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                     Saturday 18 July 2020
            Animal print, beads or plain black, masks become about style

            By ANDREW SELSKY
            Associated Press
            SALEM,  Ore.  (AP)  —  They
            can be colorful or come in
            basic black, make a politi-
            cal statement or just a fun-
            ny one.
            Masks made of cotton and
            other  washable  materials
            have  become  big  sellers,
            and  an  emerging  fashion
            item,  as  face  coverings
            have  been  increasingly
            mandated      around   the
            world to reduce the spread
            of the coronavirus.          In this July 14, 2020, file photo, a firefighter wears a face mask
            Sales are expected to get    with the colors of the French flag, prior to the Bastille Day parade   In this June 26, 2020, file photo, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of
            another  boost  after  Britain   on the Champs-Élysées avenue in Paris.                Calif., speaks at a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington.
            and  France  announced                                                Associated Press                                          Associated Press
            this  week  that  they  will  re-  feet (2 meters) apart.  Nancy Pelosi began wear-    grams ... styles with animal  against economic injustice
            quire  masks  in  public  in-  In  a  sign  that  masks  are   ing  masks  that  matched   faces or lips," she said.   that began in late 2018.
            door  spaces.  That  could  becoming a fashion trend,     her  outfits,  people  watch-  There's  also  the  comical,  Workers at restaurants and
            help  France's  textile  and  Vogue  magazine  recently   ing  her  on  news  channels   like the one that says, "Rest-  other businesses are wear-
            luxury  goods  companies  listed     100   "aesthetically   noticed they had a Donna   ing mask face."              ing  masks  with  corporate
            unload  a  surplus  of  masks  pleasing"  selections.  The   Lewis  label  on  them.  The   Also  available  are  masks  logos.  Oregon  Gov.  Kate
            that numbered 20 million in  fashion magazine's recom-    boutique in Alexandria, Vir-  saying,  "Black  lives  matter"  Brown  wears  one  showing
            June.                        mendations include a mask    ginia,  became  besieged     with  an  image  of  a  raised  the state flag.
            In addition, at least 25 U.S.  with beaded accents from   by  purchase  orders  and    fist.  Some  businesses  have  In  Colombia,  dozens  of
            states are requiring masks in  Susan Alexandra. The cost:   soon ran out of the labels,   told  employees  they  can't  fashion  companies  have
            many indoor situations. Or-  $70. Masks made from vin-    which customers demand-      wear  them,  sparking  de-   pivoted    to   producing
            egon on Wednesday even  tage quilt tops, by Farewell      ed.                          bate  about  appropriate  masks,  including  ones  with
            began requiring masks out-   Frances, go for $25.         The  boutique  now  has  a   workplace  attire  and  the  colorful images of toucans,
            doors if people can't stay 6  After  U.S.  House  Speaker   huge  backlog  of  orders,   desire  to  show  solidarity  jaguars  and  other  tropical
                                                                      co-owner Chris Lewis said.   with  the  fight  against  rac-  designs that normally go on
                                                                      "I'm shipping them all over   ism.                        expensive  swimsuits.  South
                                                                      the world now," Lewis said.   Masks can show patriotism  Africans  often  sport  masks
                                                                      "Orders  are  so  furious,  I   as well as activism.      made  of  colorful  African
                                                                      can't keep up."              In  Paris,  a  firefighter  wore  fabrics.
                                                                      Perhaps    showing   some    a  face  covering  with  the  But  for  many  consumers,
                                                                      fashion  sense,  when  Presi-  colors  of  the  French  flag  plain white will do.
                                                                      dent  Donald  Trump  wore    before  marching  in  the  When Uniqlo, a major Jap-
                                                                      a mask publicly for the first   Bastille  Day  parade  cel-  anese   clothing   retailer,
                                                                      time Saturday, he chose a    ebrating  the  national  holi-  put its white "cool and dry"
                                                                      navy-blue  one  that  bore   day  this  week  along  the  masks with breathable fab-
                                                                      the  presidential  seal  and   Champs Elysees. Others at  ric  on  sale  in  June,  shop-
                                                                      matched  the  color  of  his   a protest across town wore  pers lined up at stores and
                                                                      suit.                        yellow  masks,  representing  crashed  its  website.  Sup-
                                                                      Thanks  to  mask  sales,  Etsy,   the yellow vest movement  plies sold out in hours. q
                                                                      the  online  crafts  market-
                                                                      place,  has  seen  revenue
                                                                      jump.  In  April  alone,  Etsy
                                                                      sold 12 million masks, gen-
                                                                      erating $133 million in sales.
                                                                      "If face masks were a stand-
                                                                      alone  category,  it  would
                                                                      have been the second big-
            In this Saturday, July 11, 2020, file photo, President Donald Trump   gest category on Etsy in the
            wears a face mask as he walks down a hallway during a visit to   month  of  April,"  CEO  Josh
            Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md.   Silverman said.
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                      Second-quarter  revenue,
                                                                      to  be  announced  in  Au-
                                                                      gust,  will  likely  show  mask
                                                                      sales are red hot.
                                                                      Black  masks  are  in  high-
                                                                      est  demand,  followed  by
                                                                      white  and  floral  patterns,
                                                                      Etsy spokeswoman Lily Co-
                                                                      hen said.
                                                                      "We  are  seeing  lots  of   University of Idaho sophomore Jade Osborne wears a school-
                                                                                                   themed face mask to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus
                                                                      unique variations on masks,   while talking to a freshman during UIdaho Bound, Friday, July 17,
                                                                      including   personalization   2020, in Moscow, Idaho.
                                                                      with  names  and  mono-                                               Associated Press
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