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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 2 augustus 2021

                   UK Windrush victims demand compensation on Emancipation Day

            (AP)  —  Black  people  Day event, which marked the
            whose right to live in the  187th anniversary of the day  The  Windrush  scandal  has
            U.K.  was  illegally  chal-  in  1834  when  slaves  in  the  rocked  Britain  since  2018,
            lenged by the government  Caribbean  and  other  parts  when  many  of  these  long-
            marked  the  anniversary  of  the  British  Empire  were  term  legal  residents  were
            Sunday  of  the  act  that  freed.                        caught up in a crackdown on
            freed  slaves  throughout                                 illegal  immigration.  Thou-
            the British Empire, draw-    After  the  gathering,  some  sands  lost  their  jobs,  homes
            ing  a  direct  link  between  activists traveled to Bucking-  and the right to free medical
            slavery  and  the  discrimi-  ham  Palace,  hoping  to  de-  care,  many  because  they  ar-
            nation they suffered.        liver  a  written  appeal  asking  rived as children and couldn’t
                                         Queen  Elizabeth  II  to  back  produce  paperwork  proving
            Dozens  of  activists  gathered  their  call  for  a  “Windrush  their right to live in the U.K.
            in  Brixton,  a  center  for  the  Act″  to  pay  reparations  to  Some  were  detained,  and
            Black  community  in  south  those  hurt  by  the  scandal.  an  unknown  number  were
            London,  to  back  the  inter-  They  were  turned  away  by  deported  to  countries  they
            national drive for reparations  palace guards, who told them  barely remembered.       “slow start” but said the pro-  Parliament’s Public Accounts
            for  the  descendants  of  en-  to send their request through                          gram had been overhauled to  Committee sharply criticized
            slaved Africans. They also de-  the mail.                 A program designed to com-   make it simpler and faster.  the  government  for  failing
            manded  legislation  to  com-                             pensate  victims  has  been                               the victims of the scandal.
            pensate  legal  U.K.  residents  The  Windrush  Generation  plagued by complaints that it  The  agency  has  paid  almost
            who  were  threatened  with  refers to citizens of the Brit-  is too slow, too cumbersome  27 million pounds ($37 mil-  Chair Meg Hillier, from the
            deportation in what is known  ish  Empire  who  traveled  to  and  the  payments  offered  lion)  in  compensation,  up  opposition Labour Party, said
            as the Windrush Scandal.     Britain  between  1948  and  aren’t  high  enough  to  make  from  less  than  3  million  it  was  important  to  remem-
                                         1973  after  the  government  up for harm done by the Brit-  pounds at the time the over-  ber  how  grave  the  errors
            “The  Windrush  injustice  called on its colonies to send  ish government.             haul  was  announced  in  De-  have been and that “people’s
            would not have happened if  workers  to  help  rebuild  the                            cember,  it  said.  Another  7.1  homes,  families  and  liveli-
            Africans were not torn from  country after World War II. It  The  Home  Office,  the  gov-  million pounds has been of-  hoods  were  interrupted  and
            the continent of Africa,” said  draws its name from the ship  ernment department respon-  fered to victims.         uprooted,  some  were  forced
            Kofi  Mawuli  Klum,  orga-   that carried the first migrants  sible for the program, in De-                         from the country.”
            nizer  of  the  Emancipation  from the Caribbean in 1948.  cember  acknowledged  the  The rally came just days after

                          Kim's sister warns S. Korea-US drills will rekindle tensions

            (AP)  —  The  powerful  sister  of  an unpleasant story that joint military  Washington  have  been  a  long-run-
            North  Korean  leader  Kim  Jong  exercises between the South Korean  ning  source  of  animosities  on  the  But North Korea later resumed harsh
            Un  warned  Sunday  that  next  army  and  the  U.S.  forces  could  go  Korean Peninsula, with North Korea  rhetoric against South Korea, telling
            month’s  annual  military  drills  ahead  as  scheduled,”  Kim  Yo  Jong  calling  them  an  invasion  rehearsal  it not to meddle in its dealings with
            between  South  Korean  and  U.S.  said.                                and  responding  with  missile  tests.  the United States. In June last year,
            troops will undermine prospects                                         South  Korea  and  the  U.S.  have  re-  Pyongyang also cut off communica-
            for  better  ties  between  the  Ko-  “I  view  this  as  an  undesirable  pre-  peatedly said their drills are defensive  tion  lines  with  Seoul  and  destroyed
            reas, just days after the rivals re-  lude which seriously undermines the  in nature.                       an empty, South Korean-built liaison
            opened their long-dormant com-      will of the top leaders of the North                                    office  on  its  territory.  Some  experts
            munication channels.                and the South wishing to see a step  In the past few years, South Korea and  said  Pyongyang  shifted  the  respon-
                                                taken  toward  restoring  mutual  trust  the U.S. have canceled or downsized  sibility for the collapse of the second
            Kim  Yo  Jong’s  statement  carried  by  and which further beclouds the way  some  of  their  exercises  to  support  Kim-Trump  summit  to  Seoul  and
            state  media  targets  only  South  Ko-  ahead of the North-South relations,”  diplomatic efforts to end the North  was  frustrated  with  Seoul’s  failure
            rea,  and  this  could  add  credence  to  she said.                    Korean  nuclear  crisis  or  because  of  to break away from Washington and
            a theory that North Korea’s decision                                    the  COVID-19  pandemic.  Asked  revive stalled joint economic projects
            to  restore  the  communication  lines  She  added:  “Our  government  and  about  prospects  for  next  month’s  held back by the sanctions.
            is mainly aimed at pushing Seoul to  army will closely follow whether the  summertime  drills,  Boo  Seung-
            convince  Washington  to  make  con-  South Korean side stages hostile war  Chan, a spokesman at South Korea’s  After the two Koreas reopened their
            cessions while nuclear diplomacy re-  exercises  in  August  or  makes  other  Defense  Ministry,  told  a  briefing  communication  channels  on  Tues-
            mains deadlocked.                   bold decision.”                     Thursday  that  Seoul  and  Washing-  day, talk of bigger reconciliation steps
                                                                                    ton  were  reviewing  factors  like  the  like  another  summit  between  Kim
            “For some days I have been hearing  Regular  drills  between  Seoul  and  pandemic’s current status, efforts to  Jong Un and Moon quickly spread in
                                                                                    achieve denuclearization on the Ko-  South Korea.
                                                                                    rean  Peninsula  and  their  combined
                                                                                    military readiness.                 But Kim Yo Jong described such sen-
                                                                                                                        timent  as  “a  premature  hasty  judg-
                                                                                    The  U.S.-led  diplomacy  aimed  at  ment.” She said that “hasty specula-
                                                                                    persuading  North  Korea  to  aban-  tion  and  groundless  interpretation
                                                                                    don  its  nuclear  program  in  return  will only bring despair.”
                                                                                    for  economic  and  political  rewards
                                                                                    hasn’t made progress since a second  Analyst Cheong Seong-Chang at the
                                                                                    summit  between  Kim Jong Un  and  private Sejong Institute in South Ko-
                                                                                    then-President Donald Trump broke  rea said Kim Yo Jong’s statement is a
                                                                                    down because of disputes over U.S.-  request for the complete cancellation
                                                                                    led sanctions in early 2019.        of the U.S-South  Korean drills that
                                                                                                                        South Korea cannot accept.
                                                                                    South  Korea’s  government  led  by
                                                                                    President Moon Jae-in, which wants  “South Korea has no justification to
                                                                                    greater  reconciliations  between  the  persuade  the  U.S.  to  suspend  the
                                                                                    Koreas,  had  earlier  shuttled  be-  South  Korea-U.S.  drills,  especially
                                                                                    tween  Pyongyang  and  Washington  at a time when North Korea is nega-
                                                                                    to arrange the first summit between  tive about the South-North summit,”
                                                                                    Trump and Kim.                      Cheong said.
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