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                                                                                                       sports Diahuebs 12 Mei 2022

                          Chelsea tops UEFA prize money list with $126M last season

            (AP)     —     Champions  of 16 and then helped in the  The  lowest  payment  to  a
            League  winner  Chelsea  failed attempt to launch a Su-   Champions League club was
            earned  nearly  120  mil-    per  League,  which  was  de-  18.45  million  euros  ($19.5
            lion euros ($126.5 million)  signed  to  be  more  lucrative  million) to Hungarian cham-
            from  UEFA  last  season,  for top clubs.                 pion Ferencváros, which lost
            topping  the  prize  money                                five  of  its  six  group-stage
            list  for  European  clubs  Barcelona and Juventus were  games.
            published Wednesday.         key  leaders  of  the  project
                                         which saw 12 elite clubs try  Ferencváros received just 1.1
            That was just ahead of beat-  to  break  away  from  UEFA  million euros ($1.16 million)
            en  finalist  Manchester  City,  control  to  create  their  own  from  UEFA’s  585-million
            which received just over 119  competition.                euro ($618 million) fund re-
            million  euros  ($125.6  mil-                             warding  clubs  for  their  his-
            lion)  from  a  total  fund  of  The UEFA list shows Barce-  torical  record  in  European
            nearly  1.9  billion  euros  ($2  lona earned less than 85 mil-  competitions.  In  contrast,
            billion)  shared  by  the  32  lion euros ($90 million) and  13-time European champion
            Champions  League  clubs.  Juventus got less than 83 mil-  Real  Madrid  was  paid  35.5  was 541 million euros ($571  from both competitions.
            That total has risen to more  lion euros ($88 million).   million euros ($37.5 million)  million) — about 28% of the
            than 2 billion euros ($2.1 bil-                           from that fund.              Champions League sum.        From the Champions League
            lion) for the current and next  Barcelona, Juventus and Ma-                                                         fund,  8  million  euros  ($8.4
            two seasons.                 drid are still pursuing a legal  Those “coefficient” payments  Europa  League  winner  Vil-  million) was paid to the ECA,
                                         case against UEFA at the Eu-  began in 2018 after pressure  larreal got 33.1 million euros  which  represents  nearly  250
            Semifinalists  Real  Madrid  ropean  Court  of  Justice  in  on UEFA from the European  ($35 million) and the team it  clubs  who  play  in  UEFA
            and Paris Saint-Germain each  Luxembourg.                 Club Association, which was  beat  in the semifinals, Arse-  competitions.
            got almost 110 million euros                              then  strongly  influenced  by  nal, earned just under 30 mil-
            ($116 million), the only oth-  The nine other Super League  the  clubs  who  later  tried  to  lion euros ($31.6 million).  Each  club  had  about  5%  of
            er clubs to earn a nine-figure  members,  including  Chel-  create the Super League.                                its  prize  money  deducted
            sum from UEFA.               sea  and  Man  City,  quickly                             Manchester  United,  which  as  part  of  a  five-year  agree-
                                         renounced  the  project  amid  The  wealth  gap  between  lost  the  Europa  League  fi-  ment with UEFA to pay re-
            Chelsea’s total was at least 35  fierce  public  backlash,  lead-  the  Champions  League  and  nal  after  placing  third  in  its  funds to UEFA broadcasters
            million  euros  ($37  million)  ing  to  its  collapse  within  48  second-tier  Europa  League  Champions  League  group,  and  sponsors  for  disruption
            more than Barcelona and Ju-  hours.                       was again clear. The Europa  received  a  total  of  79.6  mil-  in the pandemic-hit 2019-20
            ventus, who lost in the round                             League’s prize fund for clubs  lion  euros  ($83.6  million)  season.

                        Ex-kicker sues Jags, cites Urban Meyer for hostile workplace

            (AP)  —  Former  NFL  million in salary and dam-          The  Tampa  Bay  Times  first  sequent release violated Flor-  Meyer, speaking prior to his
            placekicker  Josh  Lambo  ages for emotional distress  reported  details  of  the  law-  ida’s  Private  Sector  Whistle  firing,  denied  the  incident
            has filed a lawsuit against  caused  by  former  head  suit, which was filed Tuesday  Blower’s  Act,  the  lawsuit  happened the way Lambo de-
            the  Jacksonville  Jaguars,  coach Urban Meyer.           in  the  4th  Judicial  Circuit  says.                    scribed it.
            seeking  more  than  $3.5                                 Court in Duval County and
                                                                      claims Meyer and the Jaguars  Lambo,  the  fourth-most  ac-  “Josh’s  characterization  of
                                                                      created  a  hostile  work  envi-  curate kicker in NFL history,  me and this incident is com-
                                                                      ronment.  According  to  the  missed  a  field-goal  attempt  pletely  inaccurate,  and  there
                                                                      lawsuit, Lambo says his per-  in each of Jacksonville’s first  are eyewitnesses to refute his
                                                                      formance suffered as a result  two  preseason  games.  In  a  account,” Meyer said. “(Gen-
                                                                      of being kicked and verbally  practice  before  the  final  ex-  eral manager) Trent (Baalke)
                                                                      abused by Meyer.             hibition  game  at  Dallas  in  and I met with him on mul-
                                                                                                   August,  Lambo  says  he  was  tiple  occasions  to  encourage
                                                                      Lambo is seeking a jury trial  stretching  when  Meyer  ap-  his performance, and this was
                                                                      and  hopes  to  be  awarded  a  proached him, kicked him in  never brought up. I was fully
                                                                      judgement for back pay owed  the leg and said, “Hey (exple-  supportive of Josh during his
                                                                      from  his  2021  salary  ($3.5  tive),  make  your  (expletive)  time with the team and wish
                                                                      million) with interest as well  kicks!”                   him nothing but the best.”
                                                                      as  “compensation  for  any
                                                                      special  damages  sustained  as  Lambo says he told Meyer to  The lawsuit claims the inci-
                                                                      emotional  stress  and  repu-  never  strike  him  again,  but  dent affected Lambo’s ability
                                                                      tational  harm  and  litigation  Meyer responded with, “I’m  to sleep, practice and perform
                                                                      fees,” among other costs.    the head ball coach. I’ll kick  his job the way he had during
                                                                                                   you whenever the (expletive)  his seven NFL seasons.
                                                                      The  Jaguars  fired  Meyer  I want.”
                                                                      on  Dec.  15,  hours  after  the                          “Mr.  Meyer’s  hostility  had
                                                                      Tampa  Bay  Times  reported  The lawsuit says Lambo ver-  the  intended  effect  on  Mr.
                                                                      Meyer  had  kicked  Lambo  bally  reported  the  incident  Lambo,  resulting  in  Mr.
                                                                      during  a  practice  months  immediately  through  his  Lambo  uncharacteristically
                                                                      earlier. Meyer was fired with  agent, who contacted the Jag-  missing  difficult  and  long
                                                                      cause, although the team in-  uars’ legal counsel the day af-  kicks  from  the  ranges  of  55
                                                                      sists Lambo’s accusation had  ter Meyer kicked Lambo.     yards, 52 yards and 58 yards,”
                                                                      nothing  to  do  with  owner                              according to the lawsuit.
                                                                      Shad Khan’s decision to end  An employer physically strik-
                                                                      one of the most tumultuous  ing  an  employee  at  work,  Lambo  was  released  by  the
                                                                      coaching tenures in NFL his-  then  threatening  to  do  so  Jaguars on Oct. 19, two days
                                                                      tory.                        again  in  response  to  resis-  after Matt Wright made two
                                                                                                   tance is illegal under Florida  50-plus-yard  field  goals  to
                                                                      Since  Lambo  reported  the  civil  and  criminal  law,  the  beat  Miami  in  London  and
                                                                      kicking  incident  to  the  Jag-  lawsuit claims.         end  the  franchise’s  20-game
                                                                      uars’  legal  counsel,  his  sub-                         losing streak.
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