Page 51 - MIN ECEM
P. 51

                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 19 July 2017

            Due to TSA’s revised security measures effective July 19, 2017:
            All Passengers Traveling to the

            US Have to be at the Airport 3 Hours

            Prior Scheduled Departure Time

            ORANJESTAD - Recently, US    sary arrangements to make  to  the  US  might  still  expe-  encourages  all  US  bound  the US that have concerns
            TSA has ordered all carriers   the transition to these new  rience  some  processing  passengers  to  make  sure  about  transport  of  their
            flying into the US, to imple-  requirements  as  smooth  delays  due  to  the  new  re-  to check in 3 hours prior to  PED’s  should  consult  their
            ment    Revised    Security   and  seamless  as  possible  quirements.  To  counteract  scheduled departure time.   respective Airline for further
            measures for all passengers   for the traveler, passengers  any  possible  delays,  AAA  Passengers  travelling  to  details.q
            travelling  from  all  destina-
            tions  to  the  US.  Aruba  Air-
            port  Authority  N.V.  (AAA),
            operator of Aeropuerto In-
            ternacional  Reina  Beatrix,
            has  been  working  with  all
            Airline  partners  and  other
            stakeholders in this process
            and have made necessary
            arrangements  to  comply
            with  above  new  require-
            ments.      Effective  July  19,
            2017  a  new  Prohibited
            Items  /Exemption  List  will
            be implemented and trav-
            elers from Aruba to the US
            will be subject to addition-
            al  screening  of  Personal
            Electronic Devices (PED’s).
            Although AAA and the Air-
            lines have made all neces-
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