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A28    u.s. news
                  Dialuna 2 augustus 2021

                            Bacon may disappear in California as pig rules take effect

                                                                      to  see  how  the  pork  indus-  of the state proposition.  animals?” Balk asked. “It says
                                                                      try  can  adequately  supply                              something  about  the  pork
                                                                      California,  which  consumes  At  one  typical  hog  farm  industry  when  it  seems  its
                                                                      roughly 15% of all pork pro-  in  Iowa,  sows  are  kept  in  business  operandi  is  to  lose
                                                                      duced in the country.        open-air  crates  measuring  at the ballot when they try to
                                                                                                   14-square-feet  when  they  defend the practices and then
                                                                      California’s  restaurants  and  join  a  herd  and  then  for  a  when  animal  cruelty  laws
                                                                      groceries use about 255 mil-  week as part of the insemina-  are passed, to try to overturn
                                                                      lion pounds of pork a month,  tion  process  before  moving  them.”
                                                                      but its farms produce only 45  to  larger,  roughly  20-square
                                                                      million pounds, according to  foot  group  pens  with  other  In  Iowa,  which  raises  about
                                                                      Rabobank, a global food and  hogs.  Both  are  less  than  the  one-third  of  the  nation’s
                                                                      agriculture  financial  services  24 square feet required by the  hogs, farmer Dwight Mogler
                                                                      company.                     California law to give breed-  estimates the changes would
            (AP)  —  Thanks  to  a  re-  that requires more space for                              ing pigs enough room to turn  cost him $3 million and allow
            worked  menu  and  long  breeding  pigs,  egg-laying  The National Pork Producers  around  and  to  extend  their  room for 250 pigs in a space
            hours,  Jeannie  Kim  man-   chickens and veal calves. Na-  Council  has  asked  the  U.S.  limbs. Other operations keep  that now holds 300.
            aged to keep her San Fran-   tional veal and egg producers  Department  of  Agriculture  sows in the crates nearly all of
            cisco restaurant alive dur-  are optimistic they can meet  for  federal  aid  to  help  pay  the time so also wouldn’t be  To  afford  the  expense,  Mo-
            ing  the  coronavirus  pan-  the  new  standards,  but  only  for  retrofitting  hog  facilities  in compliance.    gler  said,  he’d  need  to  earn
            demic.                       4%  of  hog  operations  now  around the nation to fill the                            an  extra  $20  per  pig  and  so
                                         comply  with  the  new  rules.  gap.  Hog  farmers  said  they    “It  is  important  to  note  far, processors are offering far
            That  makes  it  all  the  more  Unless  the  courts  intervene  haven’t complied because of  that the law itself cannot be  less.
            frustrating  that  she  fears  or  the  state  temporarily  al-  the cost and because Califor-  changed  by  regulations  and
            her  breakfast-focused  din-  lows non-compliant meat to  nia  hasn’t  yet  issued  formal  the  law  has  been  in  place  “The question to us is, if we
            er  could  be  ruined  within  be sold in the state, Califor-  regulations on how the new  since the Farm Animal Con-  do  these  changes,  what  is
            months  by  new  rules  that  nia will lose almost all of its  standards  will  be  adminis-  finement  Proposition  (Prop  the next change going to be
            could  make  one  of  her  top  pork supply, much of which  tered and enforced.        12) passed by a wide margin  in the rules two years, three
            menu items — bacon — hard  comes  from  Iowa,  and  pork                               in  2018,”  the  agency  said  in  years, five years ahead?” Mo-
            to get in California.        producers  will  face  higher  Barry  Goodwin,  an  econo-  response  to  questions  from  gler asked.
                                         costs to regain a key market.  mist at North Carolina State  the AP.
            “Our number one seller is ba-  Animal welfare organizations  University,  estimated  the                            The California rules also cre-
            con, eggs and hash browns,”  for  years  have  been  pushing  extra  costs  at  15%  more  per  Josh  Balk,  who  leads  farm  ate a challenge for slaughter-
            said  Kim,  who  for  15  years  for  more  humane  treatment  animal for a farm with 1,000  animal  protection  efforts  at  houses, which now may send
            has run SAMS American Eat-   of farm animals but the Cali-  breeding pigs.             the  Humane  Society  of  the  different cuts of a single hog
            ery on the city’s busy Market  fornia  rules  could  be  a  rare                       United  States,  said  the  pork  to  locations  around  the  na-
            Street. “It could be devastat-  case  of  consumers  clearly  If  half  the  pork  supply  was  industry  should  accept  the  tion  and  to  other  countries.
            ing for us.”                 paying  a  price  for  their  be-  suddenly  lost  in  California,  overwhelming  view of Cali-  Processors  will  need  to  de-
                                         liefs.                       bacon  prices  would  jump  fornians  who  want  animals  sign  new  systems  to  track
            At  the  beginning  of  next                              60%,  meaning  a  $6  package  treated more humanely.     California-compliant   hogs
            year,  California  will  begin  With little time left to build  would  rise  to  about  $9.60,                      and  separate  those  premi-
            enforcing  an  animal  welfare  new  facilities,  inseminate  according  to  a  study  by  the  “Why  are  pork  producers  um cuts from standard pork
            proposition  approved  over-  sows  and  process  the  off-  Hatamiya  Group,  a  consult-  constantly trying to overturn  that can serve the rest of the
            whelmingly by voters in 2018  spring  by  January,  it’s  hard  ing firm hired by opponents  laws  relating  to  cruelty  to  country.

                            Mudslides force more than 100 to spend night on highway

            (AP)  —  More  than  100  people  65  and  70  people  remained  strand-                                    Transportation  officials  say  the  sec-
            had to spend the night on a high-   ed at a rest stop Friday afternoon as  On  Thursday,  the  canyon  had  tem-  tion  of  interstate  is  expected  to  be
            way,  including  nearly  30  who  crews worked to punch a safe passage  porarily  closed  earlier  in  the  day  as  closed at least through the weekend
            took refuge in a tunnel, after rain  through the debris.                one  storm  cell  approached  but  had  because of the significant cleanup un-
            over an area burned by a wildfire                                       reopened by the time a second storm  derway and because of heavy rain in
            once  again  triggered  mudslides  Mike  Goolsby,  a  regional  director  cell moved in, which led to the ve-  the  forecast.  The  National  Weather
            in  western  Colorado,  authorities  for  the  transportation  department,  hicles  and  their  passengers  getting  Service has issued a flash flood watch
            said Friday.                        said the area was affected by about 10  trapped.                        for the area.
                                                slides, some 12 feet (4 meters) deep
            The  people  were  caught  with  their  and up to 150 feet (46 meters) wide.
            vehicles on Interstate 70 in Glenwood
            Canyon on Thursday night. Those in  “I’m  very  grateful  that  no  one  was
            the tunnel were stuck for about nine  hurt. ... We’ve tried our hardest not
            hours  until crews could carve out a  to  have  people  in  the  canyon  when
            path through the mud to reach them  these flash flood warnings hit, but it
            at  about  6:30  a.m.  Friday,  Garfield  was the best case scenario for all of us
            County  Sheriff’s  Office  spokesman  based on the outcome this morning,”
            Walt Stowe said.                    he said.

            The  tunnel  serves  as  a  24-hour  op-  Glenwood Canyon has cliffs towering
            erations center for the Colorado De-  up to 2,000 feet (610 meters) above
            partment  of  Transportation,  so  it  is  the Colorado River, making it prone
            relatively well-lit and has telephones,  to rockslides and mudslides. In recent
            Stowe said. No injuries were report-  weeks, rain over the area burned by
            ed.                                 a wildfire last summer has triggered
                                                frequent slides, resulting in closures
            The  transportation  department  has  of  I-70,  Colorado’s  main  east-west
            accounted  for  108  people,  includ-  highway. Those closures have mostly
            ing 29 in the tunnel, who were stuck  occurred before the storm moves in,
            on  the  highway  overnight.  Between  to prevent people from being trapped.
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