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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 20 april 2020

                                                                                                   In this Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019 file photo, President Donald
            Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers prepare to take a suspect into custody at a gas station   Trump  shakes  hands  with  Turkish  President  Recep  Tayyip
            in Enfield, Nova Scotia on Sunday April 19, 2020.                                      Erdogan after a news conference in the East Room of the White
                                                                                 Associated Press.  House, in Washington.
                                                                                                                                           Associated Press.
            Police officer dead, another injured in                                                Erdogan, Trump agree on

            Canada shooting                                                                        'close cooperation'

            ENFIELD,  Nova  Scotia  (AP)  “I  never  imagined  when  I  somebody  has  lost  their  in virus crisis

            —  A  Canadian  police  of-  went to bed last night that  mind and is going to beat
            ficer  is  dead  and  another  I would wake up to the hor-  in your front door.”       ISTANBUL  (AP)  —  Turkish  new  deaths  in  the  last  24
            injured  after  a  shooting  rific  news  that  an  active  Tom  Taggart,  a  lawmaker   President Recep Tayyip Er-  hours.
            rampage  Sunday  in  Nova  shooter was on the loose in  who  represents  the  Por-     dogan  and  U.S.  President  Fahrettin  Koca,  in  figures
            Scotia, a senior police offi-  Nova Scotia,” Nova Scotia  tapique area in the Munici-  Donald Trump have spoken  tweeted       Sunday,    said
            cial said.                   Premier Stephen McNeil.      pality  of  Colchester,  said   on  the  phone,  discussing  3,977  new  infections  were
              Brian  Sauvé,  President  of  He said it was an additional  the  quiet  community  has   the coronavirus pandemic,  confirmed in the past day,
            National Police Federation,  “heavy  burden”  amid  ef-   been shaken.                 bilateral  relations  and  re-  bringing  the  total  number
            confirmed  the  death  the  forts  to  contain  the  new  “This  is  just  an  absolutely   gional developments.    to 86,306.
            injured officer.             coronavirus,  and  that  po-  wonderful,  peaceful  quiet   According  to  an  account  Confirmed  cases  in  Turkey
            The  suspect  in  the  active  lice  will  announce  further  community  and  the  idea   of  the  phone  call  shared  have surpassed the rates in
            shooter  investigation  was  details later.               that  this  could  happen  in   by  the  Turkish  presidency's  neighboring  Iran,  accord-
            arrested  Sunday  at  a  gas  Police  stated  earlier  Sun-  our  community  is  unbe-  office  on  Sunday,  the  two  ing to John Hopkins Univer-
            station  in  Nova  Scotia  af-  day  the  suspect  was  driv-  lievable,”  Taggart  said  by   leaders  agreed  to  con-  sity's data.
            ter shootings rampage left  ing a car that looked like a  phone  from  his  home  in   tinue their "close coopera-  The minister also said 11,976
            “multiple  victims,”  police  police vehicle and wearing  Bass  River,  near  the  lock-  tion"  against  the  threats  people  have  recovered
            said.  At  least  one  person  a  police  uniform,  but  later  down area.             posed  by  the  coronavirus  so  far  in  Turkey,  including
            was  killed,  according  to  said  he  was  “believed  to  RCMP  Cpl.  Lisa  Croteau   on  public  health  and  the  1,523 in the past 24 hours.
            witnesses.                   be  driving  a  small,  silver  confirmed  a  tweet  saying   economy.  This  would  be  A weekend lockdown in 31
            A  man  identified  by  po-  Chevrolet  SUV,”  travelling  there are “multiple victims”   a "necessity of the spirit of  Turkish provinces is nearing
            lice  as  51-year-old  Gabriel  southbound on a highway.  but  could  not  provide  a   solidarity required by being  its end, after which people
            Wortman     was    arrested  They said he is not an RCMP  number or say whether any    NATO  allies,"  the  message  between  the  ages  of  20
            by  the  Royal  Canadian  employee or officer.            people had been killed.      said.                        and 65 can move around.
            Mounted Police at the En-    Cpl. Lisa Croteau, a spokes-  The  RCMP  posted  an  up-  The two leaders also spoke  But  the  government  has
            field, Nova Scotia, gas sta-  woman with the provincial  date  on  Twitter  just  after   on the phone at the end of  urged  people  to  stay  at
            tion,  northwest  of  down-  force, said police received  10:15  a.m.,  warning  that   March.                      home  and  hopes  the  rate
            town Halifax.                a call about “a person with  the  male  suspect  was  in   The  U.S.  has  the  highest  of  infections  will  reach  its
            By late morning, there were  firearms”  at  around  10:30  the  Debert  and  Central   number  of  COVID-19  in-    peak in the coming days.
            half  a  dozen  police  ve-  p.m.  Saturday  and  the  in-  Oslow  area  and  may  be   fections  in  the  world  and  For  most  people,  the  new
            hicles at the scene. Yellow  vestigation  “evolved  into  dressed as a police officer   Turkey  now  ranks  seventh,  coronavirus causes mild or
            police tape surrounded the  an  active  shooting  investi-  in  a  vehicle  resembling  a   according  to  Johns  Hop-  moderate symptoms,  such
            gas pumps, and a large sil-  gation.”                     police car.                  kins  University's  data  on  as  fever  and  cough,  that
            ver-colored SUV was being  “My  heart  goes  out  to  ev-  A Gabriel Wortman is listed   the coronavirus pandemic.  clear  up  in  two  to  three
            investigated by police.      eryone affected in what is  as a denturist in Dartmouth,   They  have  both  surpassed  weeks.
            Witnesses saw a body lying  a  terrible  situation,”  Prime  according  to  the  Dentur-  China,  where  COVID-19  For  some,  especially  older
            at  the  gas  station.  Police  Minister Justin Trudeau said.  ist  Society  of  Nova  Scotia   emerged, the figures show.  adults  and  people  with
            did  not  immediately  com-  Christine Mills, a resident of  website.  A  suspect  photo   Turkey's health minister said  existing health problems, it
            ment on the identity.        the town, said it had been  issued by the RCMP match-     that a total of 2,017 people  can cause more severe ill-
            The  incident  started  in  the  a  frightening  night  for  the  es video footage of a man   have died of the coronavi-  ness, including pneumonia,
            small,  rural  town  of  Por-  small town, with armed of-  being  interviewed  about   rus in the country, with 127  and could lead to death.q
            tapique, with police advis-  ficers patrolling the streets.  dentures by CTV Atlantic in
            ing  residents  to  lock  their  In the morning, helicopters  2014.
            homes  and  stay  in  their  flew  overhead  searching  Mills  also  said  that  Wort-
            basements.                   for the suspect.             man was known locally as
            Several  building  fires  were  “I feel better now to know  a denturist who divided his
            reported  by  residents  as  he’s in custody,” Mills said.  time between a residence
            well,  but  police  didn’t  im-  “It’s  nerve-wracking  be-  in Halifax and a residence
            mediately confirm details.   cause  you  don’t  know  if  in Portapique. q                    
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