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Tuesday 8 augusT 2023
Attorneys for 3 last-known survivors of 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre
appeal dismissed reparations case
By Sean Murphy ing litigation. A Chamber
Associated Press of Commerce attorney
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — previously said the mas-
Attorneys seeking repara- sacre was horrible, but the
tions for three living survi- nuisance it caused was not
vors of the 1921 Tulsa Race ongoing. The lawsuit con-
Massacre filed an appeal tends Tulsa’s long history of
in the case with the Okla- racial division and tension
homa Supreme Court and stemmed from the massa-
said a district court judge cre, during which an an-
erred in dismissing the case gry white mob descended
last month. The appeal was on a 35-block area, loot-
filed Friday on behalf of the ing, killing and burning it to
last known living survivors the ground. Beyond those
of the attack, all of whom killed, thousands more
are now over 100 years were left homeless and liv-
old. They are seeking repa- ing in a hastily constructed
rations from the city and internment camp. The city
other defendants for the and insurance companies
destruction of the once- never compensated vic-
thriving Black district known tims for their losses, and the
as Greenwood. Damario Solomon-Simmons speaks at a news conference in Tulsa, Okla., on June 2, 2021. massacre ultimately result-
“For 102 years... they’ve (Stephen Pingry/Tulsa World via AP) ed in racial and economic
been waiting,” said Dama- disparities that still exist to-
rio Solomon-Simmons, an opportunity to have their on its merits. District Court of Tulsa, the Tulsa Regional day, the lawsuit argued. It
attorney for the three, dur- day in court.” Solomon- Judge Caroline Wall last Chamber, the Board of seeks a detailed account-
ing a press conference Simmons, who brought the month dismissed the case County Commissioners, the ing of the property and
Monday on the steps of lawsuit under Oklahoma’s with prejudice, dashing an Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office wealth lost or stolen in the
the Oklahoma Supreme public nuisance law, said effort to obtain some mea- and the Oklahoma Military massacre, the construction
Court building. “They’ve he wants the high court to sure of legal justice by sur- Department. A spokesper- of a hospital in north Tulsa
been waiting, just like every return the case to district vivors of the deadly racist son for the City of Tulsa, Mi- and the creation of a vic-
other victim and survivor of court for discovery and for rampage. Defendants in chelle Brooks, declined to tims compensation fund,
the massacre, for just an a judge to decide the case the case include the City comment, citing the pend- among other things. q
Ex-student accused in California stabbing deaths is mentally unfit
for trial
they no longer planned to Raven said in an email Mon- tent survived.
fight the defense by Domin- day that prosecutors dis- The attacks terrified the
guez’s attorney that he was agreed with the initial doc- community. Businesses
not mentally fit for trial. A tor’s report and how she closed early and some stu-
determination of incompe- reached her conclusions dents were too scared to
tency means Dominguez regarding Dominguez’s attend even daytime class-
cannot currently under- competency. Prosecutors es as their parents pleaded
stand court proceedings, previously said Dominguez with them to return home.
assist his attorney in his de- was “toying with the sys- Dominguez was arrested
fense and understand his tem” and should face a May 4, a week after the first
own status in the criminal criminal trial. body was found, near the
proceeding. They dropped their chal- location of the second at-
Yolo Superior Court Judge lenge after hearing new tack.
Samuel McAdam last week information at trial and the Dominguez was in court
ordered the defendant to court’s order to initiate in- Monday wearing a green
Carlos Dominguez appears in Yolo Superior Court in Woodland, receive medication over voluntary medication pro- safety vest. Previously he
Calif. on June 20, 2023, with a court-appointed public defender Dominguez’s objections, ceedings, Raven said. has spoken out loud to say
Dan Hutchinson. ruling he was a danger to Dominguez had been a he was guilty and wanted
(Hector Amezcua/The Sacramento Bee via AP, Pool, File)
himself and others without third-year student at the to apologize and that he
By Janie Har which killed two people, it. Three medical experts University of California, Da- did not want an attorney.
Associated Press wounded a third and ter- testified that Dominguez is vis majoring in biological His appointed attorney Dan
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — rorized a peaceful college schizophrenic. sciences until April 25, when Hutchinson, a Yolo County
The criminal case against town. Dominguez will go to a he was expelled. Stab- deputy public defender,
a former Northern Califor- The judge dismissed ju- state hospital when a bed bings near campus began said in court that Domin-
nia university student ac- rors in Carlos Dominguez’s becomes available and shortly after. He is charged guez would not eat, shower
cused of several stabbings competency trial Monday, once his competency is in the deaths of a 50-year- or speak much while in jail.
is on hold after prosecutors which would have been restored, the criminal trial old homeless man and a He still believed he was a
agreed that he is incompe- the fifth day of testimony, will resume, said Jonathan 20-year-old UC Davis stu- student at UC Davis and in-
tent to stand trial for charg- after county prosecutors in- Raven, the county’s chief dent. A homeless woman sisted he was not ill, his law-
es related to the attacks, formed the court last week deputy district attorney. who was attacked in her yer said.q