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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Dialuna 2 augustus 2021

                                                                 Mask guidance divides parents heading into

                                                                                            new school year

                                                             (AP) — With U.S. health officials recommending
                                                             that children mask up in school this fall, parents
                                                             and  policy  makers  across  the  nation  have  been
                                                             plunged anew into a debate over whether face cov-
              Y ora Cristo bini den Su gloria                erings should be optional or a mandate.
              Ami lo bay pa biba cerca Dje                   The delta variant of the coronavirus now threatens

              (Grandi Bo ta)                                 to upend normal instruction for a third consecu-
                                                             tive school year. Some states have indicated they
                                                             will probably heed the federal government’s guid-
                                                             ance and require masks. Others will leave the deci-
                                                             sion up to parents.

                                                             The controversy is unfolding at a time when many  masks for all teachers, staff, students and visitors
                                                             Americans are at their wits’ end with pandemic re-  at  schools  nationwide,  regardless  of  vaccination
                                                             strictions and others fear their children will be put  status. The agency cited the risk of spread of the
                                                             at risk by those who don’t take the virus seriously  highly contagious delta variant, even among vac-
                                                             enough.  In  a  handful  of  Republican-led  states,  cinated people.
                                                             lawmakers  made  it  illegal  for  schools  to  require   Alima Bryant, 33, a mother of four who organizes
                                                                                                             anti-mask parents in Branford, Connecticut, said
                        A bay biba cerca Señor,              In Connecticut, anti-mask rallies have happened  she’s not a conspiracy theorist, but she believes sci-
                 Frank Joseph Lauffer, viudo di              outside  Gov.  Ned  Lamont’s  official  residence  in  entists have overstated the dangers of COVID-19,
                      Dora Lauffer-Mathilda                  Hartford, and lawn signs and bumper stickers call  especially for children. She said she will take her
                                                             on him to “unmask our kids.” The Democrat has  children out of school rather than subject them to
                                                             said that he’s likely to follow the latest advice from  wearing masks, which she believes are more likely
                    17 februari 1939 - 28 juli 2021          the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  to make them ill than the virus.

              Na nomber di su:                               The  CDC  on  Tuesday  recommended  indoor  “Especially with little kids, I can imagine how of-
              Yiu: Heidelinde (Heidi) Dijkhoff-Lauffer y                                                     ten  they’re  touching  dirty  things,  then  touching
              Francis Dijkhoff                                                                               the  mask,”  she  said.  “Also,  in  kindergarten,  you
                                                                                                             have to learn social cues, and even with speech and
              Ruman: Editha Lauffer                                                                          everything, it’s so important to not be wearing a
              Sobrina: Mathilde (Tilly) Weise                                                                mask.”
              Su sobrinonan de Klerk na Hulanda                                                              But  parents  such  as  Ryan  Zuimmerman,  of
              Su swa y cuñanan:                                                                              Lenexa,  Kansas,  fear  that  approach  will  prolong
              Marina de Beijer-Mathilda y Henk de                                                            the pandemic.
              Beijer                                                                                         In Johnson County, Kansas, the state’s most popu-
              Dionisia Mathilda y famia                       The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not           lous county, five districts recommend but do not
              Sra. Vda. Elise Mathilda-Bentlage y famia        want. He maketh me to lie down in             require masks. A sixth district has not yet decided.
              Nora Mathilda                                   green pastures; he leadeth me beside           Zimmerman,  speaking  at  a  recent  meeting  of
                                                                 the still waters. He restoreth my
              Victor Mathilda, Julia Chaj y famia              soul: he leadeth me in the paths of           country commissioners, said that if masks are only
              Marietje Martinus-Mathilda, Edwin                 righteousness for his name’s sake.           recommended  and  not  required,  “95%  of  kids
              Martinus y famia                                                Psalm 23                       won’t be wearing them.”
              Su ayudantenan: Yusbely Marmol, Mery                                                           “I ask you this: If it was your kid who was high
              Zuluaga y Debora Lopera                           With great sorrow but greatful for           risk, what if you had to send that kid you had spent
                                                                                                             your whole life protecting to school in this envi-
                                                                   everything she did for us, we             ronment?”
                                                                     announce the passing of:
              Tur sobrino y sobrinanan, primo y
              primanan, ihanan, comper y comernan,                                                           Another  public  meeting,  this  one  in  Broward
                                                                                                             County,  Florida,  had  to  be  postponed  for  a  day
              amigo y amiganan tanto na Aruba,                                                               this  week  after  roughly  two  dozen  mask  oppo-
              Boneiro, Corsou y Hulanda ta invita pa e                                                       nents waged screaming matches with school board
              acto di entiero cu lo tuma luga dialuna 2 di                                                   members and burned masks outside the building.
              augustus 2021 pa 4 or di atardi na misa                                                        When the discussion resumed Wednesday, it was
              Inmaculada Concepcion na Sta. Cruz.                                                            limited to 10 public speakers, and all but one spoke
                                                                                                             vehemently  against  masks,  saying  their  personal
                                                                                                             rights were being eroded.
              Nos defunto stima lo ta for di 2 or di atardi
              den misa Inmaculada Concepcion.                                                                “Please  stop  the  insanity.  You  have  already  done
                                                                                                             damage to these kids having to wear masks,” she
              En bes di flor of krans por haci un                                                            said before putting her daughter up to the micro-
              donacion pa Fundacion Centro pa nos                                                            phone, where the little girl complained that masks
              Grandinan (Kibrahacha), Piedra Plat 23,                   Jennifer Joseph                      make it hard for her to breathe and give her head-
              riba Arubabank nr. di cuenta 13005044.                *29-07-1965 - †18-07-2021
              Den misa ta bay tin un caha pa Kibrahacha                                                      But Dr. Karyl Rattay, director of the Delaware Di-
              disponibel.                                       Date and place of burial                     vision of Public Health, said there is no credible
                                                                                                             evidence masks are unsafe for children. She said
                                                                will be announced later                      the science is clear that face coverings have pre-
                                                                                                             vented the spread of COVID-19 in schools.
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