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A28    u.s. news
                       Diahuebs 12 Mei 2022

                          US inflation hit 8.3% last month but slows from 40-year high

                                                                      mist at asset manager AB.    to $5.89 in Las Vegas, where
                                                                                                   she lives.                   On  Tuesday,  Biden  sought
                                                                      Some  individual  categories                              to take the initiative and de-
                                                                      of  goods  have  skyrocketed  To  save  money,  Blackmon,  clared  inflation  “the  No.  1
                                                                      over  the  past  year.  Grocery  68,  also  hasn’t  visited  her  problem  facing  families  to-
                                                                      prices, for example, have shot  hairdresser  in  18  months.  day”  and  “my  top  domestic
                                                                      up  10.8%,  the  largest  year-  And  she’s  reconsidering  her  priority.”
                                                                      over-year  jump  since  1980.  plan to drive this summer to
                                                                      The cost of a gallon of gas fell  visit relatives in Arkansas.  Biden  blamed  chronic  sup-
                                                                      6.1%  in  April  but  is  still  up                       ply  chain  snarls  related  to
                                                                      nearly 44% from a year ago.  She  was  shocked  recently,  the swift economic rebound
                                                                                                   she said, to see a half-gallon  from the pandemic, as well as
                                                                      And so far in May, prices at  of organic milk reach $6.   Russia’s invasion of Ukraine,
                                                                      the  gas  pump  have  reached                             for  igniting  inflation.  He
                                                                      new  highs.  Nationally,  the  “Holy  cow!”  she  thought.  said  his  administration  will
                                                                      average for a gallon of gas is  “How  do  parents  give  their  help  ease  price  increases  by
            (AP)  —  Inflation  slowed  Still,  Wednesday’s  report  at  a  record  $4.40,  according  kids milk?”              shrinking  the  government’s
            in   April    after   seven  contained  some  cautionary  to  AAA,  though  that  figure                            budget deficit and by foster-
            months of relentless gains,  signs  that  inflation  may  be  isn’t  adjusted  for  inflation.  Blackmon  has  cut  back  on  ing  competition  in  indus-
            a tentative sign that price  becoming  more  entrenched.  The  high  price  of  oil  is  the  meat,  and  “a  steak  is  almost  tries,  like  meatpacking,  that
            increases may be peaking  Excluding  the  volatile  food  main reason. A barrel of U.S.  out of the question.” Instead,  are  dominated  by  a  few  in-
            while  still  imposing  a  fi-  and  energy  categories,  so-  benchmark  crude  sold  for  she is eating more salads and  dustry giants.
            nancial  strain  on  Ameri-  called  core  prices  jumped  around $100 a barrel Tuesday.  canned soups.
            can households.              0.6% from March to April —  Gas had fallen to about $4.10                              Still,  new  disruptions  over-
                                         twice the 0.3% rise from Feb-  a gallon in April, after reach-  Beyond  the  financial  strain  seas  or  other  unforeseen
            Consumer  prices  jumped  ruary  to  March.  Those  in-   ing $4.32 in March.          for  households,  inflation  problems  could  always  send
            8.3%  last  month  from  12  creases were fueled by spik-                              is  posing  a  serious  politi-  U.S. inflation back up to new
            months  earlier,  the  Labor  ing  prices  for  airline  tickets,  The  escalation  of  consumer  cal  problem  for  President  highs. If the European Union
            Department  said  Wednes-    hotel  rooms  and  new  cars.  inflation  has  forced  many  Joe Biden and congressional  decides,  for  example,  to  cut
            day.  That  was  below  the  Apartment  rental  costs  also  Americans,  particularly  peo-  Democrats  in  the  midterm  off  Russian  oil,  gas  prices
            8.5% year-over-year surge in  continued to rise steadily.  ple  with  lower  or  fixed  in-  election season, with Repub-  in  the  United  States  would
            March, which was the high-                                comes, to reduce their spend-  licans  arguing  that  Biden’s  likely  accelerate.  China’s  se-
            est since 1981. On a month-  The  sharp  price  gains  from  ing on things like driving and  $1.9 trillion financial support  vere  COVID  lockdowns  are
            to-month  basis,  prices  rose  March  to  April  “make  clear  grocery  shopping.  Among  package last March overheat-  worsening  supply  problems
            0.3%  from  March  to  April,  that there is still a long way to  them is Patty Blackmon, who  ed the economy by flooding  and  hurting  growth  in  the
            the smallest increase in eight  go before inflation returns to  said  she’s  been  driving  to  it  with  stimulus  checks,  en-  world’s second-biggest econ-
            months.                      more acceptable levels,” said  fewer of her grandchildren’s  hanced  unemployment  aid  omy.
                                         Eric  Winograd,  U.S.  econo-  sports events since gas spiked  and child tax credit payments.

                         Private property owners sue over Virginia’s hunting dog law

            (AP) — Soon after Jim Me-    official responded. “You can’t  enter private land to retrieve a  Legal  Foundation,  a  con-  appropriating  “a  right  of  ac-
            deiros bought his 143-acre  stop them.”                   hunting dog without permis-  servative  legal  organization  cess to private property” and
            (58-hectare)  cattle  and                                 sion of the owner, but cannot  that  won  a  major  property  “constitutes  a  per  se  physi-
            poultry farm in rural Vir-   After years of putting up with  have a firearm when doing so  rights  case  at  the  U.S.  Su-  cal taking” under the court’s
            ginia a decade ago, he and  baying dogs and dead chick-   and  must  immediately  leave  preme  Court  last  year.  The  precedents.
            his  wife  were  startled  by  ens,  Medeiros  and  several  after recovering the dog.  high court found that a Cali-
            the  sounds  of  20  hunting  other property owners are su-                            fornia  regulation  requiring  Daniel  Woislaw,  a  lawyer
            dogs barking and howling  ing the state over its “right to  The  Virginia  property  own-  agricultural businesses to al-  with the Pacific Legal Foun-
            as they circled their house  retrieve” law, arguing that al-  ers are suing the Department  low  union  organizers  onto  dation,  said  he  believes  Vir-
            and chased their chickens.   lowing hunters to go on their  of Wildlife Resources, which  their property for up to three  ginia’s “right to retrieve” law
                                         property without permission  enforces  the  law.  They  are  hours a day, 120 days per year,  amounts to a similar physical
            When Medeiros confronted a  amounts  to  an  uncompen-    represented  by  the  Pacific  amounts  to  the  government  taking of private property.
            hunter nearby, the man told  sated taking of their land and
            him  he  had  permission  to  violates the state and federal
            hunt on Medeiros’ property.  constitutions.
            In disbelief, Medeiros called
            the  agency  that  enforces  a  A  number  of  states  allow
            state law allowing hunters to  hunters to retrieve their dogs
            retrieve  their  hunting  dogs  without  permission  from
            from  private  property,  even  property  owners  under  cer-
            when  the  property  owners  tain  circumstances,  such  as
            object.                      properties  that  do  not  have
                                         “no  trespassing”  signs.  But
            “He told me, you can’t pro-  Virginia’s law says hunters are
            hibit  people  from  coming  allowed to retrieve dogs even
            onto  your  land,”  recalled  when the property owner has
            Medeiros.                    specifically denied access.

            He then pointed out that his  A  2016  report  prepared  by
            land was posted with no tres-  the  Virginia  Department  of
            passing signs.               Game  and  Inland  Fisher-
                                         ies,  (now  the  Department
            “I  said,  ‘You  don’t  under-  of  Wildlife  Resources),  said
            stand.  My  land  is  posted,’”  only one other state, Minne-
            Medeiros said.               sota, had a similar law. Min-
            “You  don’t  understand,”  the  nesota’s law says a person can
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