Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200420
P. 31

locAl           Monday 20 april 2020

              Blessings to all and for Everyone to Stay Safe!

            Aruba’s National Social Fund reached $83k

            with COVID-19 relief initiative

            ORANJESTAD — On April 9th, we at CEDE Aruba  a complete halt. Standard & Poor projects our
            kicked-off the Happy To Give Back initiative to  Island  to  be  the  most  affected  country  in  the
            raise funds for those most heavily affected by  world due to impact on tourism from COVID-19.
            the  COVID-19  crisis  in  Aruba  and  they  have  We project more than 25.000 lost jobs, close to
            been overjoyed at the response that they have  a quarter of our total population, so we need
            received from the international and local com-  all  the  help  we  can  get”,  according  to  Teck-
            munity.                                         lenborg.

            “We are happy to report that these funds, $83k  The One Happy Island receives approximately
            so  far,  were  immediately  allocated  to  food  1.2  million  visitors  a  year.  The  Happy  to  Give
            banks and meals on wheels initiatives that are  Back  initiative  asks  every  friend  of  Aruba  and
            supporting families who have been financially  locals who can afford it to make a contribution,
            devastated  by  this  crisis,”  says  CEDE-director  both locally and internationally.
            Daniel Tecklenborg.
                                                            For more information on how to donate to the
            “The Island is devastated, as Aruba’s only eco-  ‘Happy  to  Give  Back’  initiative,  please  visit:
            nomic pillar, tourism & hospitality, has come to q

              Your favorite hotel staff

              ORANJESTAD  —  We  are  far
              away    but   still   connected
              through Aruba Today! We know
              many of you as our loyal read-
              ers  and  friends  and  we  know
              you just love Aruba's hospitality.
              The most striking is that all of you
              mention  the  great  service  and                                                             Auldric
              the  bond  with  the  waiter,  the
              receptionist or other staff in the   Germaine Wever
              hotel and restaurants on Aruba.
              We have asked you to send us
              a picture of that favorite waiter
              or  housekeeper  or  other  hotel
              staff  together  with  a  personal
              message to them to publish this
              in  our  newspaper.  We  will  also
              do our utmost to find this person
              and  make  sure  she  or  he  will
              get this message. Many of them
              may have lost their job or do not        Winnie                                                Victor
              know when they will restart their
              work.  They  must  miss  you  and   “I'm  responding  to  your  post  looking  for  photos  of  local
              the daily interaction that is why  friends we tourists (like to think of ourselves as once a year   Our four special Aruba Hilton (previously the Radisson) are:
              we would like to reach out and  "family") are missing during this time of "isolation". My hus-  •   Winnie-  she  makes  the  best  Brandy  Alexanders  and
              make a connection.               band and I have found ourselves on your beautiful island   Grasshoppers!
                                               year after year in November.  Our first stay, over 20 years   •   Germaine  Wever-  always  around  adding  the  special
              Send  your  text  and  picture  to:   ago, was at the Aruba Grand.  It was during our second trip   touch to our stay (here she is receiving a gift from me
                                               that we discovered the Radisson; we never looked back.
                                                                                                         as she hosted our 10 or 15 year tourist award).
           You   Over the years everyone at this, the best home away from   •   Victor-  he  is  the  bird  whisperer;  no  day  is  complete
              may also send us a PM on Face-   home on the island, have made us feel like one of the fam-  without seeing him and his birds.
              book  but  pictures  are  best  by  ily.                                               •   Auldric- he is usually the first face we see when we ar-
              email.                                                                                     rive at the resort and the last one we see when leaving.
                                               While  everyone  there  have  been  there  for  years  and  we   He is always makes sure our stay is perfect.”
              Have  a  look  at  the  wonderful   love them all, we have four pictures to share.  They are the   Sincerely
                                               reason we keep returning year after year. Chuck and I wish
              messages we have received so     everyone on Aruba happiness and good health.  Our trip for   Sue and Chuck Heron
              far. Thank you for sharing! q    November 2020 has been booked so see everyone soon!   Little Falls, NY
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