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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 19 July 2017

            Cities aiming to reclaim once-polluted rivers for swimming

                                                                      ment for the project itself.  city’s Yarra River at Austra-  project  calls  for  cleaning
                                                                      NEW YORK                     lia’s Venice Biennale Exhibi-  up a canal off the German
                                                                      Four local artists and archi-  tion last year.            capital’s  Spree  River  for
                                                                      tects launched the idea for  Michael  O’Neill,  the  ef-  public bathing.
                                                                      +Pool  ,  a  floating,  filtered  fort’s  co-founder,  said  the  Barbara   Schindler,   a
                                                                      pool in the shape of a plus  company  will  be  reaching  spokeswoman  for  the  ef-
                                                                      sign  in  2010.  Since  then,  out  to  community  groups  fort, said the idea has been
                                                                      they’ve  successfully  tested  and government agencies  around  since  the  1990s,
                                                                      a  filtration  system  that  re-  starting  next  month  to  get  but  has  reached  notable
                                                                      moves  bacteria  without  their feedback on what the  milestones  in  recent  years.
                                                                      using chemicals, said Kara  Yarra  Pools  project  should  She  said  the  organization
                                                                      Meyer,  deputy  director  for  offer  and  to  promote  its  completed a water quality
                                                                      the nonprofit effort.        broader vision for use of the  study  in  2015  and  has  re-
                                                                      MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA         river.                       ceived  $4.6  million  in  gov-
                                                                      The  nonprofit  Yarra  Swim                               ernment  funding  to  hope-
            People  dive  into  the  Charles  River  during  the  “City  Splash”   Co.  unveiled  its  concept  BERLIN          fully  turn  the  concept  into
            event, Tuesday, July 18, 2017, in Boston. For the fifth year in a
            row, intrepid swimmers get a rare chance to beat the summer   for  a  floating  pool  on  the  The long-gestating Flussbad  reality.q
            heat with a dip in the once notoriously filthy Charles River, where
            conservationists are working to build a permanent swim park.
                                            (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

            By PHILIP MARCELO            safely  jump  into  the  river
            Associated Press             without  touching  the  haz-
            BOSTON (AP) — They dove  ardous  bottom.  The  water
            in,  splashed  around  and  quality  would  be  regularly
            blissfully  floated  in  the  tested.
            murky river water.           Nearly  300  people  signed
            Intrepid  swimmers  got  a  up to take the plunge.
            once-a-year  chance  to  PORTLAND, OREGON
            beat the summer heat with  The  city  partnered  with  a
            a  dip  in  the  once-notori-  local civic group to entice
            ous  dirty  water  of  Boston’s  residents  to  take  a  dip  in
            Charles River on Tuesday.    the  Willamette  River  this
            The  annual  “City  Splash”  summer.
            is one of the few days the  Among  them  was  last
            state  permits  public  swim-  weekend’s  Big  Float  in-
            ming  on  the  city’s  stretch  ner tube river parade that
            of  the  80-mile  river,  which  drew about 2,500 revelers.
            gained  notoriety  in  the  LONDON
            Standells’  1960s  hit  “Dirty  A  group  of  architects,  de-
            Water.”                      signers and engineers have
            The  event,  now  in  its  fifth  proposed a series of pools
            year,  spotlights  the  non-  in the middle of the iconic
            profit Charles River Conser-  River  Thames,  where  river
            vancy’s  efforts  to  build  a  water would be constantly
            permanent  feature  on  the  filtered.
            river  that  would  allow  visi-  The  group  launched  an
            tors to enjoy the water with-  online crowd-funding cam-
            out coming in contact with  paign last year that raised
            any leftover contaminants.   about  $182,000  to  refine
            They  call  it  a  “swim  park,”  their  design  but  are  work-
            which would include float-   ing  to  secure  almost  $19.6
            ing  docks  for  swimmers  to  million  in  outside  invest-
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