bodoe Mayor  The  person  underwent  a  or have any symptoms, but
                                                                      Ida  Pinneroed told Norwe-   routine virus test upon arriv-  we are taking all necessary
                                                                      gian broadcaster NRK that  al in Denmark and it came  precautions,"       SeaDream
                                                                      the  SeaDream  1's  85  crew  back positive on Tuesday.   Yacht Club said in a state-
                                                                      members would all be test-   All  the  other  passengers  ment.
                                                                      ed  for  the  virus  and  that  from the infected individu-  Norwegian  news  agency
                                                                      authorities were in contact  al's trip must self-quarantine  NTB reported later Wednes-
                                                                      with the Norwegian Institute  for 10 days, the Norwegian  day  that  the  entire  crew
                                                                      of Public Health on whether  Institute  of  Public  Health  had tested negative. It was
            A view of the Hurtigruten's vessel MS Roald Amundsen, docked   the  123  passengers  should  said.                  not  immediately  clear  if
            in Tromso, Norway, Sunday, Aug. 2, 2020.                  be as well.                  The  ship's  new  journey,  the  ship  would  remain  un-
                                                     Associated Press  "We take the situation very  down the Norwegian coast  der  quarantine  or  would
                                                                      seriously," the mayor said.  started  on  Aug.  2  in  Trom-  be permitted to disembark
            COPENHAGEN,       Denmark  ing  more  than  200  people  The  Norway-based  com-       soe and stopped in Bodoe,  some  or  all  of  those  on
            (AP) — A cruise ship carry-  docked  in  a  Norwegian  pany  that  owns  the  ship,  200 kilometers (124.3 miles)  board. q
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