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WORLD NEWS Monday 9 January 2023
Marches in Europe support Iran protests, assail government
Associated Press
LYON, France (AP) — Hun-
dreds of people marched
Sunday in France to honor
an Iranian Kurdish man who
took his own life in a des-
perate act of anguish over
the nationwide protests in
French police estimated
the size of the crowd that
gathered for Mohammad
Moradi at about 1,000
people. They marched in
the city of Lyon, where the
38-year-old Moradi took
his own life in December,
drowning in the Rhone riv-
In videos in Farsi and French
recorded before his death,
Moradi criticized Iran’s
leadership and called for Protesters gather at Marble Arch before they march to Trafalgar Square to protest against the
solidarity from Western Islamic Republic in Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini, in London, Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023.
governments against it. The with incredible courage,” headscarf, known as the door trials.
recordings featured him said Lili Mohadjer, one of hijab. The Lyon marchers also
saying, “When you see this the Lyon march organizers, Sunday’s marchers in Lyon paid homage to victims
video, I will be dead.” who addressed the crowd. shouted Moradi’s name. of the shooting down of a
The protesters Sunday “His hope was that the me- They also observed a min- Ukrainian passenger plane
marched with placards dia and Western govern- ute of silence for him and in 2020 that killed 176 peo-
that read “stop executions ments continue to support for two men that Iran said ple. Iran’s military mistak-
in Iran” and other slogans. the Iranian people.” it executed on Saturday enly downed Ukraine Inter-
Some traveled from other The protests in Iran began for allegedly killing a para- national Airlines Flight PS752
parts of France. in mid-September, over military volunteer during a with two surface-to-air mis-
Hundreds of protesters also the death of Mahsa Amini. demonstration. siles.
gathered in Rome and Lon- The 22-year-old woman Iran’s judiciary identified In London, protesters waved
don in support of the Irani- died after being arrested those executed as Mo- Iran’s pre-revolutionary flag
an protest movement. by Iran’s morality police for hammad Mehdi Karami as they marched to Tra-
Moradi arrived in France allegedly violating the Is- and Mohammad Hosseini, falgar Square and carried
in 2019 with his wife and lamic Republic’s strict dress making it four men known banners with pictures of
was pursuing a Ph.D. in his- code. to have been executed demonstrators killed by the
tory. His death resonated Women have played a since the demonstrations Islamic Republic’s authori-
among the Iranian dias- leading role in the protests, began in September. All ties. They chanted “wom-
pora. with many publicly remov- have faced internationally an, life, freedom,” a slogan
“Mohammad took his life ing the compulsory Islamic criticized, rapid, closed- of the Iranian movement.q
Subway train collision in Mexico City kills 1, injures 57
Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum while ambulances and res-
said on her Twitter account cue teams arrived to treat
that the accident hap- the injured. Edgar Montiel,
pened on Line 3 of the cap- an electrician who was on
ital’s Metro system, without one on the trains, said he
specifying the cause of the felt lucky because he had
crash between the Potrero decided at the last minute
and La Raza stations. to enter the next-to-last car
Sheinbaum said one rather than the rearmost
woman was killed and 57 car, which was smashed
people injured, who were up in the crash.
taken to seven hospitals. He said he remained on the
Four people were trapped floor of the car with several
in the wreckage for a time, passengers amid screams
including one train driver, and cries asked for help.
A subway passenger, injured when two subway trains collided, who was reported in seri- Montiel, who had his left
waits to be taken to a hospital, in Mexico City, Saturday, Jan. 7, ous condition. Late in the arm and shoulder ban-
2023. afternoon, the mayor said daged, said the occupants
Associated Press 26 of the injured had been of his car had to wait about
released. 30 minutes until paramed-
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Two day in Mexico City, killing at Dozens of police and sol- ics arrived to tend to the
subway trains collided be- least one person and injur- diers swarmed into the injured and help everyone
tween two stations Satur- ing 41, authorities said. nearby subway stations, exit the car.q