Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200420
P. 28

                      Monday 20 april 2020
            Israelis accuse Netanyahu of endangering democracy

            By ODED BALILTY                                                                                                     ploiting  the  crisis  to  evade
            Associated Press                                                                                                    his  looming  trial  and  ce-
            TEL  AVIV,  Israel  (AP)  —                                                                                         ment his lengthy rule.
            More  than  2,000  Israelis                                                                                         Citing  the  pandemic,  Ne-
            took  to  the  streets  of  Tel                                                                                     tanyahu's hand-picked jus-
            Aviv  on  Sunday,  demon-                                                                                           tice  minister  delayed  the
            strating  against  Prime  Min-                                                                                      prime minister's trial just two
            ister Benjamin Netanyahu's                                                                                          days before it was to begin
            attempts to form an "emer-                                                                                          until late May.
            gency"  government  with                                                                                            Since  then,  Netanyahu's
            his chief rival and accusing                                                                                        coalition  talks  with  Gantz
            him of using the coronavirus                                                                                        have   reportedly   stalled
            crisis to escape prosecution                                                                                        due  to  demands  by  the
            on corruption charges.                                                                                              prime minister to gain more
            Demonstrators  wore  face                                                                                           control  over  judicial  ap-
            masks  and  largely  kept                                                                                           pointments  and  assuranc-
            their distance from one an-                                                                                         es  that  he  can  remain  in
            other, in line with social-dis-                                                                                     office  even  if  he  gives  up
            tancing  rules,  as  speakers                                                                                       the  prime  minister's  job  in
            criticized Netanyahu's pos-                                                                                         a  proposed  power-sharing
            sible  partnership  with  rival                                                                                     arrangement  with  Gantz.
            Benny  Gantz.  Some  held                                                                                           Under Israeli law, public of-
            black  flags,  which  have                                                                                          ficials,  with  the  exception
            become the symbol of their   A woman takes part in a protest against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, seen on the   of the prime minister, must
            campaign in recent weeks.    poster, in Tel Aviv, Israel, Sunday, April 19, 2020.                  Associated Press  resign  if  charged  with  a
            Gantz,  who  during  three                                                                                          crime.
            bitter  election  campaigns  to  form  an  "emergency"  from within. If you're inside,  breach  of  justice  and  ac-  Demonstrators  repeatedly
            over  the  past  year  vowed  government  to  deal  with  you're  part  of  it,"  said  Yair  cepting  bribes.  He  denies  chanted "democracy" and
            never  to  sit  in  a  govern-  the  coronavirus  crisis.  The  Lapid, Gantz's former politi-  the charges and says he is  accused the prime minister
            ment  with  Netanyahu  due  announcement  infuriated  cal  partner,  who  withdrew  the victim of a hostile me-     of  endangering  the  coun-
            to  his  legal  problems,  an-  many of Gantz's supporters  from the Blue and White al-  dia  and  aggressive  police  try's democratic institutions.
            nounced  last  month  that  and  caused  his  Blue  and  liance last month.            and prosecutors.             "Corona equals virus in the
            he  had  accepted  the  White party to fracture.          Netanyahu     has    been  Protesters  on  Sunday  ac-    service  of  a  dictator,"  said
            prime  minister's  suggestion  "You  don't  fight  corruption  charged   with   fraud,  cused  Netanyahu  of  ex-   one sign.q

            Mass virus test in nursing home seeks to combat loneliness

                                                                      lowed to go out. We don't  essential things."             rooms  and  long  corridors,
                                                                      even  have  the  right  to  go  An  Associated  Press  pho-  and  residents  with  often-
                                                                      out  in  the  hallway,"  said  tographer  spent  two  days  severe cognitive difficulties.
                                                                      Henry  Bohn,  a  69-year-old  chronicling the virus testing  "It  is  hard  for  them  to  re-
                                                                      who suffered  a  stroke that  at  three  of  the  10  nursing  member  the  rules  that
                                                                      has left him in a wheelchair.  homes in France's Haut-Rhin  we  give  them.  When  we
                                                                      "They  bring  us  breakfast,  region, where comprehen-    put  masks  on  them,  they
                                                                      lunch  and  dinner  here  in  sive testing was ordered by  hardly keep them on, and
                                                                      the room. Luckily, we have  local authorities. The site in  they need to socialize and
                                                                      the  sun  these  days  and  it  Ammerschwir poses partic-  leave their rooms," said Syl-
                                                                      helps,  but  we  do  miss  the  ular problems with its small  vie  Ghiringhelli,  the  head

                                                                         Iraq lifts Reuters news agency

                                                                         suspension over virus report
            Marie Lithard, right, and her neighboor Yves Chretien sit looking
            out of their rooms in a nursing home in Ammerschwir, France
            Thursday April 16, 2020.                                     BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraq will allow the Re-   munications  and  Media  Commission,
                                                    Associated Press.    uters news agency to go back to work  the country's media regulator, that the
                                                                         after  its  license  was  suspended  earlier  suspension  was  being  lifted  "to  allow
            By LORI HINNANT and          France  want  to  chat  face    this month over a report that the govern-  transparent  and  impartial  work  by  the
            JEAN-FRANÇOIS BADIAS         to  face,  to  play  board      ment  was  underreporting  coronavirus  media." Reuters said it appreciated the
            Associated Press             games,  to  share  meals.       cases,  the  news  agency  said  Sunday.   efforts made by Iraqi authorities and the
            AMMERSCHWIR,        France  And so each gave a vial of       The agency's suspension came after an  CMC to resolve the matter. Iraq's Presi-
            (AP) — Some were born in  blood to be tested for the         April 3 story cited multiple sources who  dent  Barham  Saleh  had  said  his  office
            this warren of small rooms in  coronavirus,  as  did  each   said  the  government  was  misreporting  had been working to revoke the suspen-
            what used to be a hospital,  staff member — about 580        coronavirus  cases,  and  that  the  true  sion in remarks to CNN last week.
            dating to the 17th century.  tests in all. The goal: to iden-  number  of  infected  nationwide  was  in  According to official Health Ministry fig-
            Many are likely to die here.  tify  who  must  be  isolated   the thousands. Iraq was reporting cases  ures, Iraq has 1,539 confirmed coronavi-
            And  all  are  currently  con-  and  who  will  be  allowed   in the hundreds at the time.            rus cases. At least 82 people have died
            fined to their rooms, denied  the freedom to leave their     The news agency was also fined 25 mil-   of the virus and 1,009 had recovered.
            the  simple  comfort  of  hu-  rooms.                        lion Iraqi dinars, or about $20,800.     The  Reuters  report  had  said  the  true
            man companionship.           "We  spend  all  our  days      In  a  news  item  Sunday,  the  agency  number of virus cases ranged from 3,000
            The  residents  at  the  Weiss  between  those  four  walls   said it was informed by the Iraqi Com-
            nursing  home  in  eastern  —  that's  it,  we  are  not  al-                                         to 9,000.q
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