Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200606
P. 28
Saturday 6 June 2020
UN agency: Iran violating all restrictions of nuclear deal
By KIYOKO METZLER and pandemic, the IAEA said it
DAVID RISING has maintained its verifica-
Associated Press tion and monitoring activi-
VIENNA (AP) — Iran has ties in the country, primarily
continued to increase its by chartering aircraft to fly
stockpiles of enriched ura- inspectors to and from Iran.
nium and remains in viola- It cited "exceptional coop-
tion of its deal with world eration" from authorities in
powers, the United Nations' Austria, where it is based,
atomic watchdog said Fri- and Iran in facilitating the
day. operation.
The International Atomic The agency raised con-
Energy Agency reported cerns, however, about ac-
the finding in a confiden- cess to two of three loca-
tial document distributed tions it identified in March
to member countries and as places where Iran pos-
seen by The Associated sibly stored and/or used
Press. undeclared nuclear mate-
The agency said that as of rial or undertook nuclear-
May 20, Iran's total stock- related activities without
pile of low-enriched urani- declaring them to interna-
um amounted to 1,571.6 ki- tional observers.
lograms (1.73 tons), up from In this Oct. 26, 2010, file photo, a worker rides a bicycle in front of the reactor building of the Bush- Activities at all three sites
1,020.9 kilograms (1.1 tons) ehr nuclear power plant, just outside the southern city of Bushehr. are thought to have been
on Feb. 19. Associated Press from the early 2000s. The
Iran signed the nuclear IAEA said in its current re-
deal in 2015 with the United the restrictions to try and weapons-grade, or more of enriched uranium was port that it had determined
States, Germany, France, pressure the remaining na- than 90% purity, to make a already more than 7,000 that one site had under-
Britain, China and Russia. tions to increase the incen- nuclear weapon. kilograms (7.72 tons) with gone "extensive sanitiza-
Known as the Joint Com- tives to offset new, econo- With the nuclear deal in higher enrichment, but it tion and leveling" in 2003
prehensive Plan of Action, my-crippling U.S. sanctions. place, Iran's so-called didn't pursue a bomb. and 2004 and there would
or JCPOA, it allows Iran only The ultimate goal of the breakout time — the pe- As the country has expand- be no verification value in
to keep a stockpile of 202.8 JCPOA is to prevent Iran riod Tehran would need to ed its nuclear program, Iran inspecting it.
kilograms (447 pounds). from developing a nuclear build a bomb if it chose to has been open about the It said Iran has, for more
The IAEA reported that Iran bomb. Since the U.S. with- — stood at around a year. violations and continues to than four months, blocked
has also been continuing drawal, Iran has stockpiled As Iran has stepped away allow inspectors for the U.N. access to the other two lo-
to enrich uranium to a pu- enough uranium to pro- from the limits of the 2015 atomic agency access to cations, one of which was
rity of up to 4.5%, higher duce a weapon, although deal, it slowly has narrowed iacilities to monitor their op- partially demolished in 2004
than the 3.67% allowed the government in Tehran that window. erations. and the other at which the
under the JCPOA. It is also insists it has no such goal However, that doesn't It remains in violation of all agency observed activi-
above the pact's limitations and that its atomic pro- mean Iran would immedi- the main restrictions out- ties "consistent with efforts
on heavy water. gram is only for producing ately rush toward building lined by the JCPOA, which to sanitize" the facility from
The nuclear deal promised energy. a bomb if all the materials Tehran says it hopes will July 2019 onward. The
Iran economic incentives According to the Washing- were in place. pressure the other nations watchdog agency added
in return for the curbs on its ton-based Arms Control As- Before agreeing to the nu- involved to increase eco- that Iran has also "not en-
nuclear program. President sociation, Iran would need clear deal, Iran enriched its nomic incentives to make gaged in any substantive
Donald Trump pulled the roughly 1050 kilograms uranium up to 20% purity, up for hard-hitting sanctions discussions" with the IAEA to
U.S. out of the deal unilater- (1.16 tons) of low-enriched which is just a short tech- imposed by Washington af- answer its question about
ally in 2018, saying it need- uranium — under 5% pu- nical step away from the ter the U.S. withdrawal. possible undeclared nucle-
ed to be renegotiated. Iran rity — and would then weapons-grade level of Though Iran has been hard ar material and activities
has since slowly violated need to enrich it further to 90%. In 2013, Iran's stockpile hit by the new coronavirus for almost a year.q
Hong Kong's last British leader: China's agenda 'Orwellian'
By DAKE KANG Kong residents if Beijing use the joint declaration
BEIJING (AP) — The last Brit- goes through with passage as though it stops us doing
ish governor of Hong Kong of the legislation. something that's a sover-
criticized the Chinese gov- The law is seen as potentially eign right of ours?" said Pat-
ernment on Friday over imposing severe restrictions ten, now chancellor of the
proposed national security on freedom of speech and University of Oxford, in an
legislation, calling it part of opposition political activity online talk with reporters.
an "Orwellian" drive to elim- in the former British colony The declaration is a bilat-
inate opposition in violation that was handed over to eral treaty signed as part of
of the agreement on hand- Chinese rule in 1997. China the handover process. Chi-
ing the territory over to Bei- has denounced the offer of na has essentially declared
jing. citizenship as a violation of it null and void, while Brit-
Chris Patten defended Lon- its sovereignty. ain says Beijing is reneging
In this Sept. 19, 2017, photo, Chris Patten, Hong Kong's last Brit- don's announcement that "If they've broken the (Sino- on its commitments made
ish governor, listens to questions at The Foreign Correspondents' it would grant residency British) Joint Declaration, in the document that was
Club to promote his new book in Hong Kong. and a path to citizenship if they've thrown it over- supposed to be remain in
Associated Press for nearly 3 million Hong board, how can they then effect until 2047. q