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                    Monday 9 January 2023
            Kishida highlights security concerns on trip to Europe, U.S.

            By MARI YAMAGUCHI                                                                                                   of the alliance to reflect a
            Associated Press                                                                                                    much  more  capable  part-
            TOKYO  (AP)  —  Japanese                                                                                            ner  that’s  coming,”  said
            Prime  Minister  Fumio  Kishi-                                                                                      Christopher     Johnstone,
            da begins a weeklong trip                                                                                           senior  adviser  and  Japan
            Monday to strengthen mili-                                                                                          chair  for  the  Center  for
            tary  ties  with  Europe  and                                                                                       Strategic and International
            Britain and bring into focus                                                                                        Studies.
            the  Japan-U.S.  alliance  at                                                                                       He said, however, that Ja-
            a  summit  in  Washington,                                                                                          pan’s  focus  on  the  strike
            as  Japan  breaks  from  its                                                                                        capability and budget is a
            postwar restraint to take on                                                                                        welcome  but  “a  daunting
            more  offensive  roles  with                                                                                        agenda” that will require a
            an eye toward China.                                                                                                lot of cooperation with the
            Kishida’s talks with U.S. Pres-                                                                                     United States.
            ident  Joe  Biden  on  Friday                                                                                       Paving  the  way  for  the
            will  highlight  his  five-nation                                                                                   summit, Japanese Defense
            tour that also takes him to                                                                                         Minister Yasukazu Hamada
            France,  Italy,  Britain  and                                                                                       and  Foreign  Minister  Yo-
            Canada — some of Group                                                                                              shimasa  Hayashi  will  fly  to
            of  Seven  nations  Japan                                                                                           Washington  to  meet  their
            has  stepped  up  defense                                                                                           American     counterparts,
            ties with in recent years. His                                                                                      Lloyd  Austin  and  Antony
            first stop is Paris on Monday   Japanese  Prime  Minister  Fumio  Kishida  speaks  during  his  New  Year’s  news  conference  in  Ise,   Blinken, on Wednesday, fol-
            evening.                     central Japan on Jan. 4, 2023.                                        Associated Press  lowed by separate defense
            Kishida said his summit with                                                                                        ministers’ talks Thursday.
            Biden  will  underscore  the  in China and North Korea.   nomic security cooperation  some  experts  see  growing  The  Biden  administration,
            strength  of  the  Japan-U.S.  Kishida  said  he  will  explain  the two countries promote  risks that Chinese President  which  also  adopted  its  se-
            alliance  and  how  the  two  to Biden the new strategy,  to  counter  China’s  grow-  Xi Jingpin may take action  curity  strategy  in  October,
            countries  can  work  more  under  which  Japan  is  also  ing  military  and  economic  against  self-ruled  Taiwan,  expects  Japan  to  assist  in
            closely under Japan’s new  reinforcing  defenses  on  its  influence.                  which Beijing claims as part  the  supply  and  storage  of
            security and defense strat-  southwestern  islands  close  Under  the  new  strategies,  of its territory.          fuel  and  munitions  in  case
            egies.                       to Taiwan, including Yona-   Japan  plans  to  start  de-  Japan’s  new  strategy  has  of  a  Taiwan  emergency,
            Japan  in  December  ad-     guni  and  Ishigaki,  where  ploying in 2026 long-range  been well received by the  experts say. Japan and the
            opted  key  security  and  new bases are being con-       cruise  missiles  that  can  Biden  administration  and  United  States  are  also  re-
            defense  reforms,  including  structed.                   reach  potential  targets  in  some members of the Con-   portedly considering estab-
            a  counterstrike  capability  “Will  will  discuss  further  China,  nearly  double  its  gress.                    lishing a joint command.
            that  makes  a  break  from  strengthening  of  the  Ja-  defense budget within five  Experts  say  it  would  also  During the talks at the White
            the  country’s  exclusively  pan-U.S.   alliance,   and  years  to  a  NATO  standard  widen  cooperation  with  House, the two leaders are
            self-defense-only  postwar  how  we  work  together  to  of  about  2%  of  GDP  from  their main regional partners  also  expected  to  discuss
            principle.  Japan  says  the  achieve  a  fee  and  open  the  current  1%,  and  im-  Australia and possibly South  China, North Korea’s nucle-
            current deployment of mis-   Indo-Pacific,” Kishida told a  prove  cyberspace  and  in-  Korea.                     ar and missile development
            sile  interceptors  is  insuffi-  NHK national television talk  telligence capabilities.  “This is an opportunity to re-  as  well  as  Russia’s  war  on
            cient to defend it from rap-  show Sunday, referring to a  The idea is to do as much  think and update the struc-   Ukraine,  Japanese  officials
            id weapons advancement  vision of national and eco-       as possible in a short time as  ture  and  the  mechanisms  said.q

            Bosnian Serbs award Putin with medal of honor

                                                                      controlled half of Bosnia.   is an affirmation of the stra-  the  country  deeply  divid-
                                                                      “Putin  is  responsible  for  tegic  determination  of  our  ed between its three main
                                                                      developing  and  strength-   relations aimed at strength-  ethnic groups. Moscow has
                                                                      ening  cooperation  and  ening the friendship of our  been  exploiting  the  divi-
                                                                      political  and  friendly  rela-  brotherly  people,”  he  said  sions  by  tacitly  supporting
                                                                      tions  between  RS  (Repub-  at the ceremony.             Dodik’s separatist policies.
                                                                      lika  Srpska)  and  Russia,”  Moscow  has  often  been  Dodik  awarded  Putin  on
                                                                      the Bosnian Serb president,  accused  by  the  West  of  the  occasion  of  “the  day
                                                                      Milorad  Dodik,  said  at  the  seeking  to  destabilize  Bos-  of   Republika   Srpska,”
                                                                      awards  ceremony  in  the  nia and the rest of the Bal-   which  has  been  deemed
                                                                      Bosnian Serb stronghold of  kans  through  its  proxies  in  illegal by Bosnia’s constitu-
                                                                      Banja Luka.                  Serbia  and  Bosnia.  Dodik  tional  court.  Tensions  were
                                                                      Dodik,  who  visited  Putin  has   openly   advocated  running  high  in  Bosnia  as
                                                                      in  September  in  Moscow,  tearing away the Serb-con-    the  Serbs  planned  to  hold
            The  highest  decoration  of  the  Republika  Srpska,  Order  of  the   has  maintained  close  ties  trolled half of Bosnia from a  their  main  celebrations  on
            Republika Srpska assigned to Russian President Vladimir Putin is   with  the  Russian  president  Bosniak-Croat   federation  the  outskirts  of  Sarajevo
            seen during a ceremony in the Bosnian town of Banja Luka, 240
            kms northwest of Sarajevo, Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023.          despite  Russia’s  war  in  to join it up with neighbor-  on Monday, the town they
                                                     Associated Press   Ukraine.  The  medal  will  be  ing Serbia.             held  under  siege  for  three
                                                                      presented  to  Putin  during  A   U.S.-brokered   peace  years during the war. Thou-
             SARAJEVO,  Bosnia-Herze-    President  Vladimir  Putin  the next meeting between  deal  in  1995  ended  a  war  sands of people were killed
             govina (AP) — The Bosnian  with  the  highest  medal  of  the two, Russian Ambassa-   in  Bosnia  that  left  at  least  in  the  relentless  shelling
             Serb  separatist  leader  on  honor for his “patriotic con-  dor Igor Kalbukhov said.  100,000  people  dead  and  and sniping of the Bosnian
             Sunday  awarded  Russian  cern and love” for the Serb-   “We believe that this award  millions  homeless,  but  left  capital.q
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