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A30    world news
                       Diahuebs 12 Mei 2022

                          Marcos Jr. declares victory, faces calls to ensure democracy

                                                                      ing in poverty were a winner  committed  to  good  neigh-  The 64-year-old former pro-
                                                                      too.”                        borliness and friendship, fo-  vincial  governor,  congress-
                                                                                                   cus on post-COVID growth,  man  and  senator  has  kept
                                                                      The  United  States,  a  long-  expand win-win cooperation  mum  on  key  political,  eco-
                                                                      time  treaty  ally  of  the  Phil-  and bring more tangible ben-  nomic and foreign policy is-
                                                                      ippines, was among the first  efits to both peoples.”     sues, including how he would
                                                                      foreign  governments  to  is-                             address  calls  for  the  pros-
                                                                      sue  a  comment  following  Marcos Jr. has said he wants  ecution of President Duterte,
                                                                      the  elections.  It  expressed  to  pursue  closer  ties  with  who  oversaw  a  bloody  anti-
                                                                      willingness to work with the  China, as did outgoing Presi-  drugs campaign that alarmed
                                                                      next  Filipino  president  af-  dent  Rodrigo  Duterte,  who  the international community
                                                                      ter  an  official  proclamation  at  the  end  ended  up  relying  and sparked an investigation
                                                                      but  stressed  the  relationship  on the U.S. military alliance  by the International Criminal
                                                                      should  be  grounded  on  re-  despite  initial  misgivings  as  Court.
                                                                      spect  for  human  rights  and  Beijing  showed  no  willing-
                                                                      the rule of law.             ness  to  compromise  on  its  U.S.-based  Human  Rights
            (AP)  —  Ferdinand  Mar-     dent  and  vice  president  will                          vast  territorial  claims  in  the  Watch asked Marcos Jr. to take
            cos  Jr.,  the  namesake  son  take  office  on  June  30  after  “We look forward to renew-  South China Sea on the Phil-  immediate action to improve
            of  an  ousted  Philippine  the results are confirmed by  ing  our  special  partnership  ippines’ doorstep.        human  rights  conditions  in
            dictator,  declared  victory  Congress. With a single, six-  and to working with the next                           the country once he takes of-
            Wednesday  in  this  week’s  year term, they are poised to  administration on key human  The  election  outcome  was  fice, including by helping the
            presidential  election  and  lead a Southeast Asian nation  rights  and  regional  priori-  an  astonishing  reversal  of  ICC prosecute Duterte, free-
            faced early calls to ensure  in dire need of economic re-  ties,” U.S. State Department  the  army-backed  but  largely  ing  his  long-detained  critic,
            respect for human rights,  covery  following  two  years  spokesman Ned Price said.    peaceful “People Power” up-  Sen.  Leila  de  Lima,  and  or-
            the  rule  of  law  and  de-  of COVID-19 outbreaks and                                rising  that  ousted  Marcos’s  dering the military and police
            mocracy.                     lockdowns.  They’ll  also  in-  He  cited  Washington’s  long  father in 1986 — a democrat-  to stop targeting activists and
                                         herit huge expectations for a  alliance  with  Manila  “that  ic triumph in an Asian region  rights defenders.
            Marcos  Jr.  garnered  more  way out of crushing poverty,  shares democratic values and  considered  a  human  rights
            than  31  million  votes  in  an  gaping  inequalities,  ending  interests,” and added that the  hotspot  where  authoritarian  More   hardline   left-wing
            unofficial  vote  count  from  Muslim  and  communist  in-  U.S. government would con-  regimes flourish.           groups  and  survivors  of  the
            Monday’s  polls  in  what’s  surgencies  and  political  di-  tinue “to promote respect for                         Marcos  dictatorship  rejected
            projected  to  be  one  of  the  visions,  which  were  only  human rights and the rule of  Marcos Jr. has steadfastly de-  Marcos Jr. and Sara Duterte
            strongest  mandates  for  a  inflamed  by  the  turbulent  law which is fundamental to  fended his father’s legacy and  outright,  accusing  them  of
            Philippine  president  in  de-  presidencies of their fathers.  U.S. relations with the Phil-  refused  to  apologize  for  the  whitewashing  their  fathers’
            cades.  His  vice-presidential                            ippines and in other bilateral  massive  human  rights  viola-  legacies on the campaign trail
            running  mate,  Sara  Duterte,  Marcos  Jr.’s  key  rivals  have  contexts.”           tions and plunder under his  and  in  social  media  propa-
            appeared to have also won by  conceded  defeat,  including                             rule.  He  visited  his  father’s  ganda.
            a landslide.                 former  boxing  star  Manny  Price  sidestepped  the  ques-  grave at the national heroes’
                                         Pacquiao.  Marcos’  closest  tion if the U.S. has any con-  cemetery  on  Tuesday,  laying  “Our  generation  has  shown
            Marcos  Jr.’s  electoral  tri-  challenger,  Vice  President  cern  with  the  apparent  vic-  flowers and, at one point, ap-  that  even  the  most  ruthless
            umph is a victory for democ-  Leni Robredo, a human rights  tory  of  Marcos  Jr.  He  said  pearing overcome with emo-  tyrant  can  be  defeated  by
            racy and he promised to seek  lawyer who ran on a promise  the elections and subsequent  tions.                     the  people’s  collective  ac-
            common  ground  across  the  of badly needed reforms, has  vote count followed interna-                             tion,”  said  SELDA,  a  group
            political  divide,  his  spokes-  only acknowledged his mas-  tional standards without any  He  and  Sarah  Duterte,  the  of  ex-political  detainees  and
            man, Vic Rodriguez, said.    sive lead.                   major incident.              daughter of Rodrigo Duterte,  human  rights  victims  in  the
                                                                                                   campaigned on a platform of  martial-law era under the late
            “To the world: Judge me not  “As a boxer and an athlete, I  China   congratulated   the  national  unity  without  say-  dictator.  “Now  is  the  time
            by  my  ancestors,  but  by  my  know how to accept defeat,”  “leading candidates” and the  ing how they would heal the  to  harness  that  power  again
            actions,”  Rodriguez  quoted  Pacquiao said in a video mes-  Philippines  for  the  smooth  wounds  that  have  festered  -  the  power  to  change  the
            Marcos Jr. as saying.        sage. “But I hope that even if  conduct of the elections. Bei-  since their fathers’ presiden-  course  of  history  and  reject
                                         I lost in this fight, my fellow  jing  said  it  will  continue  to  cies.             this  nefarious  pair  of  tradi-
            The separately elected presi-  Filipinos  who  are  wallow-  work  with  Manila  “to  stay                          tional politicians.”

                           Al Jazeera reporter killed during Israeli raid in West Bank

            (AP) — Veteran Al Jazeera journalist Shireen  her death “an affront to media freedom.”          been formed to investigate.
            Abu Akleh was shot and killed while covering                                                    Israel released a video of Palestinian gunmen firing
            an Israeli military raid in the occupied West  She was fatally shot in the head early Wednesday  in an alley of the Jenin camp, later saying the video
            Bank  town  of  Jenin  early  Wednesday.  The  on the outskirts of the Jenin refugee camp in the  was meant to bolster its contention that Palestin-
            broadcaster and a reporter who was wounded  northern  West  Bank.  Her  producer,  Palestinian  ians were firing in the area.
            in the incident blamed Israeli forces.          journalist Ali Samoudi, was hospitalized in stable
                                                            condition after being shot in the back.         However, the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem
            The Israel army initially raised the possibility that                                           released  its  own  video  casting  doubt  on  those
            Abu Akleh might have killed by stray Palestinian  Al Jazeera accused Israel of “deliberately targeting  claims.
            fire, saying militants were also present in the area,  and  killing  our  colleague.”  Palestinian  journalists
            However, army chief Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi later  who  were  with  Abu  Akleh  at  the  time  said  they
            stepped  back  from  that  assertion,  saying  that  “at  made their presence known to Israeli soldiers, and
            this stage, we cannot determine by whose fire she  that they did not see militants in the area.
            was harmed and we regret her death.”
                                                            The Israeli military said its forces came under at-
            Abu Akleh, 51, was a respected and familiar face  tack with heavy gunfire and explosives while oper-
            in the Middle East, known for her coverage of the  ating in Jenin, and that they fired back. The mili-
            harsh realities of Israel’s military occupation for the  tary said it was investigating “and looking into the
            past three decades. Her death reverberated across  possibility that the journalists were hit by the Pal-
            the region and set alight social media. She reported  estinian gunmen.”
            for Al Jazeera’s Arabic language channel and was
            also  a  U.S.  citizen.  The  State  Department  called  Kochavi,  the  army  chief,  said  a  special  team  had
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