Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200718
P. 28
Saturday 18 July 2020
Israel to shut down on weekends in response to virus surge
By JOSEPH KRAUSS breach of trust in three sep-
Associated Press arate cases. His trial began
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel last month. The long-serving
announced sweeping new prime minister has denied
restrictions on Friday in re- any wrongdoing, accus-
sponse to a new surge in ing the media and law en-
coronavirus cases, includ- forcement of a witch hunt.
ing weekend closures of Elsewhere in the Middle
many businesses and limit- East, coronavirus cases
ing restaurants to takeout are also rising again in Iran,
and delivery. which has seen the worst
The government an- outbreak in the region, with
nounced the restrictions nearly 270,000 confirmed
after Prime Minister Ben- cases and at least 13,791
jamin Netanyahu said "in- deaths. That includes 2,379
terim steps" were needed new cases and 183 deaths
to avoid another general in the last 24 hours, accord-
lockdown. Netanyahu has ing to the Health Ministry.
faced widespread criticism The virus causes mild to
and protests in recent days moderate flu-like symp-
over his government's han- toms in most patients, who
dling of the pandemic and recover within a few weeks.
the economic fallout from But it can cause severe ill-
an earlier lockdown. A performer dance with fire during a protest in front of Israel's Prime Minister's residence in ness or death, particularly
Gyms and exercise studios Jerusalem, Thursday, July 16, 2020. Associated Press in older patients or those
will be closed except for with weakened immune
use by competitive athletes the government said res- By late May, Israel had embattled Israeli leader to systems. It is highly conta-
and beaches will be closed taurants would have until largely contained its out- resign as he faces trial on gious and can be spread
on weekends, beginning early Tuesday to switch to break following a two- corruption charges and by people showing no
later this month. The Israeli takeout and delivery only. month lockdown. But cases grapples with the deepen- symptoms.
weekend is Friday and Sat- Stores, malls, barber shops, have soared in the weeks ing coronavirus crisis.Some Separately, Iran's state-run
urday. Restaurants were ini- beauty salons and tour- since restrictions were lift- protesters carried images IRNA news agency report-
tially ordered to halt seated ist sites will be closed on ed, with Israel reporting of Netanyahu with a ban- ed that the United Arab
dining by Friday evening, weekends, starting Friday. around 1,900 new cases on ner reading "Crime Min- Emirates' flagship carrier
but the government later Public gatherings will be Thursday alone. At least 384 ister." Another, held by a has resumed daily flights
backtracked in the face of limited to 10 people indoors people have died since woman with a red mask, to Tehran after suspend-
an uproar by owners who or 20 outside. The Cabinet the outbreak began, out of read: "Dictatorship." Some ing them in response to the
said they had already pur- approved the new mea- a total of more than 45,000 demonstrators came in pandemic. The first Emirates
chased fresh ingredients sures, pending approval by cases. swimsuits to protest the clo- flight in around five months
for the weekend rush and the Knesset, Israel's parlia- Later on Friday afternoon, sure of beaches. landed in Tehran on Friday.
would suffer major financial ment, but said they would hundreds of Israelis dem- This was the third such The carrier had suspended
losses if they had to throw take effect Friday evening onstrated outside Netan- protest in a week. Netan- service in February after
them out. In a statement with violation considered a yahu's official residence in yahu faces charges of ac- two Iranian passengers test-
released Friday afternoon, criminal offense. Jerusalem, calling on the cepting bribes, fraud and ed positive for the virus.q
Mandela biggest influence for Africa’s youth, survey says
Mandela's legacy is alive and many in Africa are are commemorations for
seven years after his death, finding their survival under Mandela's daughter Zindzi,
according to the poll of threat because of lack of who died in a Johannes-
young people in 14 African access to health care," said burg hospital this week. Al-
countries in which 86% of Luzuko Koti, the founda- though her cause of death
respondents said his values tion's spokesman. was not announced, her
are still relevant today. The According to the survey's son told South Africa's state
results of the survey were findings, 55% of respon- broadcaster that she test-
released Friday, on the eve dents said Mandela more ed positive for COVID-19
of Mandela's birthday, by than anyone had the on the day of her death.
the Ichikowitz Family Foun- greatest impact on Africa. President Cyril Ramaphosa
dation. The poll asked 4,200 young praised her family for dis-
Mandela's stand against men and women aged 18 closing it. "This is a virus that
inequality is pertinent in to 24 in Republic of Congo, affects us all, and there
helping Africans combat Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, should never be any stig-
In this Feb. 13, 1990 file photo, Nelson Mandela, center left, and COVID-19, which is surging Kenya, Nigeria, Mali, Ma- ma around people who
his wife Winnie, center right, raise clenched fists as they arrive at across South Africa and lawi, Rwanda, Senegal, become infected," he said
a welcoming rally in Soweto two days after Mandela's release the continent, said the Nel- South Africa, Togo, Zambia in a statement. In disclosing
from prison in Cape Town, South Africa.
Associated Press son Mandela Foundation, and Zimbabwe. her status, "you are helping
which welcomed the find- The United Nations secre- encourage social accep-
Associated Press makes him the most influ- ings. "The pandemic has tary-general will give the tance for sufferers."
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — For- ential person among Af- exposed the gross inequali- annual Mandela lecture on South Africa now has the
mer South African President rica's youth, according to ties around the world, the Saturday, the Nobel Peace world's sixth largest con-
Nelson Mandela's fight for a survey conducted across glaring gaps between the Prize winner's birthday. firmed virus caseload with
freedom and human rights the continent. haves and the have nots, Separately on Friday there nearly 325,000 infections.q