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A30     world news
                      Diahuebs 17 Juni 2021

                              Israeli airstrikes target Gaza sites, first since cease-fire

                                                                      at  the  holy  city  on  May  10.  Hamas called on Palestinians  the  balloons,  Hamas  is  also
                                                                      The  fighting  claimed  more  to “resist” the parade, which  angry  because  Israel  has
                                                                      than 250 Palestinian lives and  was meant to celebrate Isra-  tightened its blockade of the
                                                                      killed 13 people in Israel.  el’s capture of east Jerusalem  territory since the cease-fire.
                                                                                                   in 1967. Palestinians consider  The  restrictions  include  a
                                                                      An Egyptian security official  it a provocation.          ban  on  imports  of  fuel  for
                                                                      said his government has been                              Gaza’s  power  plant  and  raw
                                                                      in  “direct  and  around-the-  In  a  scathing  condemnation  materials.
                                                                      clock”  contacts  with  Israeli  on  Twitter,  Foreign  Minis-
                                                                      officials  and  the  Gaza  rulers  ter Yair Lapid, who heads the  Israel  imposed  the  blockade
                                                                      to keep the cease-fire and to  centrist Yesh Atid Party, said  after Hamas, a militant group
                                                                      urge  them  to  refrain  from  those shouting racist slogans  that  seeks  Israel’s  destruc-
                                                                      provocative acts.            were “a disgrace to the Israeli  tion,  seized  control  of  Gaza
                                                                                                   people.”                     from the internationally rec-
                                                                      The  official,  speaking  on                              ognized  Palestinian  Author-
                                                                      condition  of  anonymity  be-  Bennett, who will hand over  ity in 2007. Israel and Hamas
                                                                      cause  he  was  discussing  be-  the  prime  minister’s  job  to  have  fought  four  wars  and
            (AP)  —  Israeli  airstrikes  for meetings to plan attacks,  hind-the-scenes  diplomacy,  Lapid  after  two  years,  is  a  numerous  skirmishes  since
            hit  militant  sites  in  the  the army said. There were no  said  the  U.S.  administration  hard-line  Israeli  nationalist  then.  Israel  says  the  block-
            Gaza Strip early Wednes-     reports of injuries.         has  also  been  in  touch  with  who  has  promised  a  prag-  ade,  enforced  with  Egypt,  is
            day,  and  Palestinians  re-                              Israel as part of the efforts.  matic approach as he presides  needed  to  prevent  Hamas
            sponded  by  sending  a  se-  “The  Hamas  terror  orga-                               over a delicate, diverse coali-  from importing and develop-
            ries  of  fire-carrying  bal-  nization  is  responsible  for  The two sides seem to agree  tion government.        ing weapons.
            loons back across the bor-   all  events  transpiring  in  the  “not to escalate to the tipping
            der  for  a  second  straight  Gaza Strip, and will bear the  point,”  he  said.  “And  we  do  Though there were concerns  One  of  the  masked  activists
            day — further testing the  consequences for its actions,”  every effort to prevent this.”  the  march  would  raise  ten-  firing  the  balloons  said  they
            fragile cease-fire that end-  the army said. It added that it                          sions, canceling it would have  launched  hundreds  of  them
            ed  last  month’s  war  be-  was prepared for any scenar-  The flare-up also has created  opened  Bennett  and  other  Tuesday  and  will  continue
            tween Israel and Hamas.      io,  “including  a  resumption  a test for Israel’s new govern-  right-wing  members  of  the  sending them in response to
                                         of hostilities.”             ment, which took office early  coalition to intense criticism  what  he  described  as  Israeli
            The latest round of violence                              this week. The diverse coali-  from those who would view  provocations  in  east  Jerusa-
            was  prompted  by  a  parade  By  Wednesday  afternoon,  tion  includes  several  hard-  it as a capitulation to Hamas.  lem.
            of  Israeli  ultranationalists  masked  Palestinians  sent  a  line parties as well as dovish  Mansour   Abbas,   whose
            through contested east Jeru-  number  of  balloons,  laden  and  centrist  parties,  along  Raam  party  is  the  first  Arab  After  capturing  east  Jerusa-
            salem  on  Tuesday.  Palestin-  with fuses and flaming rags,  with  the  first  Arab  faction  faction to join an Israeli coali-  lem  in  1967,  Israel  annexed
            ians saw the march as a prov-  into Israel. Several fires were  ever  to  be  part  of  an  Israeli  tion, said the march was “an  the  area  in  a  move  not  rec-
            ocation  and  sent  balloons  reported.                   government.                  attempt to set the region on  ognized  by  most  of  the  in-
            into  southern  Israel,  caus-                                                         fire  for  political  aims,”  with  ternational  community.  It
            ing several blazes in parched  The unrest provided the first  Keeping the delicate coalition  the intention of undermining  considers  the  entire  city  its
            farmland. Israel then carried  test of the cease-fire at a time  intact will be a difficult task  the new government.  capital, while the Palestinians
            out the airstrikes — the first  when  Egyptian  mediators  for  the  new  prime  minister,                          want east Jerusalem to be the
            such raids since the May 21  have  been  working  to  reach  Naftali Bennett.          Abbas  said  the  police  and  capital  of  their  future  state.
            cease-fire  ended  11  days  of  a  longer-term  agreement.  It                        public   security   minister  The  competing  claims  over
            fighting  —  and  more  bal-  comes as tensions have risen  In  Tuesday’s  parade,  hun-  should  have  canceled  the  east Jerusalem, home to Jew-
            loons followed.              again  in  Jerusalem,  as  they  dreds  of  Israeli  ultranation-  event.              ish,  Christian  and  Muslim
                                         did  before  the  recent  war,  alists, some chanting “Death                           holy sites, lie at the heart of
            The airstrikes targeted facili-  leading Gaza’s Hamas rulers  to  Arabs,”  marched  in  east  While  the  parade  provided  the conflict and have sparked
            ties used by Hamas militants  to  fire  a  barrage  of  rockets  Jerusalem in a show of force.  the  immediate  impetus  for  many rounds of violence.

                          Junta troops burn Myanmar village in escalation of violence

            (AP)    —     Government  military rule, but the junta’s                               central government.          power-holding  majority,  is
            troops  in  Myanmar  have  attempt  to  repress  it  with  The village defense force gave                           predominant in the Magway
            burned  most  of  a  village  deadly  force  fueled  rather  residents advance warning of  The  incident  in  Kinma  at-  region  and  it  is  unusual  for
            in  the  country’s  central  than quelled resistance.     the troops’ arrival, when they  tracted  special  attention  be-  them to be targeted for such
            heartland,  a  resident  said                             found  nothing,  they  began  cause the Burman, or Barmar  severe measures.
            Wednesday,     confirming  A villager contacted by phone  setting the homes on fire, he  ethnic  group,  the  country’s
            reports  by  independent  said  only  10  of  237  houses  said.
            media  and  on  social  net-  were  left  standing.  The  vil-
            works.  The  action  ap-     lager,  who  asked  that  his  The villager said he believed
            peared  to  be  an  attempt  name  not  be  used  because  there  were  three  casualties,
            to   suppress    resistance  of fear of government repri-  a boy who was a goat-herder
            against the ruling military  sals, said most residents had  who  was  shot  in  the  thigh,
            junta.                       already  fled  when  soldiers  and  an  elderly  couple  who
                                         firing  guns  entered  the  vil-  were  unable  to  flee.  He  be-
            The  attack  is  the  latest  ex-  lage  shortly  before  noon  on  lieved  the  couple  had  died
            ample  of  how  violence  has  Tuesday.                   but several media reports said
            become endemic in much of                                 they were missing.
            Myanmar  in  recent  months  He said he believed the troops
            as the junta tries to subdue an  were searching for members  The village defense forces are
            incipient  nationwide  insur-  of a village defense force that  committed  to  forming  a  fu-
            rection. After the army seized  had been established to pro-  ture opposition federal army,
            power  in  February,  over-  tect against the junta’s troops  and  some  have  allied  them-
            throwing the elected govern-  and  police.  Most  such  local  selves  with  ethnic  minority
            ment of Aung San Suu Kyi, a  forces are very lightly armed  groups  in  border  areas  that
            nonviolent civil disobedience  with  homemade  hunting  have  been  fighting  for  de-
            movement arose to challenge  rifles.                      cades for autonomy from the
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