Page 25 - bon-dia-aruba-20200606
P. 25
U.S. NEWS Saturday 6 June 2020
Continued from Front Floyd's body was being tak-
Formal and impromptu me- en to North Carolina, the
morials to Floyd stretched state where he was born
from Minneapolis to North 46 years ago, for a public
Carolina, where family viewing and private service
were gathering Saturday to for family on Saturday. Then
mourn him, and beyond. in Texas, where Floyd lived
Josiah Roebuck, a Ken- most of his life, services cul-
nesaw State University stu- minating in a private burial
dent and organizer of a will take place over two
demonstration that drew days next week.
about 100 people Friday In Washington, city work-
in an Atlanta suburb, said ers and volunteers paint-
he was confident that ed "Black Lives Matter" in
momentum will be main- enormous yellow letters on
tained. the street leading to the
"Once you start, you're go- White House in a sign of
ing to see this every day," local leaders' embrace of
said Roebuck, who has at- the protest movement. The
tended multiple other At- mural that also includes
lanta-area protests. "I just an image of the city's flag
want minorities to be repre- stretched across 16th Street
sented properly." for two blocks, ending just
Demonstration leaders before the church where
have employed various or- President Donald Trump APD officer Alexandra Parker holds her hand up with a fellow officer as they kneel together with
protesters at the Austin Police Department HQ during a Black Lives Matter rally in Austin on Thurs-
ganizing tools including so- staged a photo-op earlier day, June 4, 2020.
cial media, which Roebuck this week after federal of- Associated Press
said he used to gather ficers forcibly cleared a
people for the demonstra- peaceful demonstration to ing heard, more symbols or calling to demand local the country, protesters said
tion outside a Kennesaw make way for the president of slavery and the Con- change. the quieter mood was the
store selling Confederate and his entourage."The federacy came down. "We are taking more of the result of factors including
memorabilia. "Social media section of 16th street in Alabama's port city of Mo- strategy of: 'How do we the new and upgraded
is a big influencer today," front of the White House is bile removed a statue of a actually invest people's en- criminal charges against
he said. now officially 'Black Lives Confederate naval officer ergy beyond protesting?,'" the officers involved in
Protests around the country Matter Plaza,'" Mayor Mu- early Friday after days of said Tifanny Burks, a com- Floyd's death and a more
had initially been marred riel Bowser said in a tweet protests there, while Freder- munity organizer. "We are conciliatory approach by
by the setting of fires and shortly after the mural was icksburg, Virginia, removed thinking long term." police who have marched
smashing of windows, but completed Friday. a 176-year-old slave auc- This weekend, they are with them or taken a knee
Friday marked at least the The project supporting a tion block from downtown building a church altar with to recognize their message.
third day of more subdued protest movement at odds after several years of efforts the names of victims killed Still, some troubling interac-
demonstrations, including with Trump's leadership fol- by the NAACP. by local police and hav- tions between police and
a heartfelt tribute to Floyd lows Bower's verbal clashes Community activists are ing their family members protesters occurred. In Buf-
in Minneapolis that drew with his administration over working to convert anger speak. On Monday, they falo, two officers were sus-
family members, celebri- the response to protests and grief into long-term ac- plan a workshop to help pended after video from
ties, politicians and civil over Floyd's killing. Still, the tion. Black Lives Matter Al- people engage at the lo- WBFO showed a 75-year-
rights advocates on Thurs- local chapter of Black Lives liance Broward circulated cal level, including mobiliz- old man being shoved af-
day. The Rev. Al Sharpton Matter took a swipe at Bow- a sign-up sheet at a Fort ing in upcoming elections. ter walking up to police
delivered a fierce eulogy ers on Twitter by saying the Lauderdale, Florida, protest "Every single day it's grow- as they were enforcing a
and outlined plans for a project distracts from their that drew 1,500 names of ing from people who want curfew Thursday night. The
commemorative march on efforts to shift funds from people who want to stay to get more involved, who man appeared to hit his
Washington in August, vow- local police to community involved. The group fol- want to take more actions, head on the pavement
ing that the movement will investment. lowed up with each person so we're going to be mobi- and was bleeding as offi-
"change the whole system Meanwhile, in a sign the this week suggesting simple lizing those folks," Burks said. cers walked past. The man
of justice." protesters' voices were be- actions such as emailing At demonstrations around was hospitalized.q
U.N. health agency: Wear mask if you can't keep your distance
By MARIA CHENG ing medical conditions guidance to specify that
AP Medical Writer also should wear masks in health workers in areas
The World Health Organiza- situations where social dis- where the virus is spread-
tion is broadening its rec- tancing cannot be main- ing freely should always
ommendations for the use tained. WHO previously wear masks inside medical
of masks during the coro- had recommended that facilities. Doctors working in
navirus pandemic and said only health care workers, cardiology or other wards,
Friday it is now advising that people with COVID-19 and for example, should wear
in areas where the virus is their caregivers wear medi- medical masks even if the
spreading, people should cal masks, noting a global facilities had no known
wear fabric masks when so- shortage of supplies. coronavirus patients,
cial distancing is not possi- During a press briefing dis- Tedros said. Maria Van
ble, such as on public trans- cussing the revised guid- Kerkhove, WHO's technical
portation and in shops. ance, Tedros added that In this Friday, March 20, 2020 file photo, passengers wearing lead on COVID-19, said the
WHO Director-General "masks on their own will face masks travel on a Piccadilly Line underground train in Lon- updated recommenda-
Tedros Adhanom Ghe- not protect you from COV- don. tions were based on new
breyesus said people over ID-19" and emphasized the ing, social distancing and strategies. research commissioned by
age 60 or with underly- importance of hand-wash- other infection-prevention WHO also widened its mask the U.N. health agency.q