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                      Saturday 6 June 2020
            Pandemic accelerates Mormon missionaries' transition online

            By  BRADY  McCOMBS  and                                                                                             A  more  online-based  ap-
            MARIAM FAM                                                                                                          proach  would  be  a  major
            Associated Press                                                                                                    shift and could diminish the
            BRIGHAM  CITY,  Utah  (AP)                                                                                          appeal  for  some  young
            — Wearing dress shirts, ties                                                                                        church    members     who
            and name tags, three mis-                                                                                           crave an enriching cultural
            sionaries  with  The  Church                                                                                        experience, said Ryan Cra-
            of  Jesus  Christ  of  Latter-                                                                                      gun,  a  sociology  professor
            day  Saints  sit  around  the                                                                                       at  the  University  of  Tampa
            kitchen table inside a Utah                                                                                         who  specializes  in  religion
            apartment  planning  how                                                                                            and  The  Church  of  Jesus
            they'll  spread  their  gospel                                                                                      Christ  of  Latter-day  Saints.
            that day.                                                                                                           The time in the community
            Seth  Rather,  a  19-year-                                                                                          also  breaks  up  the  drudg-
            old  from  Wichita,  Kansas,                                                                                        ery  of  being  alone  with  a
            reads aloud as he types on                                                                                          fellow missionary, said Cra-
            a  smartphone:  "During  this                                                                                       gun, a former church mem-
            time, we must put our faith                                                                                         ber who served a mission in
            in God to deliver us through                                                                                        Costa Rica.
            these      unprecedented     In this May 27, 2020, photo, from Seth Rather, a missionary with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-  "There's this quasi-tourist ex-
            times. How has putting your   day Saints, looks at his smartphone at his apartment, in Brigham City, Utah.          perience of going to these
            faith in God helped you in                                                                         Associated Press  cool  places,  but  there  is
            your life?                                                                                                          also  the  connection  you
            "That  good?"  he  asks  his  ing  through  the  streets  in  family  to  take  the  sacra-  one  of  those  "little  brick  get  to  the  people,"  Cra-
            two companions.              the  Philippines  to  spread  ment  for  the  first  time  and  phones" and largely spoke  gun  said.  "That's  probably
            "I like it," Andrew Zitting re-  the  word  of  their  faith  be-  follow up on an earlier pro-  to people face to face.   one of the more meaning-
            sponds.  Guenter  Castrillo  fore  the  pandemic  hit.  posal:  forgo  coffee,  a  key  "Sometimes  we  feel  like  ful  things  that  happens  to
            nods.                        Now,  they  hardly  leave  a  part  of  the  faith's  health  pioneers,"  said  McCain,  them."
            With  that,  the  young  men  ground-level  apartment  in  code,  which  also  bans  al-  a  19-year-old  from  Texas.  McCain  said  she  sees  an
            have  their  Facebook  post  the  small  town  of  Brigham  cohol and tobacco.         "We're not used to using so-  opportunity  to  use  online
            for the day.                 City in northern Utah.       The husband and wife had  cial media in this way and,  tools  to  reach  more  peo-
            This is what missionary work  After  sending  the  Face-  different  outcomes:  She  like,  I  never  made  videos  ple. Still, "we would love to
            looks  like  during  the  coro-  book  post  recently,  they  says  she  found  it  difficult  and  posted  them  online  go and be able to teach in
            navirus  pandemic,  which  knelt for a prayer and then  but would like to work on it.  before.  ...  We're  all  learn-  people's  houses."  She  and
            has forced the Utah-based  dialed in to a Zoom call with  He says he'd given it up.    ing,  and  it's  really  interest-  King  went  to  the  home  of
            faith  widely  known  as  the  a  family.  A  similar  scene  On Facebook, McCain and  ing and really fun."         the family they have been
            Mormon  church  to  accel-   is  playing  out  worldwide  King  craft  a  message  in  The church began incorpo-    teaching to share the sac-
            erate its online outreach.   as  reassigned  missionaries  Portuguese,  the  language  rating online faith outreach  rament,  while  social  dis-
            After hastily bringing home  navigate new realities.      they learned for their origi-  when it gave some mission-  tancing.
            more  than  26,000  young  In  Orlando,  Florida,  Bella  nal  assignments  in  Brazil.  aries  tablets  six  years  ago.  "Finding and teaching peo-
            people  from  overseas  mis-  McCain and Madison King  They  also  text  people  ask-  It's  since  made  technol-  ple  online  is  really  effec-
            sions  aimed  at  recruiting  hold  a  WhatsApp  video  ing to set up a call to talk  ogy  more  prevalent,  giv-   tive,"  Nielson  said,  "but  we
            new members, the church  call with a family they have  about the church.               ing most missionaries smart-  also think there's a person-
            has  begun  sending  many  been      teaching    church  It's a far cry from just months  phones  even  before  the  al  touch,  too,  of  meeting
            of  them  out  again  in  their  doctrine.  They  invite  the  ago. In Brazil, McCain had  pandemic, Nielson said.   people"  and  having  them
            home countries with a new                                                                                           come  to  church  when
            focus  on  online  work  that                                                                                       things open up more.
            may  persist  even  after  the                                                                                      The virus forced church of-
            pandemic, officials told The                                                                                        ficials to scramble for flights
            Associated Press.                                                                                                   to  get  missionaries  home
            "The leaders  of our church                                                                                         from far-flung countries like
            have been asking us: What                                                                                           Ethiopia, Australia and Viet-
            are  we  learning  from  this                                                                                       nam.  But  Nielson  said  the
            pandemic that will help us                                                                                          church  never  wavered  in
            become  better,  become                                                                                             keeping the missionary pro-
            more  efficient,"  said  Brent                                                                                      gram going.
            H. Nielson, executive direc-                                                                                        It  shows  the  importance
            tor of the church's mission-                                                                                        the church places on shar-
            ary  department.  "We've                                                                                            ing  its  gospel  and  giving
            learned  that  finding  peo-                                                                                        young people the chance
            ple,  teaching  people  on-                                                                                         to fulfill an important rite of
            line is much more effective                                                                                         passage.
            than trying to meet people                                                                                          About  5,000  missionaries
            in person on a bus or on a                                                                                          who  were  brought  home
            street corner or somewhere                                                                                          have been sent out again
            else. This will change what                                                                                         in  the  United  States.  Thou-
            we do, I think, forever."                                                                                           sands  more  are  heading
            Missionary    work     has                                                                                          out soon. The church gave
            changed  drastically  for    In this May 27, 2020, photo, missionaries with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, from   them  the  option  to  wait  a
            young  people  like  Rather   left to right, Andrew Zitting, Seth Rather, and Guenter Castrillo pray during a Zoom meeting with a  year, but the large majority
            and  Castrillo,  who  had    local family while on a smartphone at their apartment, in Brigham City, Utah.          chose  to  start  again  now,
            spent  long  days  walk-                                                                           Associated Press  Nielson said. q
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