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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Diahuebs 17 Juni 2021

                                                                        American Samoa culture plays role in US

                                                                                               citizenship ruling

                                                                      (AP) — In a decision cit-
                                                                      ing American Samoa cul-
                                                                      tural   traditions,   those
                                                                      born in the U.S. territory
                                                                      shouldn’t  have  citizen-
                 “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta                ship automatically forced
                                    di nada                           on them, a federal appeals
                Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi                 court ruled Tuesday.
                                    sosega.                           The 10th U.S. Circuit Court
                        E ta hibami na awa trankil,                   of  Appeals  ruling  reverses  a
                         Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                     lower  court  ruling  that  sid-
                                  Salmo: 23                           ed  with  three  people  from
                                                                      American Samoa who live in
                                                                      Utah  and  sued  to  be  recog-
                                                                      nized  as  citizens.  The  judge
                 Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di nos ser                ruled the Utah residents are
                                    stima:                            entitled to birthright citizen-
                                                                      ship under the 14th Amend-
                                                                      ment. He then put his ruling
                                                                      on hold pending appeal.

                                                                      U.S. Congress should play a
                                                                      bigger role than the courts in  tary chieftain titles.    want  it.  But  some  say  it’s
                                                                      deciding citizenship for those                            costly   and   cumbersome.
                                                                      in  territories,  the  appeals  “There is simply insufficient  Non-citizen  nationals  of
                                                                      court ruling said.           caselaw to conclude with cer-  American Samoa are entitled
                                                                                                   tainty  that  citizenship  will  to  work  and  travel  freely  in
                                                                      American Samoa is the only  have  no  effect  on  the  legal  the United States and receive
                                                                      unincorporated  territory  of  status of the fa’a Samoa,” or  certain advantages in the nat-
                                                                      the United States where the  the  American  Samoan  way  uralization process.
                                                                      inhabitants are not American  of life, the ruling said. “The
                         Luis Andres Hoek                             citizens at birth.           constitutional  issues  that  Neil  Weare,  one  of  the  at-
                                                                                                   would  arise  in  the  context  torneys
                     Mihor conoci como “Andresito”                    Instead,  those  born  in  the  of  America  Samoa’s  unique  plaintiffs,  said  they  are  dis-
                        *17-05-1950 - †15-06-2021                     cluster of islands some 2,600  culture  and  social  structure  appointed by the ruling, and
                                                                      miles   (4,184   kilometers)  would be unusual, if not en-  are reviewing next steps. Op-
                Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia                      southwest  of  Hawaii  are  tirely  novel,  and  therefore  tions include asking a wider
                                                                                                                                panel of appeals court judges
                                                                      granted  “U.S.  national”  sta-
                                  despues                             tus, meaning they can’t vote                              to hear the case or taking it to
                                                                      for U.S. president, run for of-  Drawing on the views of the  the U.S. Supreme Court.
                                                                      fice outside American Samoa  American  Samoa  people  is
                                                                      or apply for certain jobs. The  one of the more gratifying as-  Weare is president of Equally
                                                                      only federal election they can  pects of the ruling, said Mi-  American,  which  advocates
                                                                      cast a vote in is the race for  chael  Williams,  an  attorney  for  equality  and  civil  rights
                                                                      American Samoa’s nonvoting  representing  the  American  for people in U.S. territories.
                                                                      U.S. House seat.             Samoa  government,  which
                                                                                                   intervened  to  oppose  the  He  said  he  was  impressed
                                                                      The ruling notes that Ameri-  lawsuit.                    with  a  dissenting  judge’s
                                                                      can Samoa government lead-                                opinion.
                                                                      ers  and  others  opposed  the  “It is also vindication for the
                                                                      lawsuit because they are con-  principle  that  the  people  of  ”When   the   Fourteenth
                                                                      cerned automatic citizenship  American Samoa should de-   Amendment  was  ratified,
                                                                      could  disrupt  cultural  tra-  termine  their  own  status  in  courts,  dictionaries,  maps,
                                                                      ditions,  such  as  communal  accordance with Samoan cul-  and  censuses  uniformly  re-
                                                                      land  ownership  and  social  ture and traditions,” he said.  garded territories as land ‘in
                 “Achter elke traan van verdriet, schuilt een glimlach van   structures  organized  around                      the  United  States,’”  wrote
                                  herinneringen.”                     large,  extended  families  led  A  path  toward  U.S.  citizen-  Judge Robert E. Bacharach in
                                                                      by matai, those with heredi-  ship  exists  for  those  who  his dissent.
                 Op 10 juni 2021 is overleden onze Moeder, Grootmoeder
                                     en Zus                                                                                     Self-determination is a high-
                                                                                                                                ly valued principle in Ameri-
                           Glenda Dennert                                                                                       can  Samoa,  said  Line-Noue
                                                                                                                                Memea  Kruse,  adjunct  fac-
                                                                                                                                ulty in Pacific islands studies
                 Condoleance zal plaatsvinden op zaterdag 19 juni 2021                                                          at Brigham Young Universi-
                     van 9 uur tot 11:00 bij Aurora Funeral Home.                                                               ty-Hawaii and whose book is
                   André, Pamela                                                                                                cited in the ruling.
                                               Ingrid en Alexandra
                    en familie                 Maryse, Patrick en Kyra

                                                                                                                                “There are many foreign in-
                                                                                                                                terests  looming  over  these
                 In plaats van bloemen a.u.b. een donatie aan het Wilhelmina                                                    citizenship  cases,”  she  said.
                                   Kankerfonds.                                                                                 “This  is  not  the  end.  They
                           Gelieve geen rouwbeklag aan huis.                                                                    will  keep  pushing.  This  to
                                                                                                                                me is a form of inter-territo-
                                                                                                                                rial hegemony.”
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