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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 19 July 2017

            Nobel winner Malala in Nigeria speaks out against Boko Haram

                                                                                                   displaced  camps  in  and  Goodluck Jonathan to en-
                                                                                                   around  the  city  of  Mai-  sure the rescue of the more
                                                                                                   duguri,  where  thousands  than 200 abducted Chibok
                                                                                                   have  sheltered  from  Boko  schoolgirls.
                                                                                                   Haram’s  violence.  The  ex-  On   Monday,    Yousafzai
                                                                                                   tremist  group  continues  to  met  with  more  than  100
                                                                                                   carry  out  deadly  attacks  who  have  since  been  res-
                                                                                                   there,  often  using  young  cued  and  now  stay  in  the
                                                                                                   female suicide bombers.      capital, Abuja, for what the
                                                                                                   “They have lived in the peri-  government  calls  rehabili-
                                                                                                   od of extremism,” Yousafzai  tation.
                                                                                                   said  of  the  young  women  While  she  told  the  AP  she
                                                                                                   around  her.  Many  have  shared  their  joy  at  being
                                                                                                   seen family members killed.  freed, she said she was not
                                                                                                   Yousafzai was 15 when she  happy that the girls haven’t
                                                                                                   shot in the head by Taliban  been  allowed  to  reunite
                                                                                                   militants  in  2012,  targeted  fully with their families.
                                                                                                   due  to  her  advocacy  for  She said she hopes they will
                                                                                                   women’s education.           “live with their family, live a
                                                                                                   The  Nobel  winner  said  her  normal life.”
                                                                                                   Nigeria  visit  was  significant  Many others remain in Boko
                                                                                                   because  it  was  the  par-  Haram  captivity,  “and  the
                                                                                                   tial  fulfillment  of  what  she  government  must  unite
             Nigerian activist Amina Yusuf, left, Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai, centre and Nigeria’s Acting   advocated  the  last  time  so  that  they  should  make
             President Yemi Osinbajo pose for a photo during a visit at the Presidential villa, in Abuja, Nigeria,   she was there. In 2014, she  sure that these girls are re-
             Monday, July. 17, 2017.                                                               pressed     then-President  leased,” Yousafzai said.q
                                                                       (AP Photo/ Azeez Akunleyan)
            By HARUNA UMAR               deadly insurgency.           trip,  visiting  many  parts  of
            Associated Press             The  20-year-old  Pakistani  the  world,”  said  Yousafzai,
            MAIDUGURI,  Nigeria  (AP)  activist told The Associated  who  also  met  with  the
            —  Nobel  Peace  laure-      Press  she  was  excited  by  freed  Chibok  schoolgirls
            ate  Malala  Yousafzai  was  the  courage  of  the  young  taken in a mass abduction
            greeted  with  cheers  Tues-  women  who  are  undaunt-   by Boko Haram more than
            day  by  dozens  of  young  ed as they pursue an edu-     three years ago. “I am here
            women  in  northeastern  Ni-  cation  amid  one  of  the  now because of the Nige-
            geria, where she spoke out  world’s worst humanitarian  rian  girls.  Fighting  for  them
            for  the  many  girls  abduct-  crises.                   and speaking up for them.”
            ed  under  Boko  Haram’s  “This is part of my girl power  Yousafzai  visited  internally

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