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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 19 July 2017
               Italy considers emergency visas to ease migrant strain

                                                                      allies,” he told Sky.        in  recent  waves  would  be  weekend. He will join some
                                                                      Gentiloni  has  already  had  immediately  eligible  under  40  mayors  from  the  area
                                                                      to abandon one proposed  the five-year legal residen-     around  Messina,  which  is
                                                                      legislative measure to tack-  cy requirement.             expecting  thousands  of
                                                                      le the migrant crisis. Amid a  Meanwhile,       mayors  new  arrivals,  in  a  meeting
                                                                      political  backlash,  he  has  throughout  Italy,  particu-  with the local prefect later
                                                                      withdrawn from the Senate  larly  in  the  south,  are  re-  this week.
                                                                      consideration of a new citi-  volting  against  the  gov-  All of this has pushed Genti-
                                                                      zenship law for migrant chil-  ernment’s   attempts   to  loni’s hand.
                                                                      dren until after the summer  relocate  migrants  to  their  Italy’s  neighbors  are  wor-
                                                                      break.  Opponents  of  the  midst. In one Sicilian town,  ried  that  the  proposed  vi-
            A demonstrator carries wire representing border razor wire fenc-  law,  which  has  passed  in  Castel’Umberto,  the  may-  sas  could  allow  migrants
            es, as he marches with others during a protest in support of mi-  the lower house, have lev-  or  joined  a  protest  that  to  continue  their  jour-
            grant people seeking to enter Europe, in Madrid, Saturday, July   eraged on the crisis — even  temporarily   blocked   50  ney  to  other  European
            15, 2017.                                                 though no migrants arriving  migrants  from  a  hotel  this  countries.q
                                            (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)
            By COLLEEN BARRY
            Associated Press
            MILAN (AP) — With Italians
            showing increasing discon-
            tent  over  unabated  mi-
            grant  arrivals  and  Europe-
            an partners not responding
            to pleas to ease Italy’s bur-
            den,  the  country’s  lead-
            ers  are  considering  what
            many  have  dubbed  the
            nuclear  option:  approv-
            ing  emergency  visas  for
            migrants  that  could  allow
            them  unrestricted  travel
            in  Europe.Premier  Paolo
            Gentiloni  is  under  growing
            domestic pressure over the
            migrant  crisis,  with  more
            than 85,000 migrants have
            arrived  in  Italy  in  the  first
            half of this year, a 20 per-
            cent  increase  over  last
            year.  Asylum  requests  are
            up by 25 percent.
            The  emergency  visa  pro-
            posal was not on the agen-
            da  when  foreign  ministers
            met in Brussels on Monday
            — but it was a hot topic on
            the sidelines. Italian Foreign
            Minister  Angelino  Alfano
            denied media reports that
            200,000  visas  could  be  is-
            sued  under  the  plan.  But
            other  Italian  officials  have
            acknowledged the plan is
            being considered, if only to
            gain  negotiating  leverage
            at the EU table.
            “It  is  not  a  threat.  It  is  an
            instrument  of  persuasion,”
            Italian  Senator  Luigi  Man-
            coni  of  the  Democratic
            Party told private Sky TG24
            this  weekend.  He  con-
            firmed  that  the  idea  was
            being  studied  by  Interior
            Minister Marco Minniti.
            A  deputy  in  the  foreign
            ministry,  Mario  Giro,  ac-
            knowledged      that   Italy
            lacks leverage in Brussels.
            “At the moment we don’t
            have a strong negotiating
            power, but we need to find
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