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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 18 July 2020
            Warning: Italy’s Mafias eye EU’s billions in recovery funds

            By FRANCES D'EMILIO                                                                                                 stantial  financial  infusions,"
            Associated Press                                                                                                    DIA's report said.
            ROME  (AP)  —  Italy's  anti-                                                                                       It recommended that Italy's
            Mafia  investigators  issued                                                                                        system of preventing finan-
            a dramatic warning Friday                                                                                           cial crimes by mobsters be
            that  mobsters  will  scheme                                                                                        "ductile,  adaptable  and
            to get some of hundreds of                                                                                          dynamic." Those adjectives
            billions of euros in European                                                                                       could  also  apply  to  Italy's
            Union  recovery  aid  after                                                                                         crime   syndicates,   par-
            the pandemic.                                                                                                       ticularly  the  'ndrangheta,
            As EU country leaders were                                                                                          which have proven to usu-
            huddling  in  Brussels  about                                                                                       ally be one step ahead of
            the  amount  and  condi-                                                                                            investigators,  as  Italian  au-
            tions  for  aid,  the  paramili-                                                                                    thorities have lamented.
            tary general heading Italy's                                                                                        Mobsters  were  quick  to
            anti-Mafia     investigative                                                                                        take advantage of the Eu-
            agency  DIA  said  mobsters                                                                                         ropean  economic  crisis  a
            are  surely  already  map-                                                                                          decade  ago,  particularly
            ping  strategies  to  tap  into                                                                                     in Italy, either through loan-
            some  of  that  money,  in-                                                                                         sharking or by using figure-
            cluding through corruption                                                                                          heads to become partners
            or  exploiting  the  country's                                                                                      in  legitimate  enterprises.
            notoriously  slow,  inefficient   In this Wednesday, May 18, 2005 file photo, a poster against Camorra (Neapolitan Mafia), reading   When  the  businesses  fail,
            bureaucracy.                 "People paying protection money are people without dignity", is seen on a wall beside a shop   the  mobsters  take  them
            Carabinieri Gen. Giuseppe    window in downtown Naples, Italy.                                     Associated Press  over,  using  ill-gained  reve-
            Governale  in  an  interview                                                                                        nues to make ''clean" mon-
            with RAI state TV likened the  sters  influence  local  au-  tigations against organized  revenues  to  buy  up  strug-  ey for themselves.
            expected  windfall  of  aid  thorities  who  award  such  crime in the last six months  gling  hotels,  pharmacies,  The  DIA  said  its  warning
            after COVID-19 devastated  lucrative  contracts,  DIA's  of  2019.  But  with  much  of  restaurants, car dealerships  went beyond Italy's borders
            much of Europe's economy  nearly      900-page,    semi-  Europe struggling to regain  and clothing shops. In par-  especially  since,  investiga-
            to  mammoth  reconstruc-     annual  report  to  Parlia-  its  economic  footing  after  ticular  the  'ndrangheta,  tors  say,  the  ''ndrangheta
            tion following World War II.   ment  on  the  state  of  the  months of coronavirus lock-  considered   Italy's   most  in  particular  as  well  as  the
            "Hundreds of billions (of eu-  country's  crime  syndicates  down,  the  DIA  decided  powerful  crime  syndicate  country's  other  mafias  are
            ros)  will  pour  into  Europe  noted  that  more  than  50  to sound an alarm that EU  and one of the world's ma-  already rooted in much of
            and Italy, and at this point,  municipal  governments  in  funds will be seen as manna  jor  criminal  organizations,  Europe  and  beyond  and
            the  Mafia  won't  stand  Italy — mostly in the south,  for  Italy's  mobsters,  who  in  is well positioned to go on  the   pandemic-triggered
            around  and  watch,''  Gov-  mobsters' traditional power  the last few decades have  a  buying  spree,  especially  recession  has  "taken  on
            ernale said. "The Mafia will  bases, but also as far north  already  heavily  infiltrated  considering tourism and re-  global dimensions."
            dive into this sea" of money.  as the Alps — are currently  the country's economy.     tail sectors have been dev-  On  the  micro  level,  the
            Italy's  several  crime  syndi-  being run by local prefects,  With  Italy's  economy  stag-  astated by the lockdown.   investigators  noted  that
            cates  have  often  used  in-  after  investigators  deter-  nant for years even before  "The  international  econo-  Italy's  mobsters,  including
            timidation  or  connivance  mined  that  crime  bosses  the  pandemic,  mobsters  my  will  need  liquidity,  and  Cosa  Nostra  in  Sicily,  can
            to  win  public  works  con-  had  conditioned  elected  have  used  many  of  their  in  this,  the  ('ndrangheta)  turn  to  time-tested  meth-
            tracts in the country.       town officials.              billions of euros in cocaine  clans will go compete with  ods  of  helping  out  families
            As a measure of how mob-     The  report  reviewed  inves-  and  other  drug  trafficking  the markets in need of sub-  at risk of poverty. q

              China says it’s not trying to replace U.S., won’t be bullied

              BEIJING (AP) — China isn't  in  the  military,  technol-  cautioned American busi-
              seeking  to  confront  or  re-  ogy, economic and other  ness  leaders  against  pro-
              place  the  United  States  spheres.                    moting  policies  favorable
              as the world's top techno-  "As an independent sover-   to Beijing. He asserted that
              logical power, but will fight  eign  state,  China  has  the  China at the beginning of
              back  against  "malicious  right to safeguard its own  the coronavirus pandemic
              slander" and attacks from  sovereignty,  security  and  had  not  only  dominated
              Washington,    a   foreign  development  interests,  to  the  market  for  protective
              ministry spokesperson said  defend the achievements  gear,  exposing  American
              Friday, responding to a lit-  made  by  the  Chinese  dependence  on  Beijing,
              any of recent accusations  people with hard work, to  but had also hoarded sup-
              from the Trump administra-  refuse any bullying and in-  plies and blocked produc-
              tion.                       justice against China, and  ers from exporting them to
              Hua Chunying said China's  to fight back against mali-  countries in need.
              chief concern is improving  cious slander and attacks  Barr  also  accused  hack-
              the livelihoods of its citizens  by the U.S. against China,"  ers  linked  to  the  Chinese
              and  maintaining  global  Hua  said  at  a  daily  brief-  government   of   target-  A resident wearing mask to curb the spread of the coronavirus
              peace  and  stability,  de-  ing.                       ing  American  universities  carries  a  United  States  flag  shopping  bag  in  Beijing  on
              spite what critics say is an  Her comments came in re-  and  businesses  to  steal   Wednesday, July 8, 2020.
              increasingly    aggressive  sponse to a speech Thurs-   research  related  to  coro-                                        Associated Press
              foreign policy that looks to  day by U.S. Attorney Gen-  navirus  vaccine  devel-   legation  against  Beijing  cies  made  similar  claims
              expand Chinese influence  eral William Barr in which he  opment,  leveling  the  al-  hours after Western agen-  against Russia. q
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