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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 19 July 2017


            Dealer charged with killing 4 claimed other slayings

                                                                      do’s statements. The Bucks  burying  them  more  than
                                                                      County district attorney de-  12 feet deep, investigators
                                                                      clined to comment beyond  said.  Authorities  found  the
                                                                      court  papers  released  last  body  of  the  fourth  man,
                                                                      week, which don’t mention  19-year-old Loyola Universi-
                                                                      the Philadelphia claims.     ty of Maryland student Jimi
                                                                      DiNardo  told  authorities  Taro Patrick, in a separate
                                                                      that he lured the four men  grave  on  a  remote  part
                                                                      to his family’s 90-acre farm  of  the  farm  after  DiNardo
                                                                      under the guise of marijua-  told  police  where  he  bur-
                                                                      na  transactions  before  kill-  ied  him.  In  exchange  for
                                                                      ing them there, according  that  information,  prosecu-
                                                                      to  the  court  papers.  One  tors agreed not to seek the
                                                                      man  was  last  seen  July  5,  death penalty.
                                                                      and  the  other  three  van-  DiNardo’s 20-year-old cous-
             A law enforcement official escorts Cosmo DiNardo, right, to a   ished  two  days  later.The  in Sean Kratz is charged in
             vehicle  in  Doylestown,  Pa.  DiNardo,  who  confessed  to  killing   bodies of three of the men  three of the killings.
             four men on his family’s farm in Bucks County, has also claimed   were placed in an oil tank  DiNardo and Kratz are be-
             to have killed two people in neighboring Philadelphia.   that  was  converted  into  a  ing held in jail without bail.
                                               (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)  cooker that DiNardo called  They are set to appear be-
            By ERRIN HAINES WHACK        directly in order to have a   the  “pig  roaster,”  accord-  fore  a  judge  for  a  prelimi-
            Associated Press             starting  point,”  Ross  said.   ing  to  court  papers.  He  nary hearing in the case on
            PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A pot  “Dealing with it third hand    doused them with gasoline  Sept. 7, Bucks County pros-
            dealer  who  confessed  to  is virtually impossible.”     and lit them on fire before  ecutors said.q
            killing four men on his fam-  DiNardo  was  charged  last
            ily’s  farm  in  Bucks  County  week in Bucks County with
            also claimed to have killed  four  counts  of  first-degree
            two people in neighboring  murder in the case of four
            Philadelphia, but the city’s  missing men whose remains
            police commissioner called  were found on his parents’
            the information “sketchy.”   farm  in  Solebury,  30  miles
            City detectives are looking  (48 kilometers) north of Phil-
            through their files to check  adelphia. He also claimed
            on  the  claims  made  by  that  he  killed  a  man  and
            20-year-old  Cosmo  DiNar-   a  woman  in  Philadelphia
            do, but they have not had  years ago but did not know
            a chance to question him,  their names, Ross said.
            police  Commissioner  Rich-  Philadelphia  police  said
            ard Ross said Tuesday.       Bucks  County  authorities
            “We  have  to  talk  to  him  are still investigating DiNar-

             Powerful opioids suspected in

             10-year-old Miami boy’s death

            By JENNIFER KAY              had fentanyl in his system,
            CURT ANDERSON                authorities said.
            Associated Press             “We don’t believe he got it
            MIAMI  (AP)  —  A  10-year-  at  his  home,” Miami-Dade
            old boy from a drug-ridden  State  Attorney  Katherine
            Miami  neighborhood  ap-     Fernandez  Rundle  said.
            parently died of a fentanyl  “It  could  be  as  simple  as
            overdose  last  month,  be-  touching  it.  It  could  have
            coming one of Florida’s lit-  been a towel at the pool.”
            tlest  victims  of  the  opioid  She added: “We just don’t
            crisis,  authorities  said  Tues-  know.”
            day. But how he came into  The case has underscored
            contact  with  the  powerful  how frighteningly prevalent
            painkiller is a mystery.     fentanyl  has  become  —
            Fifth-grader  Alton  Banks  and how potent it is.
            died June 23 after a visit to  Exposure   to   just   tiny
            the pool in the city’s Over-  amounts can be devastat-
            town section.                ing.
            He  began  vomiting  at  “There  is  an  epidemic,”
            home,  was  found  uncon-    Gomez said.
            scious  that  evening  and  “Overtown  seems  to  have
            was  pronounced  dead  the highest percentage of
            at  a  hospital.  Preliminary  where  these  incidents  are
            toxicology tests showed he  occurring.”q
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