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Saturday 6 June 2020
The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA):
World Environment Day’s theme: Biodiversity
Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA)
recognizes World Environment Day as a time
to call to action all governments and citizens
of CARPHA Member States to do their part to
safeguard Caribbean Biodiversity through: leg-
islation and enforcement, sustainable develop- 75% of Caribbean coral reefs are considered to • Pollution from domestic sewage, solid
ment, an end to all types of pollution, use of best be under threat, and over 30% are classified as waste, chemical industries, poor agricul-
practices in agriculture, manufacturing, and either highly or very highly threatened (UNEP, tural practices, manufacturing (beverage,
solid waste management and better education 2016). The rates of mangrove loss in the Carib- paper, pulp), food processing, oil refineries,
and awareness of its citizens on the importance bean are among the highest in the world. sugar factories and distilleries. These can
of Caribbean Biodiversity and how every citi- have devastating effects on freshwater and
zen can participate in reducing ecosystem and Importance of biodiversity in the Caribbean re- • marine habitats
biodiversity loss. gion Invasive alien species - prey on and com-
The Caribbean Region is one of the world's top pete with native species for resources and
World Environment Day 2020 (June 5th): Biodi- biodiversity hotspots - possessing rich endemic pose a threat to human health (increase in
versity species that are under severe and increasing the spread of diseases/viruses), food secu-
World Environment Day 2020 is observed glob- threat. A healthy ecosystem has a rich biodi- rity and economic development.
ally aims to increase awareness, care and sup- versity and is important in sustaining the lives of
port for the Earth and the environment. This Caribbean people including cleaning the air, Is there a link between COVID-19 disease and
year’s theme Biodiversity is a call to action to purifying water, providing food, shelter, natu- biodiversity?
stop the loss of species and degradation of the ral medicines/raw materials, recreation, fuel, The COVID-19 pandemic is a reminder of the
natural world, both of which are accelerating. climate resilience and storm protection. Ad- close relationship between humans and the
Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the UNEP ditionally, healthy Caribbean ecosystems pro- health of the environment. Scientists have in-
emphasized that “…World Environment Day vide critical services that support local, regional dicated that to prevent future outbreaks of
is a powerful platform to accelerate, amplify economies and livelihoods (agriculture, tour- zoonosis like COVID-19 (diseases transferred
and engage people, communities and gov- ism) and offer cost-efficient climate change from animals to humans), we must address the
ernments around the world to take action on solutions. threats of loss of habitat (deforestation) and
critical environmental challenges facing the fragmentation of ecosystems. Pathogens thrive
planet…” Biodiversity and the tourism industry in the presence of such changes to the envi-
In the Caribbean, the tourism industry repre- ronment and also when ecosystems are under
What is biodiversity? sents one of the main drivers of regional econo- stress from human activity and climate change.
Biodiversity is the variety of living things within an mies, thus island biodiversity, marine and coast-
ecosystem or habitat (land, freshwater, ocean) al biodiversity, forests, and invasive species (lion The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CAR-
that compose life on Earth and encompasses fish, sargassum), are crucial issues that need to PHA) is the CARICOM agency with responsi-
all species on the planet from fungi and bacte- be taken into consideration by the tourism sec- bility for the delivery of public health in the
ria to plants and animals, their ecosystems and tor. Biodiversity is essential for the continued de- Caribbean Region.
the genetic diversity found in them. velopment of the tourism industry with respect The Agency became operational in Janu-
to its role in creating national parks, sanctuar- ary 2013 and represents an amalgamation
What is the state of biodiversity in the Carib- ies and reserves, as well as helping to conserve of five Regional health institutions each hav-
bean? animal species and ecosystems. ing over 30 years of experience operating
While ecosystems provide critical support to the in the Caribbean. CARPHA Member States
wellbeing and development of the Caribbean, What contributes to the loss of biodiversity in the include a number of vulnerable Small Is-
they are under threat by human activities. Over Caribbean? land Developing States (SIDS) and low-lying
Ecosystems and the biodiversity they support coastal states.
are vulnerable. Losses in ecosystems and biodi- These SIDS face significant challenges to
versity in the Caribbean result from: their sustainable development as a result of
• Habitat destruction and fragmentation (de- climate change, natural and environmental
forestation) due to demand for food, ur- disasters and other global threats.
banization, commercial development, and The Environmental Health and Sustainable
expansion of agriculture and tourism Development Department (EHSD) of CAR-
• Exploitation of plants and animals through PHA leads the environmental protection
overfishing, illegal logging, over harvesting and natural resources management initia-
• Climate change with increased severity of tives and functions as the link between pub-
droughts and hurricane intensity, ocean lic health and the environment.q
warming and acidification