Page 44 - MIN ECEM
P. 44
Wednesday 19 July 2017
Separatists proclaim a new state to replace all of Ukraine
By NATALIYA VASILYEVA Zakharchenko said they
Associated Press are drawing up a constitu-
MOSCOW (AP) — Sepa- tion that would be put up
ratists in eastern Ukraine to a popular vote.
on Tuesday proclaimed “We believe that the Ukrai-
a new state that aspires nian state as it was cannot
to include not only the ar- be restored,” Zakharchen-
eas they control but also ko said in remarks carried
the rest of the country. But by the Tass news agency.
Russia, their chief backer, “We, representatives of
sought to play down the the regions of the former
announcement, saying it Ukraine, excluding Crimea,
was merely part of public proclaim the creation of a
discussion. new state which is a suc-
The surprise announce- cessor to Ukraine.”
ment in the rebel strong- Although separatists in the
hold of Donetsk casts fur- east have some sympa-
ther doubt on the 2015 thizers in other Ukrainian
cease-fire deal that was regions, they have not at-
supposed to stop fighting tempted to capture territo-
in Ukraine’s industrial heart- ries there, nor do they have
land and bring those areas any political representa-
back into Kiev’s fold while tion there.
granting them wide auton- France, Germany, Ukraine
omy. Some rebels said they In this Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014 photo, rebel leader Alexander Zakharchenko stands during a swear- and Russia worked out an
have no intention of joining ing in ceremony in Donetsk, Ukraine. Separatists in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday, July 18, 2017 pro- agreement in the Belaru-
the new state. claimed a new state that aspires to include not only the areas they control but also the rest of the sian capital, Minsk, in 2015
More than 10,000 people country. Zakharchenko said in comments broadcast on Russian television that rebels in Donetsk which laid out a roadmap
have died in fighting since and Luhansk as well as representatives of other Ukrainian regions would form a state called Mal- for ending the conflict be-
Russia-backed rebels took orossiya. tween government troops
control of parts of Ukraine’s (AP Photo/Mstyslav Chernov) and separatists. Under the
Donetsk and Luhansk re- deal, the rebels would re-
gions in April 2014 after the area or publicizing its cast on Russian television Most of the areas which are turn control of the territo-
Russia annexed Ukraine’s military support for the reb- that rebels in Donetsk and currently part of Ukraine ries they had captured to
Crimean peninsula. The els. Luhansk as well as repre- were referred to as Malor- Kiev while Kiev would allow
rebels originally sought to Donetsk separatist leader sentatives of other Ukrai- ossiya, or Little Russia, when a local election there and
join Russia but the Kremlin Alexander Zakharchenko nian regions would form a they were part of the Rus- grant wide autonomy to
stopped short of annexing said in comments broad- state called Malorossiya. sian Empire. the region.q
UK’s Theresa May struggles to halt government infighting
LONDON (AP) — British tried to discipline her frac- ter last month’s election leadership. vative lawmakers that top-
Prime Minister Theresa May tious Cabinet Tuesday af- setback undermined her Recent days have seen a pling her could lead to an
string of disparaging media election that would end in
stories about various mem- a victory for Labour Party
bers of the government, as leader Jeremy Corbyn.
ministers hoping to replace Home Secretary Amber
May jostle for position. They Rudd defended May, say-
have included alleged ing she had not lost her
leaks of Cabinet discus- authority and saying law-
sions, which are supposed makers would settle down
to remain private. after Parliament’s summer
“There is a need to show break.
strength and unity as a “I’m hopeful that after a
country, and that starts holiday ... we can all calm
around the Cabinet table,” down and get on with
May said. the job in hand,” she told
May called a snap election broadcaster ITV.
in the hope of increasing But former Deputy Prime
her majority in Parliament Minister Michael Heseltine,
and strengthening her a prominent pro-EU Con-
hand in exit talks with the servative, said the situation
European Union. Instead, would worsen because
voters wiped out the Con- the government remains
servative majority and left deeply divided over Brexit.
May weakened at a time “It is going to get worse,”
when her party — and the Heseltine told Sky News.
country — is divided on the “There is an irreconcilable
best way to negotiate Brit- division within the Cabinet,
British Prime Minister Theresa May leaves 10 Downing Street in London, to attend Prime Minister’s ain’s exit from the EU. within the party and within
Questions at the Houses of Parliament, Wednesday, June 28, 2017.
(AP Photo/Matt Dunham) May has warned Conser- the country.”q