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Diahuebs 12 Mei 2022
Bob Lanier, NBA force who left big shoes to fill, dies at 73
Bob’s family and friends.” final years of his career, with
Silver saying that he played “a
Lanier could beat opponents key role in the negotiation of
from the inside and the out- a game-changing collective
side while ruling the boards. bargaining agreement.”
Although Abdul-Jabbar had a
more famous hook shot, the Lanier was Detroit’s career
sky hook, Lanier’s was very leader in points and rebounds
much a weapon. before he was passed by Isiah
Thomas and Bill Laimbeer in
“Guys didn’t change teams those categories, and his sin-
as much, so when you were gle-game franchise record of
facing the Bulls or the Bucks 33 rebounds was topped by
or New York, you had all Dennis Rodman.
these rivalries,” Lanier told in 2018. “Lanier In 1995, Lanier was an as-
against Jabbar! Jabbar against sistant coach for the Golden
Willis Reed! And then (Wilt) State Warriors, then took
Chamberlain, and Artis over as coach on an interim
Gilmore, and Bill Walton! basis after Don Nelson re-
You had all these great big signed. Lanier went 12-25,
men and the game was played and the Warriors found an-
from inside out.” other coach after the season.
As exceptional as Lanier was, Lanier won the NBA’s J.
(AP) - Bob Lanier, the ahead of him, with a display He remains the Pistons’ fran- the Pistons won only one Walter Kennedy Citizen-
left-handed big man who of his bronzed sneakers in the chise leader in scoring aver- playoff series with him. He ship Award for the 1977-78
muscled up beside the shrine. age at 22.7 points per game, played 64 games or fewer in season for outstanding com-
likes of Kareem Abdul- beloved in Detroit for both each of his last four full sea- munity service. Following his
Jabbar as one of the NBA’s He was known for wear- his fierceness and friendli- sons with Detroit. In Febru- playing career, he helped start
top players of the 1970s, ing size 22 shoes, although ness. ary 1980, he was traded to the NBA’s Stay in School
died Tuesday. He was 73. that was disputed in 1989 by Milwaukee. campaign and participated in
a Converse representative, “As fierce and as dominant as other outreach for the league.
The NBA said Lanier died who told The Atlanta Con- Bob was on the court, he was Lanier averaged fewer min- “There’s so much need out
after a short illness. The Hall stitution that Lanier wore equally kind and impactful in utes with the Bucks, but he here,” Lanier said. “When
of Famer had worked for the size 18 1/2. the community,” the Pistons was part of Milwaukee teams you’re traveling around to
league as a global ambassador. said. “As an ambassador for that reached the Eastern different cities and different
The Athletic reported in 2019 “The 22 he was reputed to both the Pistons organization Conference finals in 1983 countries, you see there are
that Lanier was being treated wear was a Korean size,” shoe and the NBA, he represent- and 1984, the final two sea- so many people in dire straits
for bladder cancer. rep Gary Stoken said. ed our league, our franchise sons of his career. that the NBA can only do so
and our fans with great pas- much. We make a vast, vast
Lanier played 14 seasons with Not contested was the abun- sion and integrity. We extend He also served as president of difference, but there’s always
the Detroit Pistons and Mil- dantly clear fact that his feet our heartfelt condolences to the players’ union during the so much more to do.”
waukee Bucks and averaged were big.
20.1 points and 10.1 rebounds
for his career. He is third on “A lot of people can put both
the Pistons’ career list in both feet into one of my shoes,”
points and rebounds. Detroit Lanier told HOOP maga-
drafted Lanier with the No. 1 zine.
overall pick in 1970 after he
led St. Bonaventure to the Fi- Born Sept. 10, 1948, in Buffa-
nal Four. lo, New York, Lanier starred
in college at St. Bonaven-
NBA Commissioner Adam ture, where he averaged 27.6
Silver said Lanier was among points and 15.7 rebounds in
the most talented centers in three seasons. The Bonnies
league history, and added that made it all the way to the Fi-
his accomplishments went nal Four in 1970, but Lanier
far beyond what he did on had injured his knee in the
the court. regional final, and St. Bo-
naventure lost in the national
“For more than 30 years, Bob semifinals to Jacksonville.
served as our global ambassa-
dor and as a special assistant Lanier overcame a litany of
to David Stern and then me, orthopedic injuries, dealing
traveling the world to teach with shoulder, back, elbow,
the game’s values and make hand and toe problems dur-
a positive impact on young ing his career. But that didn’t
people everywhere,” Silver prevent him from earning his
said in a statement. “It was place among the top NBA
a labor of love for Bob, who centers of his era. After being
was one of the kindest and named to the all-rookie team
most genuine people I have in 1971, he averaged at least
ever been around.” 21 points and 11 rebounds
for each of the next seven
Lanier went into the Nai- seasons. Lanier was an eight-
smith Memorial Basketball time All-Star and the MVP of
Hall of Fame in 1992. But the 1974 All-Star Game.
his boat-size shoes got there