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U.S. NEWS Thursday 6 augusT 2020
Continued from Front Zillow said last week that
But July's expected gain most of its 5,400 employees
would fall way short of will now be allowed to work
June's 4.8 million increase from home indefinitely.
and would signal that hir- "This recession is unusual in
ing has sharply slowed. It the extent of permanent
would also mean that the (job) reallocation that will
economy has regained ultimately result," Davis said.
barely 40% of the jobs that He and two co-authors
fell to the coronavirus. have estimated that up
The pandemic has lasted to 40% of layoffs in March
far longer than most Ameri- through May were perma-
cans expected, with likely nent. That figure will likely
profound consequences rise, he said, the longer the
for the economy. Tradi- pandemic squeezes the
tional retail stores will prob- economy.
ably never regain their pre- "We're kind of past the
pandemic levels of sales or stage where we're quickly
employment as consumers recalling workers to their
increasingly turn to internet old jobs," Davis said, "and
purchases. Online health getting to the stage that
care will likely eliminate people will need to get
some doctors' office jobs. new jobs at new compa-
And online videoconfer- nies or in new industries." In this June 11, 2020 file photo, information signs are displayed at the closed Illinois Department
encing will replace some It is a trend that points to a of Employment Security WorkNet center in Arlington Heights, Ill.
portion of business travel. grinding, sluggish recovery. Associated Press
Those changes alone could Allegra Troiano initially
destroy millions of jobs. thought her layoff in May "I am feeling that this is the small business data analysis nesses, which are more
Michelle Holder, a labor from a company that pro- end of my career," she said. firm Womply. So have one- than twice as likely to close
economist at John Jay Col- vides English language in- "The fortunate thing is I go fifth of restaurants and 12% as white-owned small com-
lege, said it's unlikely that struction would last only on Medicare this January." of retailers. panies, according to a re-
many retail workers and through the summer and Many other companies are The Partnership for New port from the New York Fed-
others whose jobs are gone that she'd be recalled as giving up and closing their York City, a business group, eral Reserve. Black-owned
for good will find work this the school year began. But doors. Dunkin' Donuts said projects that one-third of business are more often
year, given that the viral as the months have gone last week that it will close the city's small businesses located in coronavirus hot
outbreak will hold back hir- by and with few school sys- 800 stores this year, about will close for good. In Cali- spots and are in service in-
ing until a vaccine is widely tems fully reopening, the 8% of its total. Lord & Taylor, fornia, mass layoff notices dustries like restaurants and
available. "It's definitely company — ELS Language America's oldest retailer, filed with the state now retail that have been hit
going to be a drag on the Centers — has made clear and the parent company show that about half the hardest by the outbreak,
economy," she said. that's not the case. Just 10 of Men's Wearhouse and job cuts are permanent, up the New York Fed said.
Steven Davis, an econo- of the 30 centers it oper- Jos. A. Bank both said Mon- from 17% in May. Looking toward Friday's re-
mist at the University of Chi- ated before the pandemic day that they would file And a survey by The Asso- port, researchers at the St.
cago, estimates that even have reopened, not includ- for bankruptcy protection. ciated Press-NORC Center Louis Federal Reserve have
after the virus has been ing the one in Milwaukee, Last month, Brooks Broth- for Public Affairs Research analyzed data from Home-
brought under control, the which Troiano managed. ers, another men's chain in July found that nearly base, a provider of sched-
proportion of people work- Troiano has tried to look deeply hurt by the decline half of those who have lost uling software to small busi-
ing from home will triple for other jobs. But at 64 in formal business clothes, jobs during the pandemic nesses, and concluded
compared with pre-pan- and with an autoimmune sought bankruptcy protec- say those jobs are gone for that job growth weakened
demic levels. That could disease, she is reluctant to tion. good. By contrast, in April, in July compared with June.
result in the shuttering of take work that would re- One-third of bars and 78% had thought their lay- Hiring has slowed much
many restaurants, coffee quire public interaction. lounges have permanently offs would prove only tem- more in states with heavy
shops and other downtown She also fears that her age closed nationwide, up from porary. Business shutdowns viral outbreaks, including
businesses. makes a job hunt more dif- about one-quarter in late have fallen disproportion- Arizona, Florida, and Texas,
The real estate data firm ficult. June, according to the ately on Black-owned busi- they said.q
Judge issues tight schedule in district redrawing case
By MIKE SCHNEIDER from plaintiff and govern- the ongoing 2020 head
Associated Press ment attorneys in two com- count of all U.S. residents
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Not- bined lawsuits challenging is set to stop at the end of
ing the late timing of Presi- Trump's order to be filed September.
dent Donald Trump's order by the end of August. The Final population figures
seeking to exclude people combined lawsuits were gathered from the cen-
in the U.S. illegally from the brought by several states, sus and used for redraw-
process of redrawing con- cities, civil rights groups and ing congressional districts
gressional districts, a feder- immigrant rights groups af- need to be handed over to
al judge on Wednesday set ter Trump issued the mem- the president by the end of
a compressed schedule for orandum on the appor- the year.
legal arguments challeng- tionment process late last Furman presided over an-
ing the order as unconsti- month. other lawsuit two years
tutional and a deterrent for The plaintiffs, led by New ago that challenged an Amid concerns of the spread of COVID-19, census worker Jen-
immigrants participating in York state, are seeking a effort by the Trump admin- nifer Pope wears a mask and sits by ready to help at a U.S. Cen-
sus walk-up counting site set up for Hunt County in Greenville,
the 2020 census. quick ruling from the New istration to put a citizenship Texas, Friday, July 31, 2020.
U.S. District Judge Jesse Fur- York judge and asked for question on the 2020 cen- Associated Press
man ordered arguments the speedy schedule since sus questionnaire. q