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                                                                                                                           Friday 15 September 2017

             ‘Stimami Sterilisami’

             Foundation Increases Subsidy to Dog and Cat Foundations

            EAGLE  BEACH  -  Bucuti  &  mon  goal  to  reduce  the
            Tara  Beach  Resort’s  island  population and to encour-
            spay  and  neutering  pro-   age  responsible  pet  own-
            gram,  “Love  me,  sterilize  ership.  In  decreasing  the
            me,”  is  now  fully  subsidiz-  animal  population,  there
            ing  sterilization  surgeries  will be fewer dogs and cats
            arranged  by  registered  that  cannot  be  cared  for
            foundations that work with  and  therefore  die  of  star-
            homeless dogs and cats on  vation  and  disease  or  are
            the island.                  euthanized.
            The program has received  These foundations arrange
            additional  funds  via  gen-  medical  assistance,  find
            erous  donations  from  Aru-  homes for the abandoned
            ba  Tourism  Authority  and  animals,  or  manage  a
            Aruba    Tourism   Product  Catch, Neuter and Release
            Enhancement  Fund.    With  program.
            these  extra  funds  the  pro-  In  January  2016,Bucuti  &
            gram  has  gone  from  pay-  Tara  Beach  Resort  intro-
            ing  for  half  of  spay  and  duced the community out-
            neutering costs to 100 per-  reach  program  providing
            cent, until the end of 2017.  subsidies for the sterilization
            Aruba  has  struggled  with  surgeries.  In 2017 the pro-
            overpopulation  of  dogs  gram  transitioned  to  only
            and  cats.  Several  founda-  subsidizing the foundations
            tions on the island and their  helping  with  the  homeless
            hard-working     volunteers  animals.
            are  assisting  in  the  com-  At  this  point  4,500  island   dogs   and   cats   have   progress  in  reducing  the  foundations and get more
                                                                      been  sterilized  and  micro-  population  of  abandoned  cats and dogs sterilized in a
                                                                      chipped  in  the  program,   animals  and  encourag-      short period of time.
                                                                      locally   called   “Stimami   ing responsible pet owner-  Bucuti  &  Tara  is  a  long-
                                                                      Sterilisami”.                ship  on  Aruba,”  says  Tisa  standing supporter of com-
                                                                      “We  want  to  make  faster   LaSorte,  director  of  sales,  munity  initiatives  and  has
                                                                                                   marketing  and  administra-  long  had  a  pet  adoption
                                                                                                   tion at Bucuti & Tara Beach  program  to  help  visiting
                                                                                                   Resort. “With this significant  guests and employees with
                                                                                                   contribution  from  the  Aru-  the cost of adopting home-
                                                                                                   ba  Tourism  Authority  and  less  dogs.  The  sterilization
                                                                                                   Aruba  Tourism  Product  En-  program  was  added  as  a
                                                                                                   hancement  Fund,  we  can  true  long  term  solution  for
                                                                                                   increase our support to the  the island.q
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