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P. 11

                                                                                                           local Wednesday 21 december 2022

            Dutch Secretary of State, Van der Burg:

            “We need to give priority to modern slavery

            ORANJESTAD  –  Last  Mon-
            day,  the  prime  minister  of
            the  Netherlands,  Mr.  Mark
            Rutte  offered  apologies  in
            the name of the past gov-
            ernment  for  slavery  in  the
            past.  In the afternoon, the
            prime  minister  of  Aruba,
            Mrs.  Evelyn  Wever-Croes
            together with Dutch Secre-
            tary of State for Justice and
            Security,  Mr.  Eric  van  der
            Burg  held  a  press  confer-
            ence regarding this histori-
            cal moment.

            Premier Wever-Croes point-
            ed out that the apology of
            the  Cabinet  marks  a  his-
            torical day. “It is a day that
            our  ancestors  could  only
            dream  about.  The  prime
            minister of the Netherlands,
            Mark    Rutte   apologized
            for  slavery  in  the  past.  He
            recognized  before  that
            this  was  a  crimen  against
            humanity, and then he of-
            fered his official apology.”

            Wever-Croes  added  that
            even  though  she  could
            comment  on  the  way  in
            which  the  preparations  for
            the  apology  took  place,  sion  that  since  the  first  of  among others – something  the present and future.    tion of the state, the coast
            “this  does  not  take  away  July  2022,  has  been  work-  that  Rutte  also  mentioned                           guard and public servants.
            that  well-intended  apolo-  ing on the history of slavery,  in  his  speech.  “As  was  al-  During  questions  from  the
            gies  are  always  welcome  and their wish is that for next  ready mentioned, this is the  press,  our  reporter  asked  The Secretary of State add-
            and that they owe our an-    July 1st they can present a  beginning of the trajectory  the  Secretary  of  State  ed  that  they  are  introduc-
            cestors  to  find  recognition  concrete plan on what this  for  us  to  continue  working  about modern slavery and  ing expertise on processing
            for  them,  as  they  have  re-  all means for Aruba.     together  on  improving  the  abuse.  Van  der  Burg  ex-  of  people  guilty  of  human
            ceived today.”                                            relationship  between  Aru-  plained that he visited the  smuggling  and  trafficking.
                                         Van  der  Burg  pointed  out  ba  and  the  Netherlands,  team  that  is  in  charge  of  He  added  that  we  must
            Wever-Croes     said   that  the  importance  of  this  his-  but  also  the  beginning  of  people smuggling and traf-  remember  that  everyone
            what  Rutte  said,  namely,  torical  moment  for  the  the  trajectory  for  the  next  ficking  in  Aruba.  He  em-  needs  to  pay  attention  to
            that this is not a period, but  Netherlands,  Aruba  and  processes  regarding  the  phasized that even though  awareness within the com-
            a  comma,  because  from  the  entire  Dutch  Caribbe-    history of slavery”, Van der  he  came  to  Aruba  in  the  munity,  because  a  lot  of
            this moment on, Aruba, the  an. He remembered that in  Burg said.                      name  of  the  government  people  don’t  realize  the
            Netherlands  and  the  en-   his speech, Rutte was very                                of  the  Netherlands  in  the  danger  of  human  traffick-
            tire  Kingdom  will  continue  clear as well that he is also  Aside from that, he empha-  context of the apology for  ing.
            working  together  on  the  thankful to people and or-    sized  that  it  is  very  impor-  slavery  in  the  past,  daily  “What  sometimes  we  see
            path  to  recovery,  restora-  ganizations that during the  tant  also  to  recognize  the  as  Secretary  of  State  he  is  as  just  bad  labor  condi-
            tion   and   reconciliation.  last years have been work-  history  of  slavery  and  also  responsible for different af-  tions, or we say that people
            She  emphasized  that  the  ing on proving how impor-     show how the effects of this  fairs  and  two  of  these  are  can  leave,  they  can  quit
            Government  of  Aruba  is  tant it is for the Netherlands  remain to this day in the life  people smuggling and traf-  and go do something else,
            very thankful to the govern-  to  express  their  apologies  of people and in society.  ficking,  which  he  under-  but  it’s  exploitation  of  vul-
            ment of the Netherlands for  and to have recognition of                                scored is very important to  nerable people who are in
            taking  this  very  important  the crimes that took place  Van  der  Burg  mentioned  him.                          a  position  to  be  exploited
            first  step,  and  it  is  now  left  against people.     that  during  his  stay  he  vis-                         and  many  times  do  not
            to  the  present  generation                              ited the National Archive of  Van  der  Burg  also  ex-   have a way out”, he point-
            to  ensure  that  what  hap-  The Secretary of State also  Aruba and he commented  plained  that  he  could  see  ed out.
            pened  in  the  past  never  said that Monday morning  that that shows how impor-      what is already being done
            takes place again, and this  he had a nice meeting with  tant  it  is  for  the  archive  to  in  Aruba  in  this  area  and  Van  der  Burg  emphasized
            is  why  they  will  be  taking  Wever-Croes, one in which  not  only  capture  history,  how  they  are  taking  big,  that  priority  need  to  be
            steps together to prevent it.  there was also the possibil-  but  also  make  this  history  important steps to bring ex-  given  to  modern  slavery,
                                         ity  of  expressing  criticism  –  public  for  all  who  want  to  perts  on  human  trafficking  which  is  not  comparable
            Regarding  Aruba,  Wever-    for  example,  for  the  date  see how the story of a spe-  and  human  smuggling,  to  to the history of slavery but
            Croes  indicated  that  min-  chosen,  the  process  until  cific  person  was,  the  story  train people, not only in the  nonetheless  is  completely
            ister  of  Culture,  Xiomara  now  during  which  some  of their family, but also what  direction  of  law  enforce-  unacceptable.q
            Maduro formed a commis-      things did not go optimally,  it meant for that person in  ment but also in the direc-
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