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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 8 augusT 2023
            8-year-old Chicago girl fatally shot by man upset with kids making

            noise, witnesses say

            Associated Press                                                                                                    had said something about
            CHICAGO      (AP)   —   An                                                                                          them being too loud,” Kel-
            8-year-old Chicago girl rid-                                                                                        ley said.
            ing  a  scooter  was  fatally                                                                                       After the shooting, the gun-
            shot in the head by a man                                                                                           man was tackled by Sara-
            who was upset over noise,                                                                                           bi’s father and shot during
            witnesses said.                                                                                                     a struggle, according to a
            “It  just  didn’t  make  sense.                                                                                     police report. He was taken
            None  of  it  made  sense,”                                                                                         to a hospital.
            a  neighbor,  Megan  Kel-                                                                                             “He  ran  over  there,  foot-
            ley,  told  the  Chicago  Sun-                                                                                      ball-tackled this guy,” com-
            Times.  “Everybody  in  the                                                                                         munity activist Andrew Hol-
            community  would  just  tell                                                                                        mes said.
            him  they  are  just  kids  hav-                                                                                    Chicago  police  spokes-
            ing  fun  playing.  Just  let                                                                                       man  Tom  Ahern  said  pros-
            them be.”                                                                                                           ecutors were reviewing the
            The  shooting  happened                                                                                             case for charges Monday.
            Saturday  night  in  Chica-                                                                                         Stuffed  animals  and  sun-
            go’s  Portage  Park  neigh-                                                                                         flowers  were  placed  at
            borhood.  Police  were  at                                                                                          the base of a tree near the
            the  suspect’s  apartment                                                                                           shooting scene.
            building Sunday, interview-                                                                                           “With  great  sadness,  we
            ing  people  and  collecting                                                                                        are devastated at the loss
            evidence,  hours  after  the   Police investigate the apartment building of the shooter at the scene where an 8-year-old Chicago   of another young life,” the
            death of Sarabi Medina.      girl was killed in Portage Park, Sunday, Aug. 6, 2023.                                 Chicago school district said
            “Before  he  shot  her,  he                                              (Anthony Vazquez/Chicago Sun-Times via AP)  in a statement.q

             Justice Department helping Ukraine in war crimes investigations,

             Attorney General Garland says

            By  Lindsay  Whitehurst  and  He  appointed  a  prosecu-  American soldiers or senior
            Nicholas Riccardi            tor  to  serve  at  a  center  officials. Although it is not a
            Associated Press             opened  last  month  in  The  member  of  the  court,  the
            DENVER (AP) — The U.S. Jus-  Hague  to  support  nations  U.S.  has  cooperated  with
            tice Department is cooper-   building  cases  against  se-  the ICC in the past on war
            ating with the International  nior Russian leaders for the  crimes  issues,  notably  dur-
            Criminal  Court  and  sup-   crime of aggression.         ing the Obama administra-
            porting  Ukrainian  prosecu-  International Center for the  tion when Washington con-
            tors carrying out war crime  Prosecution  of  the  Crime  tributed  evidence  to  the
            investigation  s,  Attorney  of Aggression will not issue  investigation  into  atrocities
            General  Merrick  Garland  indictments  or  arrest  war-  allegedly  committed  by
            said  Monday  as  he  reaf-  rants  for  suspects  but  will  the Lord’s Resistance Army
            firmed his department’s aid  instead  support  investiga-  in Uganda and surrounding
            more than a year after the  tions  already  underway  states in east Africa.
            Russian invasion.            in  Ukraine,  Estonia,  Latvia,  However,  American  an-  U.S.  Attorney  General  Merrick  Garland  makes  a  point  as  he
            Congress  recently  allowed  Lithuania and Poland.        tipathy  toward  the  tribu-  speaks to members of the house of delegates of the American
            for new U.S. flexibility in as-  The ICC does not have ju-  nal  reached  new  heights   Bar Association at the group’s annual meeting Monday, Aug. 7,
            sisting the court with investi-  risdiction  to  prosecute  ag-  during  the  Trump  admin-  2023, in Denver.
            gations into foreign nation-  gression in Ukraine because  istration  when  it  imposed                             (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)
            als related to Ukraine, and  Russia  and  Ukraine  have  sanctions  on  the  former    is  giving  wide-ranging  as-  must ensure that a just soci-
            the Justice Department will  not ratified the Rome Stat-  ICC  chief  prosecutor  and   sistance  to  Ukraine,  from  ety comes out on the other
            be a key part of the United  ute that founded the court,  several  aides  for  pursuing   training on prosecuting en-  side of the war,” he said.
            States’  cooperation,  Gar-  though  Ukraine’s  prosecu-  investigations  into  alleged   vironmental crimes to help  The  Justice  Department
            land said.                   tor  general  has  said  they  war  crimes  committed  by   developing a secure elec-  is  “honored  to  stand  with
              “We  are  not  waiting  for  plan to join.              U.S.  troops  in  Afghanistan   tronic  case-management  them.”  Garland  also  en-
            the hostilities to end before  The  United  States  also  is  and Iraq and Israeli service-  system for more than 90,000  couraged  more  private
            pursuing  justice  and  ac-  not an ICC member state.  members in the West Bank        suspected atrocity crimes.   lawyers to volunteer to help
            countability.  We  are  work-  Since  the  Treaty  of  Rome,  and Gaza.                Garland  also  touted  the  Ukrainian victims.
            ing  closely  with  our  inter-  which   established   the  The  Biden  administration   $500  million  seized  assets    “We  do  not  know  if  any-
            national partners to gather  court,  took  effect,  succes-  rescinded  those  sanctions   and  over  three  dozen  in-  one involved in their deaths
            evidence  and  build  cases  sive U.S. administrations be-  shortly  after  taking  office   dictments  the  department  were  held  accountable,”
            so that we are ready when  ginning during Bill Clinton’s  and its decision to actively   has  handed  down  to  en-  Garland said. “The families
            the  time  comes  to  hold  presidency  have  taken  a  assist the court with Ukraine   force sanctions.            of  the  victims  of  the  cur-
            the  perpetrators  account-  largely hands off approach  investigations marks anoth-     “Ukraine  must  do  three  rent  atrocities  in  Ukraine
            able,” he said in a speech  toward  the  ICC  due  to  er  step  toward  coopera-      things   simultaneously:   it  deserve to know what hap-
            to  the  American  Bar  Asso-  concerns it might open in-  tion with the ICC.          must fight a war; it must in-  pened to their loved ones.
            ciation in Denver.           vestigations and prosecute  The  Justice  Department      vestigate war crimes; and it  They deserve justice.” q
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