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                                                                                                  up front Monday 9 January 2023

            Speaker McCarthy: A weakened leader or emboldened survivor?

            Continued from Front                                                                                                deficit.
                                                                                                                                McCarthy  helped  recruit
            In  the  end,  McCarthy                                                                                             the tea party class, and he
            emerges  as  a  weakened                                                                                            went  on  to  become  the
            speaker,  one  with  less  au-                                                                                      third-ranking   Republican,
            thority on paper than those                                                                                         part  of  the  “Young  Guns”
            before  him.  That’s  par-                                                                                          with Ryan of Wisconsin and
            ticularly  true  because  he                                                                                        then-Rep.  Eric  Cantor  of
            agreed  to  give  the  hard-                                                                                        Virginia.
            right  holdouts  a  key  con-                                                                                       Fueled  by  the  tea  party,
            cession: restoring a rule that                                                                                      they went on to lead House
            allows any single lawmaker                                                                                          Republicans  into  crisis  af-
            to  make  a  “motion  to  va-                                                                                       ter  crisis  with  efforts  to  cut
            cate the chair,” essentially                                                                                        federal  spending  during
            a vote to oust the speaker                                                                                          the  “fiscal  cliff”  of  2012
            from that leadership post.                                                                                          and  federal  shutdowns  in
            But  in  some  ways,  the  son                                                                                      2013 as they tried to repeal
            of  gritty  Bakersfield,  an  oil-                                                                                  Obama’s health care pro-
            and-agricultural  heartland                                                                                         gram.
            in  central  California,  also                                                                                      In  2015,  when  then-Rep.
            becomes  emboldened  as                                                                                             Mark  Meadows,  the  North
            a  survivor  who  withstood                                                                                         Carolina  Republican  who
            one of history’s most brutal                                                                                        led  the  Freedom  Caucus
            brawls for power and who     House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of Calif., gestures towards the newly installed nameplate at his   and later served as Trump’s
            prides himself on being an   office after he was sworn in as speaker of the 118th Congress in Washington, early Saturday, Jan.   last  chief  of  staff,  threat-
                                         7, 2023.
            underestimated     political                                                                       Associated Press   ened a “motion to vacate
            fighter.                                                                                                            the chair” — a vote to oust
            “Apparently, I like to make  of  must-pass  bills  to  fund  come together to accom-   against  McCarthy.  “I  in-  the  speaker  —  Boehner
            history,” McCarthy quipped  the  government,  restock  plish big priorities. But more  tend to keep that promise.”  chose early retirement.
            at one point during the rau-  a  military  whose  supplies  often it results in brinkman-  Good  was  one  of  six  Re-  McCarthy  tried  to  take
            cous week.                   have  been  depleted  by  ship  that  has  led  to  stale-  publican who voted “pres-  Boehner’s  place,  but  he
            McCarthy  staked  his  po-   decades  of  war  and  aid  mates,  standoffs  and  shut-  ent” in the final roll call.  dropped  out  of  the  race
            litical career on early back-  to  Ukraine,  authorize  farm-  downs.                  McCarthy  has  been  here  when it was clear he would
            ing  of  Trump,  and  it  was  ing programs and raise the  House   Republicans   are  before.  In  2011,  tea  party  not have support from con-
            the  former  president  who  nation’s  borrowing  limit  to  eager  to  confront  Biden  Republicans  took  control  servatives. Ryan ended up
            delivered  when  needed,  avert  an  unprecedented  with oversight of the White  of  the  House,  confronting  with the job. But he, too, re-
            making  late  phone  calls  federal default.              House’s  handling  of  the  the  agenda  of  President  tired in the Trump era.
            to  holdouts  and  “help-    For  the  first  time  as  presi-  U.S.-Mexico  border,  the  Barack  Obama  and  his  Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi,  D-
            ing  get  those  final  votes.”  dent,  Biden  will  face  a  di-  COVID-19  crisis  and  other  vice  president,  Biden.  The  Calif.,  did  away  with  the
            When  it  was  finally  over,  vided  government,  with  issues,  along  with  investi-  movement  opposed  the  “vacate  the  chair”  rule
            when  McCarthy  walked  the  House  in  Republican  gations of Biden, his family  Washington political estab-       when Democrats regained
            into the speaker’s office at  hands  and  the  Senate  still  and his administration.  lishment  and  espoused  a  the majority in 2019. A sea-
            the Capitol, the sign bear-  controlled, though narrow-   “I  came  to  Washington  to  conservative  and  libertar-  soned  legislator  who  had
            ing  his  name  already  was  ly, by Democrats.           challenge the status quo,”  ian  philosophy,  advocat-    made  history  as  the  first
            hanging.                     Divided  government  can  wrote      Republican     Bob  ing for less spending, lower  woman to be speaker, Pe-
            Plenty of tests await.       be  a  time  of  bipartisan  Good of Virginia in an op-   taxes  and  reducing  the  losi ran the House with the
            Congress faces an agenda  deal-making as the parties  ed  before  his  many  votes  national debt and budget  strength of experience.q

            Outgoing Sen. Sasse knows Trump

            criticism shapes his legacy

            OMAHA,  Neb.  (AP)  —  Ne-   publicans  to  vote  to  con-  I’m  sad  for  him  to  be  that
            braska’s outgoing U.S. Sen.  vict the former president at  needy and desperate. But
            Ben  Sasse  knows  he  may  his impeachment trial after  at  a  policy  level,  I  always
            be  remembered  more  for  the 2021 Capitol riot. Those  loved that he kept his word
            his criticisms of former Presi-  criticisms led to Sasse being  on the judges. ... And so we
            dent Donald Trump than for  sharply criticized by his own  got to work closely on judg-
            the  policies  he  supported  political  party  in  Nebraska  es.”  Sasse  said  he  is  espe-
            during his eight years in of-  even  though  Sasse  voted  cially proud of his work with
            fice. Sasse talked about his  with Trump 85% of the time  the  Senate  Intelligence
            political  legacy  with  the  and  helped  get  his  three  committee  that  included   U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., listens during a confirmation hearing
            Omaha  World-Herald  as  U.S.  Supreme  Court  nomi-      setting  up  a  commission   for Supreme Court nomineeKetanji Brown Jackson before the
                                                                                                   Senate  Judiciary  Committee  on  Capitol  Hill  in  Washington,
            he  prepared  to  leave  the  nees confirmed.             on  cybersecurity.  He  said   March 23, 2022.
            Senate Sunday to become  “I’m  just  sad  for  him  as  a  120 of that group’s 190 rec-                                        Associated Press
            president  of  the  University  human  because  obviously  ommendations have been
            of Florida.                  there’s a lot of complicated  passed into law.            Harvard,  Yale  and  Oxford  the  Senate,  Sasse  led  the
            Sasse  was  a  prominent  stuff going on in that soul,”  The  University  of  Florida  — to return to academia at  small,  private  Midland  Uni-
            Trump  critic  who  joined  Sasse  said  to  the  newspa-  job will allow Sasse — who  a  much  bigger  institution.  versity  in  his  hometown  of
            with a handful of other Re-  per. “Just at a human level,  studied American history at  Before  he  was  elected  to  Fremont, Nebraska.q
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