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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 8 augusT 2023
            NATO and the EU send aid to Slovenia after floods that killed at

            least 6 and left many homeless

            LJUBLJANA,  Slovenia  (AP)                                                                                          Even Ukraine, which is trying
            —  The  European  Union                                                                                             to repel a full-scale invasion
            and  NATO  began  sending                                                                                           by Russia, offered help.
            urgent  aid  Monday  to  Slo-                                                                                         “The  Ukrainian  side  will,
            venia after severe flooding                                                                                         in  line  with  its  capabilities,
            over  the  weekend  affect-                                                                                         support its friends and part-
            ing  two-thirds  of  the  small                                                                                     ners  that  find  themselves
            European  country  killed  at                                                                                       in  trouble,  just  as  Slovenia
            least  six  people  and  left                                                                                       is  supporting  the  Ukrainian
            hundreds homeless.                                                                                                  nation and helping us divert
            NATO     Secretary-General                                                                                          Russian  aggression,”  Oleg
            Jens  Stoltenberg  spoke  by                                                                                        Nikolenko,   spokesperson
            phone with Slovenian Prime                                                                                          for  Ukraine’s  Foreign  Minis-
            Minister  Robert  Golob  on                                                                                         try, wrote on social media.
            Monday,     expressing   his                                                                                        The floods were caused by
            sympathy  and  the  trans-                                                                                          torrential  rains  Friday  that
            Atlantic  alliance’s  strong                                                                                        caused rivers to swell swift-
            solidarity  with  Slovenia,  a                                                                                      ly  and  burst  into  houses,
            NATO statement said.                                                                                                fields,  villages  and  towns.
             “I express my deepest con-                                                                                         Slovenia’s  weather  service
            dolences to the people of                                                                                           said a month’s worth of rain
            Slovenia  for  the  loss  of  life                                                                                  fell in less than a day.
            and  widespread  devasta-                                                                                           Experts say extreme weath-
            tion  caused  by  this  week-  A flooded area is seen in Crna na Koroskem, Slovenia, Sunday, Aug. 6, 2023.          er conditions are partly fu-
            end’s  floods,”  Stoltenberg                                                                             (AP Photo)  eled  by  climate  change.
            said.                        Protection  Pool  stationed  tors  with  the  accompa-    termine  urgent  humanitar-  Parts  of  Europe  have  seen
            On  Sunday,  Slovenia  and  in  Greece.  Greece  is  also  nying  staff,  the  European  ian needs.                 record  heat  and  wildfires
            Cyprus  activated  a  Euro-  sending 20 tons of liquid re-  Commission said.           The German Interior Ministry  this summer.
            pean Union Civil Protection  tardant via the EU Civil Pro-  Bulgaria and Croatia have  said it was sending a team  Entire villages are still under
            Mechanism because of the  tection Mechanism.              also offered support, includ-  from  the  Federal  Agency  water  in  Slovenia.  Crops
            floods in Slovenia and wild-  France  is  sending  two  ex-  ing helicopters, excavators,  for  Technical  Relief  to  Slo-  have been destroyed and
            fires in Cyprus that have af-  cavators  with  engineer-  prefabricated bridges and  venia.  The  first  team,  spe-  cars  stuck  in  mud.  Major
            fected those EU states.      ing  units  to  Slovenia,  while  engineering  teams.  The  cialized  in  rescue,  was  ex-  highways  in  parts  of  Slo-
            The EU is sending to Cyprus  Germany  is  sending  two  United  States  has  also  de-  pected  to  arrive  Monday  venia  have  been  closed.
            two  Canadair  firefighting  prefabricated   temporary  ployed staff to Ljubljana to  and additional teams were  Many  bridges  have  also
            airplanes from the EU’s Civil  bridges  and  two  excava-  assess the situation and de-  expected to follow.        collapsed. q

            Lecturers in the UK refuse to mark exams in labor dispute, leaving

            thousands unable to graduate

            By Sylvia Hui                  “Because  of  the  marking  dreds  of  thousands  of  U.K.  school  of  English  and  Dra-  graduate  study  opportuni-
            Associated Press             boycott,  they  didn’t  have  workers  to  demand  better  ma,  have  been  affected,  ties. The uncertainties have
            LONDON (AP) — Hafsa Yu-      enough  grades  to  confirm  pay  amid  a  cost-of-living  with many left in limbo be-  been  particularly  worrying
            suf was supposed to gradu-   that  I  was  able  to  gradu-  crisis.                   cause  they  have  no  idea  for  international  students,
            ate last week. The 21-year-  ate,”  Yusuf  said.  “We  all  Now thousands of students  when  they  can  get  the  who  face  additional  com-
            old  English  literature  ma-  paid as normal, just to get  from  Cambridge  to  Edin-  grades they need for pend-  plications  and  costs  to  re-
            jor  had  spent  200  pounds  an  email  two  weeks  be-  burgh are unable to gradu-   ing  job  offers  and  post-  main in the U.K. q
            ($255) on graduation gown  forehand saying you can’t  ate  or  face  indefinite  de-
            rental,  photography  and  come.”                         lays  in  receiving  their  final
            tickets for her family to at-  She said that while most of  marks because of the latest
            tend the ceremony.           her  family  live  in  the  U.K.,  labor dispute, which began
            But  just  two  weeks  before  other  students  are  interna-  in  April  and  shows  no  sign
            the  big  day,  Queen  Mary  tional  and  have  paid  for  of resolution.
            University  of  London  sent  flights  for  their  families  to  It’s  not  clear  exactly  how
            her  an  email  saying  she  come from abroad. “It’s re-  many  students  are  affect-
            couldn’t   graduate    be-   ally devastating,” she said.  ed,  but  the  University  and
            cause  of  industrial  action  Yusuf and the class of 2023  College  Union,  which  rep-
            taken  by  academic  staff  had  already  endured  se-    resents  academics  and
            across the U.K.              vere  disruptions  to  their  lecturers,  estimated  that
            Lecturers  at  some  140  uni-  college  experience.  They  “easily  tens  of  thousands”
            versities  have  refused  to  entered  university  in  2020,  will  not  graduate  this  sum-
            mark  exam  papers  and  at  the  height  of  COVID-19  mer as disruptions look likely
            coursework,  in  an  escala-  lockdowns. Then came uni-   to drag on into the next ac-  Tanzil Chowdhury, senior lecturer in Public Law at Queen Mary
            tion of a simmering dispute  versity staff strikes, part of a  ademic year.            University,  sits  at  his  university  office  during  an  interview  at
            over pay and working con-    huge  and  ongoing  wave  Yusuf  said  at  least  130  stu-  London’s Queen Mary University, Thursday, August 3, 2023.
            ditions.                     of industrial action by hun-  dents from her faculty, the                                    (AP Photo/Kwiyeon Ha)
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