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locAl sports                        Friday 15 September 2017

            Offringa survives major scare to be crowned world champion

            Major  drama  unfolded  on                                                                                          / Avanti) remain in 5th and
            the  final  day  of  the  2017                                                                                      6th  place,  while  Maciek
            Hvide  Sande  PWA  World                                                                                            Rutkowski  (Tabou  /  GA
            Cup as the women’s event                                                                                            Sails) rises to 7th to earn his
            and  world  title  race  saw                                                                                        best ever result on the world
            the pendulum swung back                                                                                             tour.  The  Pole  needed  a
            and  forth  in  the  favour  of                                                                                     slice of luck in the final race,
            Sarah-Quita  Offringa  (Star-                                                                                       which saw Amado Vrieswijk
            board  /  NeilPryde  /  Maui                                                                                        (JP / Severne) drop his final
            Ultra  Fins)  and  Delphine                                                                                         gybe as Rutkowski secured
            Cousin  Questel  (Starboard                                                                                         4th - before going on to fin-
            /  S2Maui).  Meanwhile,  An-                                                                                        ish 5th in the winners’ final.
            toine  Albeau  (RRD  /  Neil-                                                                                       Rutkowski  sailed  solidly  all
            Pryde) earned his 3rd event                                                                                         week and deserves his just
            title  out  of  the  4  events                                                                                      reward!
            completed so far to extend                                                                                          Antoine Questel (Starboard
            his  lead  at  the  top  of  the                                                                                    /  S2Maui)  remains  in  8th
            overall rankings.                                                                                                   with  Tristan  Algret  (Star-
            Women’s                                                                                                             board / Severne / Mystic /
            You  couldn’t  have  written                                                                                        Chopper Fins) and Mateus
            the  script  for  the  final  day                                                                                   Isaac (JP / NeilPryde) com-
            here in Denmark as the last                                                                                         pleting the top 10.
            women’s race of the week                                                                                            The  prize  giving  was  held
            took several dramatic twists   Offringa action
            and turns - meaning Sarah-   the  event  and  world  title,  Offringa  -  the  25-year-old  point,  which  keeps  him  in
            Quita Offringa (Starboard /  but she didn’t know about  earns  her  second  podium  second place in the overall
            NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)  what  was  unfolding  be-   of  the  season,  while  dis-  rankings with two events to
            and Delphine Cousin Ques-    hind  her…  Cousin  Questel  lodging Erdil from the top 3  go.
            tel  (Starboard  /  S2Maui)  raced  into  an  expected  for the first time in 2017.    Ross  Williams  (Tabou  /  GA
            endured an emotional roll-   lead  as  they  approached  Men’s                         Sails / Mystic / Shamal Sun-
            ercoaster.                   the first mark and it looked  With  the  wind  not  kicking  glasses) and Arnon Dagan
            Offringa was involved in the  as though she was going to  in  until  after  2pm  the  men  were embroiled in a battle
            opening  semifinal  and  ev-  snatch  the  event  title  and  already  eliminated  from  for  3rd  and  4th  place  on
            erything looked to be going  rain  on  Offringa’s  parade.  Elimination 7 were released  the  final  day.  The  Brit  held
            just  fine  with  the  reigning  However,  as  the  former  for  the  event  meaning  the  advantage  meaning
            world  champion  holding  2-time  world  champion  only  one  further  race  was  Dagan  would  need  to  fin-
            a  comfortable  lead  and  rounded the opening buoy  completed,  which  meant  ish in the top 2 and Williams
            looking as though she was  she dropped into the water  that  Antoine  Albeau  (RRD  finish 4th or worse. The two
            easily  going  to  qualify  for  and with the light winds she  /  NeilPryde)  had  already  entered  the  first  mark  in   Sarah Quita on top
            the winners’ final. However,  struggled to recover, which  wrapped  up  the  without  close proximity with Dagan
            it  soon  became  apparent  let  Marion  Mortefon  (Fa-   even  going  on  the  water  forcing Williams wide which  shortly  afterwards  and  the
            that  Offringa,  and  all  of  natic / NorthSails) to sneak  today after a run of 4 con-  saw the Israeli secure a solid  men’s slalom fleet will meet
            the  other  girls,  had  sailed  through  a  take  the  lead.  secutive bullets.       second place, but unfortu-   again in Sylt, Germany in a
            the  wrong  course  as  they  Meanwhile,  Cousin  Ques-   Matteo Iachino (Starboard  nately  for  Dagan,  Williams  couple  of  weeks  time  for
            crossed the finish line in the  tel went from 1st to 5th as  / Point-7 / Shamal Sunglass-  finished  3rd  meaning  he  their  penultimate  battle
            wrong direction, which led  she watched her world title
            to all 12 girls being disquali-  dreams  drift  away  for  an-
            fied from the heat.          other year.
            This  swung  the  door  wide  A Rare Mistake
            open  for  Delphine  Cous-   Offringa  returned  to  the
            in  Questel  (Starboard  /  beach and still didn’t know
            S2Maui), who had reduced  if  she  was  the  event  and
            Offringa’s lead to less than  world  champion.  In  her
            a  point  after  yesterday’s  head  she  still  doubted  the
            brilliant performance where  outcome of the result and
            she won both eliminations.   needed  to  be  reassured
            Cousin  Questel  would  still  that a rare mistake on her
            need to win the final race  behalf had not been pun-
            in  order  to  deny  Offringa  ished  -  before  being  over-
            the event and world title -  come with emotion - a mix
            while  forcing  the  title  race  of  relief  and  happiness  at
            into  the  season  finale  in  being  crowned  the  Wom-
            New  Caledonia,  but  the  en’s  PWA  Slalom  World
            26-year-old  couldn’t  have  Champion for the 4th time
            wished for a better oppor-   in  her  spectacular  career-
            tunity  to  deny  Offringa  as  which  is  her  14th  overall   Albeau and Sarah Quita celebrate
            only 5 women lined up for  world title.
            the winners’ final.          Marion Mortefon went on to  es) won the last elimination  earns his second podium of  of  the  season,  while  the
            For  Offringa,  the  tension  win the 7th Elimination and  of  the  event,  which  was  the year - with Dagan finish-  women will fight it out one
            was  unbearable  and  she  with Lena Erdil (Starboard /  his 4th victory of the week,  ing 4th.                     more time this year in New
            chose not to watch as she  Point-7 / AL360) missing out  but it wasn’t quite enough  Pierre  Mortefon  (Fanatic  /  Caledonia  at  the  end  of
            thought she had blown her  on the winners final - under  to  defeat  Albeau  as  he  NorthSails  /  Chopper  Fins)  November  -  together  with
            chances  of  wrapping  up  the same circumstances as  missed  out  by  just  0.3  of  a  and  Julien  Quentel  (Patrik  the men.q
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