Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20210802
P. 26

A26    u.s. news
                  Dialuna 2 augustus 2021

                        US sues Texas to block state troopers from stopping migrants

                                                                      reroute vehicles back to their                            border  with  Mexico,  with
                                                                      point  of  origin  or  impound  The  lawsuit  escalates  ten-  senior  officials  warning  that
                                                                      them.                        sions between the Biden ad-  the  governor’s  order  could
                                                                                                   ministration and Abbott over  significantly  impede  trans-
                                                                      The  lawsuit,  filed  in  federal  the governor’s actions on the  portation  and  other  federal
                                                                      court  in  El  Paso,  mirrors  a  border,  which  have  includ-  operations.
                                                                      letter  that  Attorney  General  ed  jailing  migrants  on  state
                                                                      Merrick  Garland  sent  the  crimes and building new bar-  The  Border  Patrol’s  Rio
                                                                      governor a day earlier, argu-  riers.                     Grande  Valley  sector,  the
                                                                      ing that the state was usurp-                             busiest  corridor  for  illegal
                                                                      ing and even interfering with  For  months,  the  two-term  crossings,  had  more  than
                                                                      the federal government’s re-  governor has sought to claim  8,300  migrants  in  custody
                                                                      sponsibility to enforce immi-  former  President  Donald  Wednesday,  with  an  average
                                                                      gration laws.                Trump’s  hardline  mantle  on  processing time of 57 hours,
                                                                                                   immigration,  inflaming  pas-  said Brian Hastings, the sec-
                                                                      Abbott, a Republican who is  sions  on  a  polarizing  issue.  tor chief. The sector has re-
                                                                      facing  reelection  next  year,  Civil  rights  groups  and  im-  leased more than 100,000 mi-
            (AP)  —  The  Biden  ad-     border with Mexico.          wrote  Garland  on  Friday  to  migration advocates have said  grants since Oct. 1, including
            ministration  sued  Texas                                 argue that the federal govern-  Abbott’s  move  for  troopers  9,000 in the last week.
            on Friday to prevent state  The     Justice   Department  ment was interfering with his  stop vehicles could invite ra-
            troopers  from  stopping  asked for an immediate block  obligations  to  protect  Texas  cial profiling and restrict the  The Homeland Security De-
            vehicles    carrying   mi-   on Gov. Greg Abbott’s order  residents.                   ability  of  shelters  to  take  in  partment  reported  that  646
            grants  on  grounds  that  issued Wednesday, which al-                                 newly arriving families.     children traveling alone were
            they  may  spread  COV-      lows  the  Texas  Department  ”It  is  clear  from  the  argu-                         taken into custody across the
            ID-19,  warning  that  the  of Public Safety to “stop any  ments in your letter that the  Declarations  submitted  with  Mexico border on Thursday,
            practice would exacerbate  vehicle upon reasonable sus-   State of Texas and the federal  the lawsuit offered fresh evi-  compared  with  a  daily  aver-
            problems amid high levels  picion” that it transports mi-  government  face  a  constitu-  dence  of  large  numbers  of  age of 480 over the previous
            of crossings on the state’s  grants.  Troopers  could  then  tional crisis,” Abbott wrote.  migrants  showing  up  at  the  30 days.

                          Ammunition shelves bare as U.S. gun sales continue to soar

            (AP)  —  The  COVID-19  pandemic,  coupled  with  8  million  of  those  sales  made  by  first-time  hit a target, he said. It’s where shooters learn fun-
            with  record  sales  of  firearms,  has  fueled  a  buyers.                                     damental skills like always pointing their guns in a
            shortage of ammunition in the United States                                                     safe direction and keeping their fingers off the trig-
            that’s  impacting  law  enforcement  agencies,  “When you talk about all these people buying guns,  ger until they’re ready to fire.
            people  seeking  personal  protection,  recre-  it really has an impact on people buying ammuni-
            ational  shooters  and  hunters  --  and  could  tion,” spokesman Mark Oliva said. ”If you look at  “It’s that old adage: Just because you buy a guitar
            deny new gun owners the practice they need  8.4 million gun buyers and they all want to buy one  doesn’t mean you’re a guitar player,” Wustenberg
            to handle their weapons safely.                 box with 50 rounds, that’s going to be 420 million  said. “Some have the misconception of ‘I shot this
                                                            rounds.”                                        target 5 yards away and did just fine so I’m OK if
            Manufacturers say they’re producing as much am-                                                 someone breaks into my house.’ You’ve got to go
            munition as they can, but many gun store shelves  The  FBI’s  National  Instant  Criminal  Back-  out and practice with it.”
            are empty and prices keep rising. Ammunition im-  ground Check System database also documented
            ports are way up, but at least one U.S. manufacturer  an increase in sales: In 2010, there were 14.4 mil-  The U.S. military is not affected by the shortage
            is exporting ammo. All while the pandemic, social  lion  background  checks  for  gun  purchases.  That  because  the  Army  produces  ammunition  for  all
            unrest and a rise in violent crime have prompted  jumped to almost 39.7 million in 2020 and to 22.2  branches of the military at six sites across the coun-
            millions to buy guns for protection or to take up  million just through June 2021 alone.        try,  according  to  Justine  Barati,  spokesperson  for
            shooting for sport.                                                                             the U.S. Army Joint Munitions Command.
                                                            The  actual  number  of  guns  sold  could  be  much  The U.S. shooting team, which won four medals at
            “We have had a number of firearms instructors can-  higher since multiple firearms can be linked to a  the Tokyo Olympics, also had the ammo needed to
            cel their registration to our courses because their  single background check. No data is available for  train thanks to a commitment from sponsors, but
            agency was short on ammo or they were unable to  ammunition because sales are not regulated and no  membership and junior programs have struggled,
            find ammo to purchase,” said Jason Wuestenberg,  license is required to sell it.                said Matt Suggs, chief executive officer for USA
            executive  director  of  the  National  Law  Enforce-                                           Shooting.
            ment Firearms Instructors Association.          As the pandemic raced across the country in early
                                                            2020, the resulting lockdown orders and cutbacks  The  U.S.  Biathlon  team,  training  for  the  2022
            Doug Tangen, firearms instructor at the Washing-  on  police  response  sowed  safety  fears,  creating  Winter Olympics in February, also has been sup-
            ton State Criminal Justice Training Commission,  an  “overwhelming  demand”  for  both  guns  and  plied with ammo from its sponsor, Lapua, made in
            the police academy for the state, said the academy  ammo, Oliva said. Factories continued to produce  Finland. But local clubs face shortages, said Max
            also has had trouble obtaining ammo.            ammunition,  but  sales  far  exceeded  the  amount  Cobb, president of U.S. Biathlon Association.
                                                            that could be shipped, he said.
            “A few months ago, we were at a point where our                                                 Jason Vanderbrink, a vice president at Vista Out-
            shelves were nearly empty of 9mm ammunition,”  “Where  there  is  an  increased  sense  of  instabil-  door,  which  owns  the  Federal,  CCI,  Speer  and
            he said. In response, instructors took conservation  ity, fear and insecurity, more people will purchase  Remington ammunition brands, said the compa-
            steps like reducing the number of shots fired per  guns,” said Ari Freilich of the Gifford Law Center  nies are shipping ammo as fast as they can make it.
            drill, which got them through several months until  to Prevent Gun Violence.
            fresh supplies arrived, Tangen said.                                                            “I’m  tired  of  reading  the  misinformation  on  the
                                                            As supplies dwindled, Feilich said, some gun own-  internet right now about us not trying to service
            Officer  Larry  Hadfield,  a  spokesman  for  the  Las  ers began stockpiling ammo.             the demand that we’re experiencing,” he said in a
            Vegas  Metropolitan  Police  Department,  said  his                                             YouTube video produced for customers aimed at
            department also has been affected by the shortage.  “Early on in the pandemic, we saw people hoard-  quashing speculation suggesting otherwise.
            “We  have  made  efforts  to  conserve  ammunition  ing toilet paper, disinfectant, and now it’s ammo,”
            when possible,” he said.                        he said.                                        Imports  of  ammunition  from  Russia,  South  Ko-
                                                                                                            rea, the European Union and others were up 225%
            The National Shooting Sports Foundation, an in-  Wustenberg  emphasized  the  danger  in  first-time  over  the  past  two  years,  according  to  an  analysis
            dustry trade group, says more than 50 million peo-  gun buyers not being able to practice using their  by Panjiva Inc., which independently tracks global
            ple participate in shooting sports in the U.S. and  new weapons.                                trade. But at least some U.S.-made ammo is head-
            estimates that 20 million guns were sold last year,  Going to the gun range entails more than trying to  ing out of the country.
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