Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200718
P. 26
Saturday 18 July 2020
Pentagon bans Confederate flag in way to avoid Trump’s wrath
Korea and Japan quickly
followed suit. The new pol-
icy does not affect or re-
scind those bans.
The other three military ser-
vices were all moving to
enact similar bans, but they
paused when Esper made
it known he wanted a con-
sistent policy across the
whole department. Now
they will instead issue this
new policy to their troops
and employees.
Defense leaders have for
weeks been tied in knots
over the incendiary issue
of banning the Confeder-
ate flag. An early draft of
the Defense Department
plan banned display of
the Confederate flag, say-
ing the prohibition would
preserve "the morale of
our personnel, good order
and discipline within the
military ranks and unit co-
hesion." That version was
shelved, and officials have
been struggling since then
to come up with a policy
that would have the same
effect but not create politi-
cal havoc.
Esper discussed the matter
with senior leaders during
a meeting Wednesday, in-
cluding some of the legal
issues surrounding a variety
In this July 3, 2020, file photo a man wears a Confederate flag while walking with others in Marion, Va. of bans, which some offi-
Associated Press
cials believe could be chal-
By LOLITA C. BALDOR focused on what unifies us, ment opposition in some base names and has de- lenged in court.
Associated Press our sworn oath to the Con- areas. fended the flying of the The final version is a com-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Af- stitution and our shared Army Gen. Mark Milley, Confederate flag, saying promise that enables Esper
ter weeks of wrangling, duty to defend the nation," chair of the Joint Chiefs of it's a freedom of speech is- to enact a ban that pass-
the Pentagon is banning Esper's memo states. "The Staff, said in a statement sue. es legal muster and gives
displays of the Confeder- flags we fly must accord that the American flag is According to Esper's military leaders what they
ate flag on military installa- with the military impera- the symbol of the Constitu- memo, the display of unau- want, but doesn't infuriate
tions, in a carefully worded tives of good order and tion that service members thorized flags — such as the the commander in chief.
policy that doesn't mention discipline, treating all our swore to protect. He add- Confederate banner car- According to the official,
the word ban or that spe- people with dignity and ed, "Each of us must create ried during the Civil War — the new policy doesn't
cific flag. The policy, laid respect, and rejecting divi- (and) maintain an environ- is acceptable in museums, undo the bans already in
out in a memo released Fri- sive symbols." ment of cohesion across historical exhibits, works of place, and service chiefs
day, was described by of- Acceptable flags listed in the Joint Force. One way to art or other educational and secretaries will still be
ficials as a creative way to the memo include the U.S. do that is to always honor programs. able to enact additional,
bar the flag's display with- and state banners, flags of our American Flag." The Marine Corps has al- more stringent policies re-
out openly contradicting or other allies and partners, According to a Defense ready banned the Con- stricting symbols they be-
angering President Donald the widely displayed POW/ Department official fa- federate flag. Gen. David lieve are divisive and harm-
Trump, who has defended MIA flag and official mili- miliar with the matter, the Berger, the commandant ful to unit cohesion. The of-
people's rights to display it. tary unit flags. decision not to name a of the Marine Corps, di- ficial spoke on condition of
Signed by Defense Secre- Confederate flags, monu- specific prohibited flag rected his commanders in anonymity to discuss deci-
tary Mark Esper on Thursday ments and military base was to ensure the policy early June to remove pub- sions not yet made public.
night, the memo lists the names have become a would be apolitical and lic displays of the Confed- Army Secretary Ryan Mc-
types of flags that may be national flashpoint in the could withstand potential erate battle flag. That flag, Carthy told reporters on
displayed at military instal- weeks since the death legal challenges based on which some embrace as a Thursday that he is still work-
lations. The Confederate of George Floyd. Protest- free speech. The official symbol of heritage, "carries ing on a policy that would
flag is not among them — ers decrying racism have said that the White House the power to inflame feel- remove all divisive symbols
thus barring its display with- targeted Confederate is aware of the new policy ings of division" and can from Army installations.
out singling it out in a "ban." monuments in multiple cit- and that it takes effect im- weaken the unit cohesion He didn't mention the flag
Details of the policy were ies. Some state officials are mediately. that combat requires, Berg- but said, "We would have
first reported by the AP. considering taking them Trump has flatly rejected er said. any divisive symbols on a
"We must always remain down, but they face vehe- any notion of changing Military commands in South no-fly list."q