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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 6 June 2020

            EU wants borders free of virus restrictions by end of June

            By LORNE COOK and KAREL                                                                                             dia in Spain on Friday.
            JANICEK                                                                                                             The government leaders of
            Associated Press                                                                                                    the  eurozone's  third-  and
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  Europe                                                                                           fourth-largest   economies
            could  have  its  free  travel                                                                                      want the European Centre
            zone up and running again                                                                                           for Disease Prevention and
            by  the  end  of  this  month,                                                                                      Control  to  play  a  leading
            but  travelers  from  further                                                                                       role in "defining as soon as
            afield  will  not  be  allowed                                                                                      possible  these  criteria  to-
            in before July, a European                                                                                          gether  with  the  member
            Union  commissioner  said                                                                                           states."
            Friday  after  talks  among                                                                                         Spain, which relies on tour-
            the bloc's interior ministers.                                                                                      ism for 12% of its GDP, plans
            Panicked by Italy's corona-                                                                                         to wait until July 1 to drop its
            virus  outbreak  in  February,                                                                                      14-day quarantine require-
            countries  in  the  26-nation                                                                                       ment  for  everyone  who
            Schengen  travel  zone  —                                                                                           crosses  its  borders,  Span-
            where  people  and  goods                                                                                           iards included.
            move freely without border                                                                                          "Many  of  our  member
            checks  —  imposed  border                                                                                          states are approaching the
            restrictions without consult-                                                                                       date when they are going
            ing  their  neighbors  to  try   German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, right, and his Italian counterpart Luigi Di Maio wear face   to  reopen  their  borders  to
            to  keep  the  disease  out.   masks to protect against the coronavirus during a meeting in Berlin, Germany, Friday, June 5,   tourist  mobility,"  Sánchez
            The  moves  caused  mas-     2020.                                                                                  and  Conte  wrote.  "How
            sive border traffic jams and                                                                       Associated Press  this  process  is  carried  out
            blocked  medical  equip-                                                                                            will  largely  determine  our
            ment.                        its  neighbors;  Austria,  Ger-  maining  border  checks  on  which   have   not   fully  citizens'  perception  of  the
            Free movement is a jewel in  many  and  Hungary.  Also  June 15 like many other EU  opened  to  Italian  tourists,  centrality  of  the  European
            Europe's  crown  that  helps  Friday,  Switzerland  said  it  countries, said "the internal  Italian  Foreign  Minister  Lu-  Union in tackling this crisis."
            its  businesses  flourish  and  plans  to  lift  restrictions  on  border controls will be over  igi Di Maio denounced the  Germany's  Seehofer  said
            many  European  officials  travel from EU nations and  in all of Europe at the end  "ad  hoc"  measures  put  in  most of the EU's interior min-
            feared that the very future  Britain  on  June  15.  Switzer-  of June."               place  by  some  countries  isters  want  to  extend  the
            of the Schengen area was  land  is  not  an  EU  member  The  news  should  come  as  as "a violation of the Euro-  current  entry  ban  on  out-
            under threat from coronavi-  but is part of the Schengen  a  relief  to  millions  of  Euro-  pean spirit that has always  side  travelers  "by  14  days
            rus travel restrictions. These  travel zone.              peans  still  trying  to  work  distinguished us."        until July 1."
            added to border pressures  Johansson  said  Europe's  out  their  summer  vaca-        Di  Maio  said  Rome  would  Visitors  from  the  United
            already caused by the ar-    Centre for Disease Preven-   tion  plans  —  which  begin  provide  regular  infection  States,  Russia  or  Brazil,  for
            rival in Europe of well over 1  tion  and  Control  believes  for  many  in  July  once  the  data  to  Austria  "so  they  example,  would  only  be
            million migrants in 2015.    that  confinement,  social  school  year  is  over  —  and  can  have  certainty  about  allowed  back  into  Europe
            "I personally believe that we  distancing and other health  who  are  anxious  to  know  Italy's numbers." Last week,  on  based  on  how  those
            will return to a full function-  measures   are   working.  whether  they  will  be  al-  he said Italy refused to be  nations  have  brought  the
            ing  of  the  Schengen  area  More  than  175,000  people  lowed to head to the con-   treated  as  a  leper  after  spread  of  the  virus  under
            and freedom of movement  have died in Europe's coro-      tinent's  beaches  or  moun-  Greece announced a list of  control, he said. Those three
            of citizens no later than the  navirus  outbreak,  accord-  tains. It's also good news for  29 countries whose citizens  nations account for 44% of
            end of the month of June,"  ing to a tally by Johns Hop-  European  countries  whose  could visit without testing or  the  world's  confirmed  in-
            European  Union  Home  Af-   kins University, mostly in Brit-  economies have been rav-  quarantine  requirements,  fections and nearly 38% of
            fairs   Commissioner   Ylva  ain, Italy, France and Spain.  aged by the spread of CO-  but  excluded  Italians,  Brit-  the world's confirmed coro-
            Johansson  said  Friday  af-  "Physical  distancing  and  VID-19 and are hoping for a  ons  and  residents  of  other  navirus  deaths,  according
            ter  the  video-conference  other  health-related  mea-   much-needed  boost  from  hard-hit countries.             to Johns Hopkins.
            meeting.                     sures  are  still  needed,  of  their decimated tourism in-  Spanish  Prime  Minister  Pe-  Worldwide, 6.6 million peo-
            All  but  essential  travel  into  course.  But  health  authori-  dustries.           dro  Sánchez  and  Italian  ple  have  been  confirmed
            Europe  from  the  outside  is  ties  are  clear  that  there  is  But the perception that Ita-  Premier  Giuseppe  Conte  infected  by  the  virus  and
            restricted until June 15, but  no  longer  a  clear  justifica-  ly is still dangerous is weigh-  have  sent  a  joint  letter  to  over  391,000  have  died,
            many  ministers  suggested  tion for either travel restric-  ing  heavily  on  its  tourism  European Commission Pres-  according  to  Johns  Hop-
            Friday  that  they  want  this  tions  or  border  measures  sector,  which  along  with  ident Ursula Von der Leyen  kins,  but  experts  say  the
            deadline  extended  until  within  the  EU  Schengen  related industries accounts  urging "the lifting of restric-  tally  understates  the  true
            early July.                  area," Johansson said.       for  13%  of  Italy's  gross  do-  tions at our internal borders  toll of the pandemic due to
            The  meeting  came  as  the  German     Interior   Minis-  mestic product.             (...) in a coordinated, non-  limited testing, missed mild
            Czech  Republic  was  eas-   ter  Horst  Seehofer,  whose  In  an  apparent  reference  discriminatory manner." The  cases and deliberate gov-
            ing restrictions with some of  country  plans  to  lift  its  re-  to  Austria  and  Greece,  letter was shared with me-  ernment undercounts.q
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