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                                                                                                       sports Dialuna 2 augustus 2021

                           Olympic champion Sunisa Lee adds bronze on uneven bars

            (AP) — Sunisa Lee came to Japan to  pics.  She  just  wasn’t  expecting  it.  She
            win  a  gold  medal.  And  she  did.  Just  figured she would be vying for silver be-
            not the one she really, really wanted.   hind  teammate  Simone  Biles.  Then  the
                                                     2016 Olympic champion pulled out of the
            The 18-year-old from Minnesota is a rev-  all-around  final  to  focus  on  her  mental
            elation  on  uneven  bars,  where  her  rou-  health,  opening  a  door  that  Lee  stepped
            tines are an intricate series of connections  through with a performance both graceful
            and releases completed with so much ease  and gritty.
            it looks like she’s making it all up on the
            fly.                                     The two-plus days since her victory have
                                                     been a whirlwind of interviews and social
            Only she isn’t. Her mastery is the result of  media mentions. It’s a lot. At the moment,
            years of hard work. She’s one of the best in  it’s  probably  too  much.  Lee  thinks  she
            the world on it, and she showed it during  might delete Twitter until the competition
            the all-around final, where her electric set  is over.
            helped her edge Rebeca Andrade of Bra-
            zil and become the fifth straight American  Derwael gave Belgium its first-ever gold
            woman to claim the Olympic title.        medal in women’s gymnastics, the last bit
                                                     of history on a night full of it.
            Three  days  and  a  crush  of  fame  later,
            she  wasn’t  quite  right.  Admitting  she’d  Artem Dolgopyat of Israel gave his coun-
            become  distracted  by  the  attention  sur-  try only its second-ever gold in the Sum-
            rounding  her  triumph,  connections  that  mer Games with a victory on floor exer-
            typically come so easily were labored dur-  cise. Andrade — runner-up to Lee in the
            ing Sunday’s event finals, if they came at  all-around — provided the first gymnas-
            all. The result was a bronze-medal finish  tics gold for Brazil. Lee Chih-Kai’s silver
            that left her disappointed.              on pommel horse was the first for Taiwan
                                                     after finishing behind two-time Olympic
            Yes,  the  all-around  title  is  great.  She’ll  champion Max Whitlock of Britain.
            carry  it  with  her  for  the  rest  of  her  life.
            But the bars are her jam. Only her long-  Andrade’s  spectacular  display  on  vault  is
            anticipated showdown with Belgium star  all the more jarring considering she’s al-
            Nina  Derwael  never  materialized.  Lead-  ready  endured  three  reconstructive  knee
            ing  off  while  wearing  a  dazzling  crystal-  surgeries and didn’t even qualify for the
            laden blue leotard in the eight-woman fi-  Games until early June. She gets so much
            nal, Lee knew in the middle of her routine  air time from her block off the vaulting ta-
            it wasn’t going to be good enough to top  ble it seems as if she’s being dropped from
            the podium long before her 14.500 flashed  the catwalk hanging above the podium at
            across the scoreboard.                   the Ariake Gymnastics Centre.

            “Bars is something I really cherish,” Lee  “I don’t really know what to say, I couldn’t
            said while wearing shoes borrowed from  imagine myself up there on the podium,”
            American  teammate  Jade  Carey  because  the  22-year-old  Andrade  said.  “I  think  I
            she  forgot  the  ones  that  come  with  the  matured a lot. I got better from the inju-
            U.S. uniform back at the hotel. “So when  ries.”
            I mess it up, it really sucks.”
                                                     Andrade’s  15.083  average  put  her  just
            Even if Lee’s definition of “mess it up” is  ahead of MyKayla Skinner. The 24-year-
            different  than  most  others.  The  bronze  old  American  didn’t  know  if  she  would
            gave her a full rainbow of Olympic bling  compete  in  the  finals  until  Saturday  af-
            to go with the all-around gold and the sil-  ternoon after Biles opted out. She drilled
            ver she claimed in the team competition.  both her Cheng and her Amanar then said
                                                     goodbye to the sport from the medal stand.
            It’s impressive by any stretch. It’s also not  Already married, Skinner is retiring.
            quite what she came here for.
                                                     What a way to go out. Two years ago she
            “It’s really cool,” Lee said. “I just wish the  re-entered  the  elite  world  after  spend-
            bronze medal was a (balance) beam medal,  ing  three  years  competing  collegiately  at
            not bars.”                               Utah.  She  dealt  with  both  COVID-19
                                                     and pneumonia during the pandemic and
            Lee will get a chance to add to her stash in  thought she was heading home early last
            the beam final on Tuesday. A medal there  week after failing to automatically qualify
            would be a bit of a surprise. One on bars  into any finals. Then Biles told her to stick
            was  almost  a  given.  Though  she  earned  around  because  she  wasn’t  sure  she  was
            one, she didn’t put on a show while do-  going to compete.
            ing it. She thinks her inability to put down
            her phone the last few days had a little to  Skinner heard Biles’ voice above the din
            do with it.                              during the finals, urging Skinner to a po-
                                                     dium finish only she may have seen when
            Her  popularity  has  exploded  in  the  10  she  made  her  comeback  official  at  the
            days since the Games began. She’s added  2019 U.S. Championships.
            950,000  followers  on  Instagram,  a  stun-
            ning  390%  increase,  including  365,000  “I think it’s so cool to show that age is just
            since last Thursday.                     a number and that anything is possible if
                                                     you work hard and dream for it,” Skinner
            It typically comes with the territory when  said. “So I’m just so honored that I never
            you  find  yourself  atop  the  podium  after  gave  up  and  have  kept  pushing  for  my
            one of the marquee events at the Olym-   dreams to get here.”
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