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                                                                                                  BUSINESS Monday 20 april 2020
            Virus outbreak threatens Germany's tradition-laden breweries

            and DAVID McHUGH
            Associated Press
            WERNECK,  Germany  (AP)
            —  The  Werneck  Brewery
            has  survived  a  lot:  world
            wars, economic crises and
            decades of declining beer
            consumption. But after 400
            years  in  existence  it  has  fi-
            nally  met  a  challenge  it
            can't overcome: the coro-
            navirus outbreak.
            The  brewery,  which  trac-
            es  its  history  to  1617  and
            has  been  owned  by  the
            same  family  since  1861,  is
            closing  for  good,  taking
            with it 15 full-time jobs and
            more  part-time  positions.
            Also gone is a chunk of lo-
            cal  history  and  tradition  in
            Werneck, a town of 10,000
            people in the brewery-rich
            southern state of Bavaria.
            German  brewers  fear  its
            demise is the leading edge
            of more closures as the vi-
            rus  outbreak  threatens  the
            existence  of  the  country's
            many  local  producers  of
            the  national  beverage  -
            community  institutions,  of-  In this, Friday, April 17, 2020 photo junior director Christine Lang of the "Wernecker brewery" stands in the brewhouse of the brewery
            ten  family  owned  for  gen-  in Werneck, Germany.
            erations,  whose  buildings                                                                                                    Associated Press.
            and  affiliated  taverns  are
            regional  landmarks  in  a   already  hard  fought  with  and  delays  in  collecting  on  traditional  pilsners  and  delivered for 25 euros ($27)
            country  where  the  home-   tough  price  competition,  taxes are less useful, brew-  wheat  beers.    More  diver-  so  they  can  taste  along
            town  brew  is  often  a  sen-  she  said.  Then  came  the  ers  say.  Credits  mean  tak-  sified producers are better  with the chat on April 23.
            timental  favorite  despite   virus,  and  the  restaurant  ing  on  new  debt  for  the  equipped  to  survive.  Wel-  The  Schumacher  Brewery
            competition  from  national   customers the brewery de-   future,  and  the  taxes  will  de,  a  family  run  brewery  in  Duesseldorf  is  offering
            brands.    Hardest  hit  are   pended on were suddenly  eventually have to be paid  near Heidelberg that traces  drive-through  service  on
            smaller  breweries  that  like   closed,  with  no  clarity  on  as well.              its history to 1752, normally  Fridays  and  no-contact
            the  one  in  Werneck  that   when they might open.       Holger  Eichele,  secretary  sells  about  a  third  to  retail  home  delivery.  The  web-
            depend on supplying kegs     "No  one  knows  how  long  general  of  the  German  outlets, a third to wholesal-    site  of  the  Gaffel  brewery
            to local taverns and events   the  coronavirus  will  last,  Brewers  Association,  said  ers who supply events and  in  Cologne,  which  makes
            such as local festivals. Res-  when  there  will  be  an  im-  that  "many  breweries  will  sports clubs, and a third to  the  city's  trademark  beer
            taurants  are  closed  and   provement,  and  whether  not survive this crisis, that is  restaurants.               dubbed  koelsch,  encour-
            the government says mass     the  restaurants  will  open  already  becoming  clear."  Managing  director  Max  aged  home  consumption
            gatherings  will  not  resume   again  at  all,"  she  said.  In  addition  to  longtime  Spielmann, who represents  by  showing  two  neighbors
            until  Sept.  1  at  the  earliest   "And in our business it's the  brewers focused on restau-  the  ninth  generation  of  on adjacent balconies en-
            —  and  even  then  it  may   case  that  a  beer  that  isn't  rants, "we also have many  Spielmanns  to  run  Welde,  joying  what  the  company
            take  years  before  they  re-  drunk today won't be con-  entrepreneurs, that is, craft  estimates  that  30-40%  of  says is "the best koelsch, by
            bound  to  levels  seen  be-  sumed twice in a couple of  breweries, that are not yet  sales will be lost in April, May  a  good  distance,"  a  pun
            fore the virus outbreak.     months,  the  sales  revenue  profitable,  that  have  bor-  and June. "If you have 85%  on the social distancing re-
            Retail  sales  are  providing   is gone, lost."           rowed  money  to  finance  of your sales in keg beer to  quirements of the moment.
            some  support  as  people    According  to  a  survey  by  their  startup,  and  it's  also  restaurants,  then  you  only  Says  Spielmann:  "All  my
            drink  at  home.  Breweries   the  national  brewers  asso-  very difficult for them."   have  15%  of  your  revenue  forecasts  say  that  we  will
            are  trying  things  like  drive-  ciation some 87% of brew-  The   unexpected   shock  left," he said. "The only sales  get through it, with a black
            through  sales  and  even    eries  say  they  are  putting  comes  at  a  time  when  channel that is doing well is  eye."  He  thinks  the  crisis
            shipping  beer  and  glasses   workers on short hours, tak-  enthusiasm  for  craft  beer  retail sales in grocery stores,  could  spur  people  to  sup-
            to  customers  so  they  can   ing advantage of a govern-  and  microbreweries  has  one can see that the con-      port  their  local  brewers,
            join an on-line tasting.     ment program that pays up  helped  the  industry  over-   sumption   that   normally  food producers, restaurants
            But  for  many  the  months   to 60% of net salaries during  come  several  decades  of  would  have  taken  place  and  hotels,  keeping  inter-
            without  income  may  be     business  interruptions.  The  declining  beer  consump-  in restaurants has shifted to  national tastes for food and
            more  than  they  can  han-  program  is  aimed  at  get-  tion. The number of brewers  home." He and other brew-   drink  but  indulging  them
            dle.                         ting  companies  through  a  has  grown  in  recent  years  ers  are  trying  new  things  close to home, a prospect
            Family member and brew-      crisis, keeping workers from  to  over  1,500,  as  startups  out of necessity. Welde of-  he called "glocal," combin-
            ery   manager      Christine   being laid off, and support-  introduced  new  products  fers an on-line beer tasting  ing "global" and "local."
            Lang  said  the  decision  to   ing  consumer  spending  in  such  as  India  pale  ales  on  Facebook.  Participants  For Lang from the Werneck
            close  came  with  "many     the  economy.  But  other  into what had been a very  can have six different beers  Brewery,  something  irre-
            tears." The beer market was   programs  such  as  credits  conservative  lineup  based  and  the  appropriate  glass  placeable has been lost.q
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