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Friday 15 September 2017
Seniors fight post-hurricane heat with Popsicles, compresses
By TERRY SPENCER Most people who die from
JAY REEVES high body temperature,
Associated Press known as hyperthermia,
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (AP) — are over 50, according to
Florida seniors were ush- the National Institutes of
ered out of stifling assist- Health.
ed-living centers Thursday Statewide, 64 nursing
while caregivers fought a homes were still waiting
lack of air conditioning with Thursday for full power,
Popsicles and cool com- according to the Florida
presses after eight people Health Care Association.
died at a nursing home in The separate Florida Assist-
the post-hurricane heat. ed Living Association said
Dozens of the state’s senior many of its South Florida
centers still lacked electric- members lacked electric-
ity in the aftermath of Hur- ity. The group was working
ricane Irma, and several on a precise count.
facilities were forced to A day earlier near Orlando,
evacuate. While detec- firefighters helped relo-
tives sought clues to the cate 122 people from two
deaths, emergency work- assisted-living centers that
ers went door to door to had been without power
look for anyone else who In this Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2017 photo, patients are evacuated from Krystal Bay Nursing and since the storm. And at the
was at risk. Rehabilitation Center after losing power in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, in North Miami Beach. 15,000-resident Century Vil-
Fifty-seven residents were Hurricane Irma is history but its aftermath remains deadly. Emergency crews around Florida are lage retirement community
moved from a suburban moving elderly residents from nursing homes without power, after several people died in one in Pembroke Pines, where
Fort Lauderdale assisted-liv- sweltering facility. there were also wide-
ing facility without power to (David Santiago/Miami Herald via AP) spread outages, rescue
two nearby homes where better plan for power,” he the state after eight deaths adjust to temperatures as workers went door to door
power had been restored. said, referring to the state’s at the Rehabilitation Cen- well as those of younger to check on residents and
Owner Ralph Marrinson largest utility, Florida Power ter at Hollywood Hills, which people. They do not sweat bring ice, water and meals.
said all five of his Florida fa- & Light. “We’re supposed shocked Florida’s top lead- as much and are more For older people living on
cilities lost electricity after to be on a priority list, and ers as they surveyed de- likely to have medical con- their own, such as 94-year-
Irma. Workers scrambled it doesn’t come and it struction from the punishing ditions that change how old Mary Dellaratta, get-
to keep patients cool with doesn’t come, and frankly storm. the body responds to heat. ting help can depend
emergency stocks of ice it’s very scary.” Older people can be more They are also more likely to on the attentiveness of
and Popsicles. Stepped-up safety checks susceptible to heat be- take medication that af- neighbors, family and local
“FPL has got to have a were conducted around cause their bodies do not fects body temperature. authorities.q
Trump offers hope in hurricane zone
By CATHERINE LUCEY and residents and volun-
KEN THOMAS teers who were happy to
Associated Press get a presidential visit.
NAPLES, Fla. (AP) — Presi- “We are there for you 100
dent Donald Trump doled percent,” Trump said be-
Located in the Riu Antilles Resort (Formerly the Westin Resort) out hoagies and hand- fore donning gloves and
FREE TRANSPORTATION TO THE CASINO FROM ALL shakes in the sweltering helping to hand out sand-
HIGH RISE AND LOW RISE HOTELS AND TIMESHARES. Florida heat on Thursday as wiches to local residents
CALL 525-7777 FOR MORE INFORMATION he took a firsthand tour of from a lunch line under a
Irma’s devastation and lib- canopy. “I’ll be back here
LIVE POKER erally dispensed congratu- numerous times. This is a
latory words about the fed-
state that I know very well.”
eral and state recovery ef- As he left the state, Trump
GAMES START 8 PM TO THE WEE HOURS fort. Trump, who was in and told reporters on Air Force
out of the state in about One that he planned an-
three hours, got an aerial other hurricane-related
1-2.....2-5......5-5 1-3.....2-5......5-5 view of the water-deluged trip, to Puerto Rico and the
$100 HIGH HAND BONUSES EVERY HOUR homes along Florida’s U.S. Virgin Islands, which
southwestern coast from his were both badly hit by
OVER $20,000 PER WEEK GIVEN OUT IN HIGH HAND BONUSES helicopter, then drove in his Irma.
CRAPS motorcade along streets The president brushed off
a question about whether
lined with felled trees, dark-
ONLY CASINO IN ARUBA TO OFFER 3, 4 & 5 TIME ODDS ened traffic lights and shut- the recent hurricanes had
tered stores on his way to a made him rethink his views
mobile home community on climate change, which
SPORTSBOOK hit hard by the storm. he has previously dismissed
Walking along a street in as a “hoax.” He said: “If you
LIVE SIMULCAST OF ALL MAJOR TRACKS Naples Estates with his wife, go back into the 1930s and
the 1940s, and you take
Melania, the president en-
THROUGHOBRED AND HARNESS countered piles of broken a look, we’ve had storms
siding and soggy furniture over the years that have
sitting on a front porch, been bigger than this.” q