Page 9 - aruba-today-20230109
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                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 9 January 2023

            Drawing of lots for Carnival 69 parcels

            ORANJESTAD – The Depart-                                                                                            All  participating  carnival
            ment  of  Infrastructure  and                                                                                       trailers/floats  should  pass
            planning  (DIP)  announces                                                                                          technical  inspection.  Not
            changes in the application                                                                                          inspected trailers and floats
            and  granting  of  the  pre-                                                                                        are not allowed in the pa-
            cario permit for lots during                                                                                        rades.
            Carnival 69.
                                                                                                                                In  addition,  all  participat-
            The application form for lots                                                                                       ing  vehicles  should  have
            is only available online and                                                                                        the  seal  of  the  technical
            can be found to download                                                                                            inspection  by  the  DTI  to
            on  the  government  web-                                                                                           be able to drive in the pa-
            site;                                                                                                rades.  It  includes  all    UTVs,
                                                                                                                                ATVs,  trucks,  chassis,  flat-
            There are four lot applica-                                                                                         beds, and container trucks.
            tions on each page, so you                                                                                          Contact  the  Department
            have to cut the form in four                                                                                        of Technical Inspection DTI
            before  depositing  these  in                                                                                       for more information.
            the  corresponding  draw
            drum located in the hall of                                                                                         The  Planning  Department
                                                                      the Infra Building.          parcel  number  based  on  of  the  Police  Department
                                                                                                   the  availability  of  the  lots.  can be reached at 5852500
                                                                      One  must  place  an  AWG.  This year the lots are no lon-  from Monday to Friday be-
                                                                      4,00  stamp  on  each  ap-   ger selected on a map.       tween  7:00  am  and  3:00
                                                                      plication.  The  stamps  are  Vendors parcels:            pm.
                                                                      available at the post office.
                                                                                                   The  vendor  must  deposit  During  weekends,  float/
                                                                      Once the application form  the completed application  trailer owners can contact
                                                                      is  filled  out  and  stamped,  form  for  a  vendor's  lot  in  the Police line 100, who will
                                                                      you  can  put  them  in  the  the corresponding drawing  notify  the  corresponding
                                                                      corresponding  draw  drum  drum for the location/area  officer to inspect the trailer/
                                                                      in the hall of the Infra Build-  the  vendor  prefers;  Once  float.
                                                                      ing  located  at  Sabana  drawn,  the  application  is
                                                                      Blanco  68  during  regular  automatically  assigned  a  The    Police   Department
                                                                      business days from 7:30 am  parcel  number  based  on  urges carnival participants/
                                                                      -  12:30  pm  and  from  1:30  the sequence of available  groups to ensure they com-
                                                                      pm to 5:30 pm. The last day  parcels.  This  year  the  ven-  ply with all the requirements
                                                                      to  submit  the  application  dor's lots are no longer se-  in  time  to  avoid  unneces-
                                                                      form  is  Thursday,  January  lected on a map.            sary issues. The first carnival
                                                                      19, 2023, and the drawing is                              parade, the Torch Parade,
                                                                      on Friday, January 20, 2023.  IMPORTANT:  DIP  discards  is on January 7, 2023. Only
                                                                                                   incomplete     application  inspected trailers and floats
                                                                      Attention to the following:  forms and assigns the next  can  participate  in  the
                                                                      You  must  fill  out  the  appli-  lot number to the applica-  parade.q
                                                                      cation forms completely to  tion form drawn next.
                                                                      be valid. DIP will discard in-
                                                                      complete applications;
                                                                      Application  forms  should
                                                                      include  an  email  address
                                                                      and  a  valid  personal  tax
                                                                      number      (persoonsnum-
                                                                      Spectators parcels:

                                                                      The  petitioner  should  indi-
                                                                      cate  the  preferred  choice
                                                                      for  the  lot  on  either  LG
                                                                      Smith or Vondellaan on the
                                                                      application  form;  Once
                                                                      drawn,  the  application  is
                                                                      automatically  assigned  a
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