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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diahuebs 17 Juni 2021

                       Man who drove at Minneapolis protesters charged with murder

            (AP) - A St. Paul man accused of  held  at  the  Hennepin  County  jail,  The  Minnesota  National  Guard
            speeding  up  and  driving  into  a  which  does  not  take  messages  for  tweeted that — at the request of the
            group of protesters in Minneapo-    people in custody.                  city — it was prepared to send about
            lis while he was drunk, killing one                                     100  soldiers  to  Minneapolis  in  the
            person,  was  charged  Wednesday  Protests  have  been  ongoing  in  Up-  event of unrest.
            with  intentional  second-degree  town since members of a U.S. Mar-
            murder.                             shals  Service  task  force  fatally  shot  Witnesses have said Kraus was driving
                                                Winston Boogie Smith Jr., a 32-year-  an SUV when he struck a parked car,
            Prosecutors  say  Nicholas  Kraus,  35,  old  Black  man  and  father  of  three,  sending it into the crowd of demon-
            was visibly intoxicated Sunday night  on June 3. Authorities said they were  strators. Police said protesters pulled
            when he sped up and tried to “jump”  trying  to  arrest  Smith  on  a  warrant  Kraus from his vehicle and witnesses
            a car that was being used as a barri-  for  being  a  felon  in  possession  of  a  reported  demonstrators  struck  him.
            cade  by  protesters  in  the  city’s  Up-  firearm when he displayed a handgun  Kraus was arrested and treated for in-
            town neighborhood. Deona Knajdek,  from inside a parked SUV. Authori-   juries at a hospital.
            31, was killed.                     ties  also  say  evidence  shows  Smith
                                                fired  his  gun  from  inside  the  SUV,  Kraus has five convictions for driving
            There’s nothing in the criminal com-  but  a  female  passenger  has  said  she  while impaired dating back to a 2007
            plaint to suggest Kraus’ actions were  never saw him with a gun.        incident,  according  to  online  court
            motivated by political views or anger                                   records.  At  one  point,  he  told  offi-
            at  protesters.  The  murder  count  al-  Minneapolis has been on edge since  cers that the SUV he was driving on
            leges Kraus intended to cause death,  the death of George Floyd, who died  Sunday was in another person’s name
            but  his  actions  were  not  premedi-  last year after an officer used his knee  because he had no license due to his
            tated.  He’s  also  charged  with  two  to  pin  Floyd’s  neck  to  the  ground,  drunken  driving  offenses,  the  com-  complete the test,” the affidavit said.
            counts of second-degree assault with  and  the  fatal  police  shooting  of  an-  plaint  says.  Court  records  show  his
            a dangerous weapon, for injuring two  other Black man, Daunte Wright, in  driver’s license was canceled in 2013.  Results  from  the  blood  tests  are
            other protesters.                   a nearby suburb.                                                        pending.
                                                                                    A  search  warrant  affidavit  seeking
            According to the criminal complaint,  On Tuesday, city crews began clear-  a  blood  sample  from  Kraus  says  he   Other injuries and deaths have been
            Kraus told officers he saw the car and  ing and reopening streets near the site  admitted  several  times  that  he  was   reported involving vehicles at protests
            believed he needed to get over it. He  of  Smith’s  shooting  and  Knajdek’s  the driver, without being asked, but   across  the  U.S.  as  people  have  in-
            said he saw people in the area, but “he  death,  but  after  police  left,  protest-  when  asked  specific  questions  he   creasingly taken to the streets to press
            accelerated in order to try and jump  ers moved back in and blocked traf-  gave illogical and irrelevant answers.   their  grievances.  In  Minneapolis,
            the barricade and acknowledged that  fic. Police say 30 people were arrested  Kraus told police his name was Jesus   marching onto freeways has become
            he  did  not  attempt  to  brake,”  the  Tuesday  night,  with  most  receiving  Christ and Tim Burton, that he had   a  common  tactic.  Last  year,  a  semi-
            complaint says. It also says he admit-  misdemeanor citations.          been a carpenter for 2,000 years, and   trailer rolled into a crowd marching
            ted that he thought he might have hit                                   that he wanted to get his children to   on a closed freeway. No one was seri-
            someone.                            The street was open to traffic Wednes-  the Super Bowl, the affidavit says.  ously injured.
                                                day afternoon. Though obstructions
            Kraus  will  make  his  first  court  ap-  to traffic were removed, a memorial  The  officer  tried  to  perform  a  field   Republican  politicians  in  several
            pearance Friday and it wasn’t imme-  featuring messages in chalk and flow-  sobriety test, but Kraus “was unable   states,  including  Oklahoma,  Florida
            diately clear if he had an attorney to  ers left by mourners remained intact.  to  follow  directions  and  would  not   and  Iowa,  have  sought  legal  immu-
            comment  on  his  behalf.  He’s  being                                  keep  his  eyes  open  long  enough  to   nity for drivers who hit protesters.

                             Senators would stop 'micropolitan' label for 144 US cities

            (AP)  -  Some  lawmakers  urban core to 100,000 peo-      Management  from  making  a metropolitan statistical area.  be  considered  a  ‘metropoli-
            are trying to stop 144 U.S.  ple.                         the change.                  Cities losing this status, with  tan statistical area’ would ad-
            cities  from  losing  their                                                            core  populations  of  50,000  versely affect communities in
            designations  as  “metro-    Sens. John Thune, a Repub-   Under  the  federal  govern-  to 99,000 people, would be-  nearly  every  state,  including
            politan  areas”  as  the  fed-  lican from South Dakota, and  ment’s  proposal,  a  metro  come “micropolitan” statisti-  South Dakota,” Thune said.
            eral  government  updates  Mark Kelly, a Democrat from  area  would  need  double  the  cal areas instead.
            its standards, doubling the  Arizona,  introduced  legisla-  50,000-person threshold that                           Federal  statisticians  recom-
            minimum number of resi-      tion  on  Tuesday  that  would  has been in place for the past  More than a third of the cur-  mending  the  change  say  it’s
            dents  required  in  a  city’s  stop the Office of Budget and  70 years in order to count as  rent  392  metro  areas  would  long overdue, given that the
                                                                                                   become micro areas, includ-  U.S.  population  has  more
                                                                                                   ing state capitals such as Bis-  than  doubled  since  the
                                                                                                   marck,  N.D.;  Carson  City,  50,000-person threshold was
                                                                                                   Nevada;  Cheyenne,  Wyo-     introduced  in  1950.  Back
                                                                                                   ming;  and  Santa  Fe,  New  then, about half of U.S. resi-
                                                                                                   Mexico; as well as the college  dents  lived  in  metros;  now,
                                                                                                   towns  of  Ames,  Iowa;  Au-  86% do.
                                                                                                   burn,  Alabama;  Charlottes-
                                                                                                   ville,  Va.;  Lawrence,  Kansas;  The  Office  of  Budget  and
                                                                                                   and  State  College,  Pennsyl-  Management   hasn’t   said
                                                                                                   vania.                       when it will make a final deci-
                                                                                                                                sion. If approved, it wouldn’t
                                                                                                                                take effect until 2023.
                                                                                                   The  lawmakers  said  the
                                                                                                   downgrade would cause real  An agency spokesman didn’t
                                                                                                   harm,  preventing  urban  ar-  return  an  email  or  a  phone
                                                                                                   eas  from  getting  designated  call  on  Wednesday.  The  of-
                                                                                                   federal  funding  and  making  fice  has  said  the  designation
                                                                                                   them  less  attractive  for  eco-  is  purely  for  statistical  pur-
                                                                                                   nomic development.           poses and not to be used for
                                                                                                                                funding formulas, though as
                                                                                                   “Increasing  the  population  a practical matter, that is how
                                                                                                   threshold  that  is  needed  to  it’s often used.
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